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Munchkin (game): Difference between revisions

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* [[Butter Face]]: The Geisha Gorgon.
* [[Chainsaw Good]]: The Chainsaw of Bloody Dismemberment, which is a fairly decent weapon.
* * [[Cthulhu Mythos]]: It's got an entire deck dedicated to it.
* [[Character Level]]: The objective of the game is to get to Level 10, or 20 if you are playing ''Epic Munchkin''. There are no [[Experience Points]], though; beating one monster usually gets you one level.
** Go Up A Level cards are also a staple part of the game. Selling items worth 1000 gold also gives you a level, but you don't get change. Note that players CANNOT''cannot'' attain a winning level by selling or Go Up A Level cards. They must kill a monster or have a card that specifically says that it can grant the winning level.
* [[Chronic Backstabbing Disorder]]: Half the fun of the game boils down to this. There's a reason the tagline's third part reads "Stab Your Buddy". A fair chunk of the cards serve no purpose except to screw with other players.
** Cards that give one-time bonuses to combat are common. Cards that give bonuses to one ''specific'' side are rare. Help or hinder, the choice is yours.
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** And the Perfectly Normal Bunny, which can become [[Monty Python and the Holy Grail|"That Bunny"]] due to a dice roll.
* [[Dead Man's Hand]]: A curse card that forces you to discard your whole hand.
* [[Death Is a Slap on The Wrist]]: A player who dies keeps his Class, Race, and Level, instead only losing all of his other cards. He revives at the start of his next turn and even gets a new starting hand of eight cards.
* [[Deus Ex Machina]]: The Divine Intervention card.
** Not to mention [[Incredibly Lame Pun|Deus Ex Machinegun]].
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** [[Instant Awesome, Just Add Dragons]]
** [[Everything's Worse with Bears]] - the Over Bear and Evil Ted
** [[Everything's Even Worse with Sharks]] - ''Munchkin Booty'' has sharks. Whenever any combat includes a shark, anyone else can add another shark without a wandering monster card. ''Star Munchkin'' also has the [[Punny Name|Star]][[Incredibly Lame Pun|fish]].
*** ''Star Munchkin'' also has the [[Punny Name|Star]][[Incredibly Lame Pun|fish]].
** [[Everything's Deader with Zombies]] - ''Munchkin Zombies'' is [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin]].
* [[Evil Is One Big Happy Family]]: Cultists from ''Munchkin Cthulhu'' gain larger bonuses the more cultists are on play.
* [[Exact Words]]: Let's put it this way: This game had to have errata added to clarify that, yes, the bad stuff 'you are roasted and eaten' means 'you are dead'. The game's played by [[Munchkin|Munchkins]]s, what else do you think they're going to do about rules they don't like?
* [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin]]: The Cheat card. And the Level-Up card. And the Curse/Trap card. And.. well... you get the point.
* [[Fate Worse Than Death]]: sinceSince [[Death Is Cheap]], replacing the dead's hand and items with eight random new cards, a fair few monsters have Bad Stuff even worse. King Tut forces the discard of everything without the replenishing hand, and the Wight Brothers reduce the player's level to 1.
** On the other hand, some Bad Stuff has no in-game effect, but can be terrible regardless. If you lose theto the level 1 Goldfish, for example, the Bad Stuff is that "all the other players get to mock you". [[Don't Explain the Joke|Because you just lost to a fish in a bowl]].
* [[Fighter, Mage, Thief]]
* [[Fungus Humongous]]: What you get if you play the "Humongous" card on the "Fungus" monster. "Don't truffle with the Humongous Fungus!"
** To elaborate, the "Humongous" card increases a monster's level by 10. The fungus is a Level 5 Monster that states that, should it become humongous, gains 25 levels instead of 10. "Do not truffle" indeed.
* [[Gag Nose]]: the Floating Nose and its shadow.
* [[Gender Bender]]: The "Change Sex" traps. There's also a "[[Freudian Slip|Freudian Slipper]]per" that lets you alternate between genders, but if you lose it and you're stuck with the wrong gender, then you're at a disadvantage.
** And there are Merch T-shirts that while worn, define your character's sex (which normally starts out as your own). People have been known to layer these.
* [[Goddamned Bats]]: Invoked, adding Bat type enemies into a fight already including one is a free action in Munchkin Bites. With some nasty luck, that level 2 Bat monster just became a horde of bats, combined level 29. Bat Masterson from The Good, The Bad, and The Munchkin counts btw. Hong Kong in Munchkin Fu, Goths in Munchkin Cthulhu and Sharks in Munchkin Booty (which, naturally, includes [[Amoral Attorney|the lawyer]]) work the same way.
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** It is, however, possible to obtain the "Antimatter" trap, either via the initial draw or Looting The Room, and then to use said trap to turn someone's [[Game Breaker|stacked-laser weapon]] into an un-droppable [[Inverted Trope|Negative Infinity Minus One Sword]]. (The combined laser [[Crippling Overspecialization|counts as a single two-handed "complex" item]], so it works.) The unfortunate person/Munchkin on the receiving end is [[Fate Worse Than Death|pretty much crippled as a result]].
*** Made even more fun when [[The Plan|you're holding onto the "Antimatter" trap in your hand waiting specifically for someone to build their laser up to a big enough bonus]] ...
** The true [[Infinity+1 Sword]] is the [[Plot Device]] from Super Munchkin. When played, it says "You are now winning the combat by 1, no matter how much you were losing by before." If, in theory, you were losing by infinity, this would actually provide a literal Infinity Plus One bonus. (Of course, people can still play more cards afterwards to make you lose anyways.)
* [[Kneecapping]]: The card game gives us the Hammer of Kneecapping, usable only by dwarves.
* [[Loads and Loads of Rules]]: More rules get added every deck. There's even a rule lampshading this.
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* [[Magic Knight]], and any other cross-class you'd care to name, if you have a Super Munchkin card
* [[Micro Monarchy]]: Parodied on the "Ruler of A Small European Country" card, which shows the character standing in a "country" about one foot square.
* [[Metagame]]: mostMost of the gameplay is metagaming. You could even say that the metagame ''is'' the game.
* [[Mooks Ate My Equipment]]
* [[More Dakka]]: ''The Good, The Bad, and the Munchkin'' has a modifier card called Infinite Ammo, that gives +2 to a one-handed weapon that uses bullets, +3 to a two-handed weapon that uses bullets. There's also a +5 Gatling Gun. Combine the two for days of fun (and bullets)!
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** The "Vampire Hunter" in ''Munchkin Bites'' is a [[Buffy|blond girl]] in a [[Iconic Item|strangely familiar jacket]].
** A "Bowie Knife" has the word "[[David Bowie|Ziggy]]" written on it.
** "You must fight a Rabbit! However, it's ''that'' rabbit, from ''[[Monty Python and the Holy Grail|that]]'' [[Monty Python and the Holy Grail|movie]]. And his picture is no one else than [[Sluggy Freelance|Bun-bun]].
** Munchkin is illustrated by John Kovalic. So, it's a perfectly normal thing that the PCs sighted include [[Dork Tower|Matt, Carson, Ken and Igor.]] ''[[Dork Tower]]'' throws in a reverse [[Shout-Out]] [http://www.dorktower.com/2006/11/03/comics-archive-853/ here.]
** [[Pokémon|Pukachu, I]]--''([[Vomit Indiscretion Shot]])--ew...''
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