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Here is the long list of monsters from [[Captain Obvious|Monster Hunter]]. They are arranged from the which games they were first introduced. [[Underground Monkey|Subspecies]] are listed along with their original counterparts.
== 1st Generation ==
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* [[Misplaced Retribution]]: If Apceros or Mosswine get hit by another monster, [[Gang Up on the Human|you'll be their target.]]
* [[Papa Wolf]]: Aptonoth do this - [[Subverted Trope|before fleeing themselves.]]
* [[Planimal]]: Mosswine, true to their name, grow a large selection of mosses, lichens and other fungi on their backs. It's unknown if there's a symbiotic relationship though.
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* [[Shock and Awe]]
* [[Turns Red]]: ''Big'' time.
* [["Wake -Up Call" Boss]]: In ''Freedom 2'' and ''Freedom Unite'', made all the more explicit by the fact that the first quest where you can hunt it is the first available level 3 quest.
=== Plesioth ===
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* [[Our Dragons Are Different]]: Rathalos (and Rathian) are classic Wyvern-types (Two legs, two wings).
* [[Playing with Fire]]: With its materials, you too can [[Play With Fire]]
* [[Spear Counterpart]]: It and Rathian are the same species. Rathalos is the male.
=== Rathian ===
The female version of Rathalos. Despite coming of as weaker, they are more proficient in using fire and poison, and use ground tactics more. Comes in four colors: green, pink, gold, and the Ancient black subspecies.
* [[Beware My Stinger Tail]]
* [[Distaff Counterpart]]: The Female of the same species as Rathalos
* [[Mama Bear]]: If you pick up her egg, she will stop whatever she is doing and ''come after you''.
* [[She Fu]]: Has a poisonous backflip which she can use twice
=== Monoblos/Diablos ===
Hard-shelled Wyverns that live in the desert. As their names suggest, Monoblos has one horn, while Diablos has two.
* [[Acrophobic Bird]]: Though they have wings easily as large as a Rath's, Monoblos and Diablos hardly ever fly.
* [[Beware My Stinger Tail]]: Monoblos has a big mace-like tail, while Diablos' is shaped like an axe.
* [[Bullfight Boss]]: If you can trick them into charging a wall, they usually get stuck.
* [[Fast Tunnelling]]: Can get to wherever it was originally to right under your feet with frightening speed.
* [[Hard Head]]: Only the sharpest weapons (yes, this includes Hammers) won't bounce off their skull.
* [[Herbivores Are Friendly]]: Avert this harder than Apceros.
* [[Our Dragons Are Different]]: While the Monoblos and Diablos are capable of flight they usually don't.
* [[Punched Across the Room]]: If you're not careful, ''you'll'' be doing more flying than it ever will.
* [[Tunnel King]]
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== 2nd Generation ==
=== Shakalaka ===
Small masked humanoid creatures that, like the Melynxes, tend to attack and harass Hunters. ''Tri'' introduces Cha-Cha, who helps the Hunter out in the single-player mode. ''3G'' introduces a second friendly Shakalaka named Kayanba.
* [[Cowardly Lion]]: Cha-Cha, especially if with the Fluffy Mask.
* [[King Mook]]: King Shakalakas
* [[Leeroy Jenkins]]: Kayanba is introduced trying to pick a fight with a ''Doboruberuku''
* [[Made of Iron]]: Like Felynes, they dig away when you defeat them, leaving their mask behind.
* [[Mask Power]]: Cha-Cha and Kayanba can wear different masks which give them different abilities.
* [[Small Name, Big Ego]]: Cha-Cha acts like this at times.
* [[The Natives Are Restless]]
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== 3rd Generation ==
=== Herbivores ===
''Tri'' adds two new species to the menu- er, count: The aquatic Epioth and the armored Rhenoplos ''Portable 3rd'' adds two more, the Zuwaroposu and the bird-like Gagua.
* [[Herbivores Are Friendly]]: Epioth play it straight as normal, Rhenoplos subvert it heavily.
* [[Hard Head]]: Rhenoplos
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Raptor-like bird Wyverns that travel in packs. Led by the Alphas Great Jaggi and Great Baggi. ''Portable 3rd'' adds the Furogi, which are led by a Great Furogi.
* [[Bizarre Sexual Dimorphism]]: Great Jaggis are always male. The female of the species, the Jaggia, is barely twice the size of a Jaggi (and thus a ''fifth'' of the Great Jaggi's).
* [[Breath Weapon]]: Baggis have a nasty narcotic spit. The Baggis' spit are sleep-inducing, while the Furogis' are poisonous.
* [[Expy]]: Of the -Preys and -Dromes of the first two games.
* [[King Mook]]: Great Jaggi and Baggi
=== Qurupeco ===
A brightly-colored Bird Wyvern with a bright red throat sac that it uses to imitate the calls of other monsters.
* [[Feathered Fiend]]
* [[Mook Maker]]/[[Flunky Boss]]: It can call smaller monster to it's aid...
** [[Dual Boss]]: ...or ''bigger'' ones.
* [[Summon Bigger Fish]]: Sometimes, a Qurupeco will summon a monster ''much'' tougher than it is.
* [[Voice Changeling]]
=== Ludroth/Royal Ludroth ===
The Ludroth is the first of a new type of monster known as a Leviathan. It's kind of a cross between a sea snake and a crocodilian, and can swim and fight underwater. Males grow into Royal Ludroths, identifiable by their massive size and large sponge-like mane. A Cherry Blossom-themed subspecies also exists, whose spit is poisonous.
