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* The sixth episode of ''[[Bleach]]'' was set in an abandoned hospital. Having [[Fake Ultimate Hero|Don Kaonji]] involved pretty much removed all the scary, however.
* ''[[Full Metal Panic!]]? Fumoffu'' had an episode set in an abandoned hospital -- considering the non-effect it had on Sousuke (who kept scanning the corners for snipers and suspecting mines in telephones while ignoring the ghosts and blood-curdling shrieks), however, the scene was mostly played for laughs.
* ''[[Ghost Hound]]'' features an abandoned hospital that was where Tarou and Mizuka were found when they were kidnapped. It is also the place Hideo and the others investigated in their youth and later became cursed from. It scores extra points for having been submerged under water since the area was dammed decades before.
* Most of ''[[Doubt]]'' takes place in an abandoned psychiatric hospital.
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* ''[[The X Files: I Want to Believe]]'' has several motifs of this trope (rust, dirt, old things, dirtied plastic dividers).
* The main characters in ''[[Accepted]]'' turn one of these into a college when they are rejected from the schools they applied to and decide to start their own.
* Though barely recognizable as such, the Abandoned Smallpox Hospital on [[Big Applesauce|New York City's]] Roosevelt Island has appeared several times in movies. It was the site of [[Spider-Man (film)|Spider-Man]] and Green Goblin's final showdown in [[The Movie]], and "Snow Storm", a [[Scrappy Level|particularly difficult level]] from ''[[Grand Theft Auto IV]]''.
* ''[[Diary of the Dead]]''. The protagonists take a fatally-wounded friend to a hospital, only to find it deserted. It's only then that it really begins to sink in that the wild stories they're hearing on the radio are true.
* ''Alien vs Predator 2's'' climax takes place in an abandoned hospital. Abandoned except a bunch of xenomorphs.
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** This is particularly noticeable in Rob Zombie's remake of ''[[Halloween (film)|Halloween]] II'', where protagonist Laurie searches the hospital for a nurse or doctor to help her, only to find the corridors, rooms and nurses' desk completely empty. She finally finds someone... ''outside'' the hospital.
*** Justified, as it was {{spoiler|[[All Just a Dream]] (and Michael is shown to have mutilated most of the staff in the director's cut)}}.
* The Finnish movie ''Dark Floors''. A wheelchair-bound autistic girl is being treated at a hospital, gets her father and some other people trapped in a parallel-universe abandoned hospital somehow, then defeats some kind of demon. It's not wholly clear what was going on, but it looked cool.
** Well, since the movie is essentially a long advertisment for the monster-metal band [[Lordi]], and the monsters of the film are the members of the band...
* In the 2008 film ''[[Deadgirl]]'' the two main characters find the title character in an abandoned insane asylum they visit while skipping school.
* ''Death Tunnel'', which was based on the [[Real Life]] example of [[wikipedia:Waverly Hills Sanatorium|Waverly Hills Sanatorium]]. A group of young women must escape a haunted hospital.
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* ''The Blackstone Chronicles'', a series of short horror stories by John Saul, revolve around an abandoned insane asylum whose patients and former staff end up connected to a series of murders. It was later made into a computer game.
* ''[[Hannibal]]''. FBI agent Clarice Starling returns to the mental institution, now closed down, where Hannibal Lecter was imprisoned to dig up some old files. Most chilling of all is the fact that one of the inmates (who'd cut off his mother's head) is now living there as a homeless outpatient, though nothing happens between them.
* In the novella ''Magic City'', Nelson S. Bond's Meg the Priestess enters one of these, the Place of Stlukes, well known to the locals as a temple of HIM (Death).
* Ravenhill in ''[[Psychoville]]''.
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** ''[[Resident Evil]]: Outbreak'' included a level in another part of the same hospital filled with leeches.
*** ''[[Resident Evil]]: Outbreak 2'' includes another level set in a different abandoned hospital, this time overrun by evil plants and plant-zombies.
* ''[[Silent Hill]]'' features not one, but two of these hospitals, with Alchemilla Hospital in the first game and Brookhaven in the second and third. They're notable for being the rare locations that are just as scary in the 'real world' as in the dark Otherworld. The fourth game involves a bizarre abstraction of a hospital seen through the lens of a terrified child.
** The prequel ''Origins'' takes this a step further and makes a massive abandoned mental asylum into the second level. If the rotting motif or floating harnesses didn't creep you out, then the pill puzzle did. And if it wasn't the pill puzzle, it was the final boss...
** [[Silent Hill 3]] technically has both hospitals in it. You spend quite a bit of {{spoiler|[[Shaggy Dog Story]] wasted}} time in Brookhaven, looking for Leonard Wolf, and his talisman. When you get to the church at the end of the game, things take a turn for the surreal and hellish, with parts of it being transformed into Alchemilla hospital, due to {{spoiler|Heather's memories as Alessa returning}}.
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** A mild subversion in that it's a very modern, fully-equipped, well-designed and well-lit hospital. And any possible creepiness is removed by the sight of an infected in a surgical gown that leaves his greying arse on display. Or possibly amplified.
