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* ''[[Family Guy]]'' horribly subverted this trope with Stewie: {{spoiler|in the season 9 premiere, he killed a character for first time in years and revealed that he still wanted to kill Lois. [[And the Fandom Rejoiced|Fans cheered upon seeing this]], thinking that the old Stewie was back. Three episodes later, it was shown that Stewie wasn't going back to his old self, much to the fans' disappointment.}}
** {{spoiler|A recent episode had Stewie attempt to make himself evil again after Brian called him out on how soft he had gotten. [[Gone Horribly Right|It worked]]. Unfortunately, the writers dialed this new evil Stewie's [[Chaotic Evil]] [[Up to Eleven]], turning him into a [[Chaotic Stupid]] character, while completely discarding his mastermind-style [[Lawful Evil]] from the original characterization}}. [[They Plotted a Perfectly Good Waste|But that was the whole point]].
* Most of the [[Character Derailment]] in ''[[Total Drama Action]]'' was reverted in ''[[Total Drama World Tour]]''. Trent (although only a minor character) was back to being normal, Courtney stopped being evil and started being the [[Soapbox Sadie|holier-than-thou]] [[TedSmall BaxterName, Big Ego]] type she was in season one. Most of the characters who were [[Flanderization|flanderized]] like Owen and Bridgette returned to having multiple dimensions.
* The DCAU team has admitted that Superman got [[The Worf Effect|derailed into a punching bag]] during the early days of ''[[Justice League]]'' and took steps in further episodes to remind viewers why he's, well, ''Superman''.
* Recent characterizations of [[Daffy Duck]] have attempted, with varying levels of success, to get him back to his [[Cloudcuckoolander|daffier]] roots. ''[[The Looney Tunes Show]]'', latest in the line of reboots, has [[Flanderization|flanderized]] him to the point of [[Ambiguous Disorder]].
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