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One Hundred Years of Solitude: Difference between revisions

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=== Tropes found in this book ===
* [[Adult Child]]: Remedios the Beauty especially, though several cast members could fall into this category.
* [[All Girls Want Bad Boys]]: Rebeca with José Arcadio.
* [[Anyone Can Die]]: {{spoiler|And in fact, almost everyone does.}}
* [[All Girls Want Bad Boys]]: Rebeca with José Arcadio.
* [[Apron Matron]]: Ursula.
* [[Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence]]: {{spoiler|Remedios the Beauty, literally.}}
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* [[Belligerent Sexual Tension]]: Mauricio is the [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]], Meme is the Type B [[Tsundere]]. [[Tear Jerker|It ends in tragedy]].
* [[Big Damn Heroes]]: {{spoiler|José Arcadio saves Colonel Aureliano Buendía from the firing squad.}}
* [[Bigger Is Better in Bed]]: Several people say this about José Arcadio.
{{quote|A gypsy woman with splendid flesh came in a short time after accompanied by a man who was not of the caravan but who was not from the village either, and they began to undress in front of the bed. Without meaning to, the woman looked at José Arcadio and examined his [[Unusual Euphemism|magnificent animal in repose]] with a kind of pathetic fervor.<br />
"My boy, she exclaimed, "may God preserve you just as you are." }}
* [[Big Eater]]: Aureliano Segundo becomes this, to incredible degrees.
** Subverted with Rebeca: The Buendías only break her habit of eating dirt and whitewash with a ''lot'' of effort, and she'll snap right back whenever overwhelmed or stressed.
* [[Big Fancy House]]: The Buendía household gets remodeled and renovated quite a few times as the family becomes more successful. {{spoiler|It doesn't last.}}
* [[Bigger Is Better in Bed]]: Several people say this about José Arcadio.
{{quote|A gypsy woman with splendid flesh came in a short time after accompanied by a man who was not of the caravan but who was not from the village either, and they began to undress in front of the bed. Without meaning to, the woman looked at José Arcadio and examined his [[Unusual Euphemism|magnificent animal in repose]] with a kind of pathetic fervor.<br />
"My boy, she exclaimed, "may God preserve you just as you are." }}
* [[Big Screwed-Up Family]]
* [[Boisterous Bruiser]]: José Arcadio, post-[[Walking the Earth]]. Also, Aureliano Segundo.
* [[Boom Town]]: Macondo. It goes to the [[Dying Town]] phase but never becomes quite a [[Ghost Town|ghost]] one.
* {{spoiler|[[Brick Joke]]: The last of the 17 sons of Colonel Aureliano Buendi­a being killed.}}
* [[Broken Bird]]: Amaranta (starting, but not ending, with her rivalry with Rebeca over Pietro Crespi). Meme after {{spoiler|losing Mauricio Babilonia.}}
* [[Brother-Sister Incest]] and [[Parental Incest]]: Or incest in general. One of the biggest driving plot forces is to ''keep'' these from happening. {{spoiler|Rebeca and José Arcadio marry, but Rebeca is adopted and a child of distant relatives}}. {{spoiler|Incest happens anyway, in the end, between an aunt and nephew with the same blood. They actually don't know it until the very end, when she's dead and he's the last one standing.}}
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** AKA Colombian Caribbean
* [[Colonel Badass]]: Colonel Aureliano Buendía, of course. Arcadio ''tries'' to be this, but it doesn't work.
* [[Control Freak]]: Fernanda, especially as Úrsula {{spoiler|loses her eyesight.}} This ends up with {{spoiler|Mauricio Babilonia getting shot and paralyzed, and Meme [[The Voiceless|going silent]] and being shunted off to a convent for the rest of her life.}}
* [[Conspicuous Consumption]]: After becoming successful, Aureliano Segundo parties ''hard.''