*** It's additionally subverted by the fact that the hospital is actually far from deserted...it's not occupied by anyone who is well or sane, but aside from that it's just packed with people.
* ''[[Dead Space (video game)|Dead Space]]'' has you visit the Ishimura's Medical Deck twice.
* ''[[The Suffering]]'' features one of these levels as part of its nearly exhaustive tour of [[Horror Tropes]].
* ''[[Bio Shock 1]]'' has the Medical Pavilion, which isn't ''[[Mad Doctor|quite]]'' [[Deadly Doctor|abandoned]].
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* ''[[Fallout 3]]'' has one called Our Lady of Hope Hospital located in Downtown DC. The place is swarming with Super Mutants, Centaurs and skeletons.
** Plenty of other hospitals, both permanent and temporary, abandoned and manned, can be found across the wastelands. Many hold records/offer glimpses of the horrors of the period just before and immediately after the war.
* The 2009 ''[[Wolfenstein (2009 video game)|Wolfenstein]]'' features a mission set in a hospital that, while not ''quite'' abandoned, fits the look quite well. See, it's been commandeered by the Nazis, and by the time you get there, the place has been totally ransacked, and most of the patients and staff have been either abducted to serve as test subjects for their sick medical experiments or eviscerated by the invisible, [[Axe Crazy]] assassins that prowl the hallways.
* The first Map Pack of ''[[Call of Duty]]: World at War'' contains a Nazi Zombies map called Zombie Verruckt, which takes place in the abandoned Wittenau Sanatorium.
* One of the locations in ''[[Zork]]: Nemesis'' is an abandoned insane asylum, which manages to place rusty brown and creepy right next to clinical white and creepy. Being a Zork game, it has its moments of hilarity, but with ''Nemesis'' being the [[Darker and Edgier]] installment of the series, it also has plenty of nightmare-inducing qualities as well.
* Episode two of ''[[Juon]]: The Grudge Haunted House Simulator'' literally uses the trope name, although it would be more aptly called a deserted hospital. Still, some scares courtesy of [[Stringy -Haired Ghost Girl|Kayako]] and [[Creepy Child|Toshio]] are on-hand.
* ''[[The House of the Dead (series)|House of the Dead]]: OVERKILL'''s second chapter is set in a mutant-infested hospital. It actually manages to be a little creepy, considering the boss of the level is [[X Meets Y|a cross between]] [[First Encounter Assault Recon|Alma Wade]] and [[Left 4 Dead|the Witch]] who shows up repeatedly across the level.
** Did we mention the chapter is titled '''Ballistic Trauma'''?
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* The ''[[Half-Life 2]]'' mod ''Korsakovia'' starts in a hospital of insane nightmare architecture.
* ''[[Batman: Arkham Asylum]]'' has an abandoned hospital ward, which happens to be home to your first encounter with Scarecrow. It's easily the scariest building on the island.
* ''[http://www.oldgames.sk/en/game/legacy-the-realm-of-terror/ Legacy : The Realm of Terror]'' features an insane asylum on the 3rd floor. Unfortunately, while abandoned by any semblance of normal people (if insane people can really be called normal), it is now happily inhabited by zombies and other mutant freaks.
* SAW, the video game based on the horror film series of the same name, takes place entirely within Whitehurst Asylum, an abandoned insane asylum.
* The [[Hidden Object Game]] "Nightfall Mysteries: Asylum Conspiracy" is set at, you guessed it, an abandoned insane asylum. Well, ''mostly'' abandoned.
** Sometimes it seems like 1/4 of all Hidden Object Games are set in abandoned hospitals/asylums.
* ''The Godfather'' has an abandoned hospital...because of bribery. The only people left inside are Don Coreleone, a wounded mafia soldier and your love interest. And the window in the next room has just shattered...
* ''[[Dead Nation]]'' has Marrow Hospital as a level. You only get to see a brief glimpse inside of the hospital (as in, one room in a comic book style cutscene), but it is definitely abandoned (well, except for the zombies), and the parking lots/roof are definitely swarming in crazed barely-human monsters consumed by bloodlust and bioweapons that came as a result of government genetic experiments.
* In ''[[Mass Effect 2]]'', Mordin's loyalty mission takes place in an abandoned krogan hospital. Complete with a [[Mad Scientist]] who is [[Playing with Syringes]] in order to {{spoiler|try and cure the genophage}}.
* Chapter 2 of ''[[Meat Boy|Super Meat Boy]]'' takes place in one.
* The PC game ''Sacra Terra: Angelic Night'' takes place in a massive complex that is part hospital, part cathedral, part mansion. The player character was a patient at the hospital, the specialty of which seems to have been extracting the [[Seven Deadly Sins]] from patients, but he has no memory of being admitted and he's the only living thing left in the compound. {{spoiler|There are plenty of evil spirits, though...}}
* ''[[Sanitarium]]'' begins in a creepy asylum where some of the inmates are banging their head on the wall.
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== Web Original ==
* All three islands used in the three ''[[Survival of the Fittest]]'' seasons have had an abandoned clinic, usually small buildings. The location name on the forum is usually some variation of "[[Abandoned Hospital]]".