* [[Bizarre Sexual Dimorphism]]: Like the Great Jaggi, the Royal Ludroth is several times the size of the females.
* [[Breath Weapon]]: Both kinds have a watery spit.
* [[King Mook]]: "Royal" is even right there in the name.
* [[Underwater Boss Battle]]
=== Barroth ===
Another new type of monster known as a Brute Wyvern. Barroths live in the Sandy Plains and roll around in mud to keep cool.
* [[Bullfight Boss]]
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* [[Hard Head]]
* [[Tyrannosaurus Rex]]: Has the body shape of a theropod, but is an insectivore
* [["Wake -Up Call" Boss]]: With a tough hide that can only be reliably damaged by weapons with at least green sharpness (which most players will be unlikely to have at this point in the game without some pretty extensive farming), an attack that can cover you in mud (rendering you unable to attack and use items while slowing you down), and a much more aggressive combat style than previous large monsters, Barroth comes as a big shock to anyone who's been breezing through the game thus far. Oh, and you're required to take him down before you can unlock the four-star quests.
=== Gobul ===
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* [[Alluring Anglerfish]]
* [[Beware My Stinger Tail]]
* [[More Teeth Than the Osmond Family]]
* [[Underwater Boss Battle]]
* [[Vacuum Mouth]]
=== Lagiacrus ===
The Flagship monster of ''Monster Hunter Tri''. In the story mode, the Lagiacrus is blamed for causing earthquakes around Moga Village. ''3G'' introduces both a White Subspecies that fights primarily on land, and a bio-luminescent Rare Species that lives in the same area as Ceadeus.
* [[Breath Weapon]]: Spits Ball Lighting at you.
* {{spoiler|[[Disc One Final Boss]]: Turns out, it was all Ceadeus's doing}}
* [[Final Boss Preview]]/[[Hopeless Boss Fight]]: An early mission to hunt Epioth guts gets interrupted by the Lagiacrus. Even if you ''were'' good enough to survive fighting it with your early equipment, It's invulnerable and won't die.
* [[Shock and Awe]]: It can electrify the area around it.
* [[Underwater Boss Battle]]
=== Gigginox ===
A rather disturbing pale-skinned blind wyvern that lives in the Tundra. Spits poison and lays eggs that hatch into bloodsucking larva. ''Portable 3rd'' introduces a gold-skinned version that fights with electrical attacks.
* [[Expy]]: of the Khezu
* [[Flunky Boss]]<small>/</small>[[Mook Maker]]: Lays eggs than hatch into Giggis.
* [[Shock and Awe]]: The ''Portable 3rd'' Suspecies
=== Barioth ===
A Sabre-toothed catlike Pseudowyvern that hunts in the Tundra. ''Portable 3rd'' introduced a yellow subspecies that prowls the deserts.
* [[An Ice Person]]: But certainly not ''nice''...
* [[Biological Mashup]]: What do you get when you cross a dragon with a Sabre-toothed Cat? Pain. Lots and lots of pain.
* [[Blow You Away]]: The desert subspecies can create dust-devils that it uses to launch itself at your hunter.
* [[Lightning Bruiser]]
=== Agnaktor ===
A Leviathan that lives in the Volcano area. Usually covered in a layer of lava which cools over time, forming a hard shell of armor. ''Portable 3rd/3G'' introduce a subspecies that lives in the Frozen Tundra instead and is covered in ice.
* [[Breath Weapon]]: A laser-like Heat beam. The subspecies prefers a blast of ice shards and extremely cold water.
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=== Ceadeus ===
A massive whale-like Elder Dragon. {{spoiler|It is the true cause of the Moga earthquakes, banging its head on the rocks to alleviate the discomfort of one of it's horns growing over it's eye. A subspecies is introduced in ''3G'', with ''both'' eyes covered by overgrown horns. As you might expect, it's not exactly happy about that}}.
* [[Badass Beard]]
* [[Colossus Climb]]: While it's certainly big enough, the entire fight is spent underwater, so you're swimming ''around'' it instead of climbing it.
* {{spoiler|[[Cowardly Boss]]: You don't have to kill it when you finally face it, and chances are you won't. You just have to hurt it enough to convince it to go elsewhere for a while.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Final Boss]]: Of the singleplayer mode. You even get an ending cinematic when you beat it.}}
* [[Making a Splash]]
=== Jhen Mohran ===
A colossal Elder Dragon, the Jhen Mohran swims through the sands of the Great Desert like a whale travels through the ocean. It's massive size requires the use of sand-ships armed with cannons and ballista to bring it down. It first shows up in a high-ranking Event Quest.
* [[Colossus Climb]]: You can jump on it's back to attack it, or to mine minnerals off of it.
* [[Fangs Are Evil]]: And boy, are they ''big''.
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A large [[Godzilla]]-like monster that can only appear in High-Rank quests. Infamously strong and fast.
* [[Always a Bigger Fish]]: A common danger of high-rank quests is a Deviljho appearing out of nowhere.
* [[Breath Weapon]]: His feared Dragon Breath. Huge damage ''and'' Dragonblight.
* [[Covered with Scars]]
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=== Bracchidios ===
Mascot of ''3G'', a Brute Wyvern with long arms whose forearms and horn are covered in an explosive slime
* [[Power Fist]]
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