* [[Control Freak]]: Fernanda, especially as Úrsula {{spoiler|loses her eyesight.}} This ends up with {{spoiler|Mauricio Babilonia getting shot and paralyzed, and Meme [[The Voiceless|going silent]] and being shunted off to a convent for the rest of her life.}}
* [[Creepy Child]]: Colonel Aureliano Buendía was one. He cried in his mom's womb, was born with his eyes open, predicted things as a kid and as a youngster…
** One of the 17 Aurelianos also was like this. He creeped the shit out of Ursula and Amaranta when he came to meet them, walked around the house as if he had been born there, and asked them for a toy that he had never ever sen and somehow he knew that they had it.
* [[Dead Guy, Junior]]: Over and over and over…
* [[Death of a Thousand Cuts]] - The {{spoiler|last Buendía dies of this from an army of ants.}}
* [[Death by Childbirth]]: In a variation, little Remedios dies after a terrible miscarriage. {{spoiler|Played straight with Amaranta Úrsula.}}
* [[Death Is Cheap]]: Melquíades.
* [[Death of a Thousand Cuts]] - The {{spoiler|last Buendía dies of this from an army of ants.}}
* [[Death Seeker]]: Played with in the case of {{spoiler|Colonel Aureliano. He isn't actively seeking death, just waiting for the right time to die.}}
* [[Determinator]]: José Arcadio Buendía. His sheer inability to give up on one mad dream after another results in the foundation of Macondo and drives the plot for the first several chapters of the book.
* [[Disproportionate Retribution]]: Prudencio Aguilar insults José Arcadio Buendía over his lack of a sex life with Ursula. José Arcadio Buendía [[Impaled with Extreme Prejudice|kills him with a spear]] ten minutes later.
* [[The Ditz]]: Mauricio Babilonia. Pietro Crespi, to a certain extent.
* [[Dogged Nice Guy]]: Gerineldo Márquez, to Amaranta.
* {{spoiler|[[Downer Ending]]: Amaranta Ursula succumbs to [[Death by Childbirth]]. Hers and Aureliano Babilonia's child dies too and his corpse is eaten by ants. Aureliano, who has crossed the [[Despair Event Horizon]] already, sees his kid dead and then realizes it's the last clue to decipher Melquiades's scripts. As he's reading them and uncovering all the secrets of Macondo and the Buendias (his true bond with Amaranta Ursula included), Macondo is destroyed by a tornado and everyone dies.}}
* [[Disproportionate Retribution]]: Prudencio Aguilar insults José Arcadio Buendía over his lack of a sex life with Ursula. José Arcadio Buendía [[Impaled with Extreme Prejudice|kills him with a spear]] ten minutes later.
* [[Driven to Suicide]]: {{spoiler|Pietro Crespi}}. Subverted with Colonel Aureliano.
* [[Easy Amnesia]]: The entire town, briefly, and more permanently Rebeca, as a symptom of a plague.
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** The {{spoiler|massacre of some two or three thousand people by the banana company}} [[wikipedia:Banana massacre|actually happened — the book just fictionalizes it]].
* [[Hooker with a Heart of Gold]]: Pilar Ternera, Petra Cotes and Nigromanta.
* [[I Wished You Were Dead]]: Amaranta. ''Twice''.
* [[Impoverished Patrician]]: Fernanda del Carpio.
* [[Incest Is Relative]]: After marrying her own cousin, Úrsula spends most of her life desperately trying to prevent this from destroying the family, but it happens anyway. Amaranta provokes this in a few of her nephews and great-nephews, but never follows through with it.
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* [[Innocent Fanservice Girl]]: Remedios the Beauty, who loves going around naked. She even lampshades this by saying it's the best way to go around.
* [["It's Not Rape If You Enjoyed It"]]: Near the end, Aureliano Babilonia is unable to cope with his attraction to Amaranta Ursula, who is his aunt and who he believes to be his sister, and rapes her while her husband is in the other room. She tries to fight him off at first, but ends up enjoying it so much that her feelings of love are transferred from her husband over to him.