* An [[Abandoned Hospital]] is the focus of this flash game/photo essay: ''[http://hospital.apoka.com/hospital.html Stay awhile... stay forever.]''.
* ''[[Ruby Quest]]'' is set in one of these.
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** Urban legend. When the plague hit Venice in the 1500's, a different island was used as a hospital. Poveglia spent maybe three decades as a quarantine island, and was most lately the home of a retirement community for about sixty years. There never was a mental hospital.
* Many large hospitals in London have abandoned or little-used sections. This Troper has worked in a couple, and let's just say you don't want to make a wrong turn late at night.
* The Hugh Gallen State Office Park in Concord, New Hampshire, is comprised of a variety of re-purposed old buildings that were originally collectively known as the New Hampshire Asylum until being renamed to the less threatening "New Hampshire Hospital." Some buildings on the campus - the Acute Psychiatric Services building (APS, 1989), the Anna Philbrook Center (1960), and a few others -- continue to provide care and housing to New Hampshire's mentally ill adults and children, and halfway housing for rehabilitated patients transitioning back into society. The other buildings on the site -- which date from 1842 to 1941 -- have been converted into office space for state government workers. The oldest building in the complex, called the "Main Building," was erected in 1842 as a medical facility specifically designed for the housing and treatment of the insane, and was the 17th such hospital established in the United States.
** Rumors have long persisted among locals that there are walled up portions of the Main Building's basement that contain the remains of tuberculosis patients who died during a time when TB ran rampant. "People say" that excavating these walled up rooms could end up infecting the workers in the building with tuberculosis, which could then spread to the greater population. This is a completely unfounded and illogical rumor, but if you've ever been in the Main Building's basement (as this Troper has), you would be hard-pressed not to wonder what's in the walls.
** Many of the older buildings in the state office park have been renovated but still retain a lot of their original structure, both internally and externally. Some sections of these buildings, particularly the Main Building, have not been renovated at all due to the cost of asbestos removal and other improvements that would need to be made to make those areas safe and usable. This has left portions of the interior of these buildings in a state of eerie desertion and decay. One unrenovated wing of the Main Building has been dubbed the "Stephen King Wing" by state employees who have had the opportunity to check it out (and yes, it really is that creepy).
* Thanks to the Community Care Act (1990) in the UK, there are still a number of old abandoned mental hospitals, in various states of decay. [[Genre Savvy|Unsurprisingly]] developers have been less than keen to move in.
* One which is far creepier in reality than any fictional Hospital is in the island of Guernsey, and yes it is ''in'' as in built underground. Constructed by [[Those Wacky Nazis]] in [[WW 2]] during the island's occupation it was used as hospital, mortuary, ''ammunition store'', and * [[Ghostapo|research centre]]* on Slavic Labourers. See a video of it [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Acd-IuMRL8 here].
* An abandoned hospital figures in the [[wikipedia:Goiânia accident|Goiânia accident]], one of the worst nuclear radiation leaks in history.
* Ironically, Danvers and many of these other places were originally supposed to be actual ''asylums''; places of humane treatment according to the Kirkbride plan. The problems occurred with overcrowding due to warehousing. Not just the mentally ill, but drug addicts, immigrants with nowhere to go, the unemployed, the "friendless", homeless people. Danvers was supposed to only have about 600 clients; it ended up with well over two thousand.
* The [[wikipedia:Glenn Dale Hospital|Glenn Dale Hospital]] in Maryland was not a place that people visited to get better. As a sanitarium for tuberculosis, anyone who wound up here could only hope to die in the most dignified way possible. And yes, there is a children's compound. Features of note include the incinerator, refridgerated morgues, the flooded underground hallways, and the elevator shaft that "breathed". The sad thing is that it really was a beautiful place in its prime, and probably could be again if any restoration were put into it. Budget shortfalls and copious amounts of lead paint make this unlikely, however.
* Due to a combination of budget cuts and a report about the absolutely deplorable conditions by Geraldo Rivera, The Willowbrook State School was closed in 1987 and the patients were turned out on their own. Shortly after this it was discovered that several people were living in the tunnels under the facility. It was speculated that the residents might be former patients. Short after that, the body of a recently missing girl was found in a shallow grave on the property...
* A hospital in Khovrino district of Moscow was abandoned after five years of construction in 1985 and has never been finished. It is commonly called [[Resident Evil|"Umbrella"]] by urban explorers because of its shape that closely resembles a Biohazard symbol when seen from above.
* The hospital portion of Ellis Island in New York was this until the entire site was revitalized into the tourist center it is today. Those who spearheaded the renovation spoke of finding various abandoned equipment and the like. Another abandoned hospital on the grounds of the island, and other quarantine wards, are fenced off from the main tourist sections and are off limit to the public.
* Greystone Park Psychiatric Hospital, New Jersey's state mental hospital since 1876, has persistently been overcrowded and required new construction. Older buildings have not all been demolished, giving the entire campus something of a creepy atmosphere-especially considering some of the abuse scandals that took place in those buildings...
* Charity Hospital in New Orleans was somewhat rundown before Hurricane Katrina. Afterwards...
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