* [[I Wished You Were Dead]]: Amaranta. ''Twice''.
* [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]]: Mauricio Babilonia is a fan of [[Brutal Honesty]], but can be somewhat sweeter when with Meme. It's mentioned that Meme starts falling more genuinely for him ones she deduces that his brusqueness towards her is, to a degree, [[Pet the Dog|his way to show tenderness.]]
* [[Kissing Cousins]]: José Arcadio Buendía and Úrsula. Happened also to some other members of family, with {{spoiler|pig-tailed child as final result.}}
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* [[Loners Are Freaks]] - Most characters are loners in their own way, and freaky in their own way. The ones that are more obviously loners, such as the [[Hikikomoris]], are also more obviously freaky (José Arcadio Buendía, Colonel Aureliano Buendía, etc.)
* [[Mad Dreamer]]: José Arcadio Buendía, who devolves into a [[Cloudcuckoolander]] in his old age.
* [[May-December Romance]]: Amaranta Ursula and her first husband, Gaston.
* [[Magic Realism]]: This ''is'' a Gabriel García Márquez novel, after all.
* [[Marked to Die]]: {{spoiler|All of the sons Colonel Aureliano Buendía has during the war are eventually given cross-shaped ash marks on their foreheads. It makes them easy assassination targets.}}
* [[May-December Romance]]: Amaranta Ursula and her first husband, Gaston.
* [[Miniature Senior Citizens]]: The matriarch of the family, Úrsula Iguarán, lives until she is 120 years old… and by that time has shrunk to the size of a fetus. So much that her descendants Aureliano and Amaranta Úrsula use her as their doll.
* [[Multigenerational Household]]
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* [[Star-Crossed Lovers]] - Meme and Mauricio Babilonia.
* [[Stigmatic Pregnancy Euphemism]]
* [[Straw Man Has a Point]] - In-universe example: when conservative Apolinar Moscote explains politics to Aureliano, he makes strawmen out of liberals' positions on many topics. The only topic he's not apathetic about, legal acceptance of illegitimate children, is something in which he agrees with the liberals'. What makes him become a liberal, however, is watching the conservative commit electoral fraud right afterwards.
* [[The Stoic]] - Colonel Aureliano Buendía becomes this some time during the war. Ursula comes to believe that he was actually like this from the very beginning.
* [[Straw Man Has a Point]] - In-universe example: when conservative Apolinar Moscote explains politics to Aureliano, he makes strawmen out of liberals' positions on many topics. The only topic he's not apathetic about, legal acceptance of illegitimate children, is something in which he agrees with the liberals'. What makes him become a liberal, however, is watching the conservative commit electoral fraud right afterwards.
* [[Tangled Family Tree]] - And ''how''.
* [[Tarot Motifs]] - Mentioned occasionally during Pilar Tenera's fortune tellings.
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* [[Title Drop]] - During the ending.
* [[Too Good for This Sinful Earth]]: {{spoiler|Little Remedios and Remedios the Beauty.}}
* [[Tsundere]]: As mentioned, Meme is a Type B. Normally a rebellious and somewhat vain [[Genki Girl]], she goes all tsuntsun when Mauricio appears.
* [[Tragic Keepsake]]: Amaranta's black bandage.
* {{spoiler|[[Trippy Finale Syndrome]].}}
* [[Tsundere]]: As mentioned, Meme is a Type B. Normally a rebellious and somewhat vain [[Genki Girl]], she goes all tsuntsun when Mauricio appears.
* [[Twin Switch]]: José Arcadio Segundo and Aureliano Segundo, so much that the family traits associated with their names are swapped. {{spoiler|Lampshaded when their coffins are accidentally switched at the last minute.}}
* [[The Voiceless]]: Meme becomes this after {{spoiler|losing Mauricio Babilonia.}}
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