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Real Life/Tropes A-E: Difference between revisions

clean up, replaced: Always Chaotic Evil → Exclusively Evil
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m (clean up, replaced: Always Chaotic Evil → Exclusively Evil)
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** Some Trolls still hand print or carve their [[Flame Bait]] into public restrooms, transit terminals and vehicles, and school desks. [[Poe's Law|It's impossible to tell if anyone is taking the bait besides other Trolls]].
* [[Alternate Universe]]: We create an infinite number of these every single instant. Maybe.
* [[Always ChaoticExclusively Evil]]/[[Always Lawful Good]]: Very much averted by the Free Will attribute.
* [[Ambiguously Brown]]: There are many people of mixed and unmixed descent who end up looking like this.
* [[Ancient Conspiracy]]: Some players think this to an extent that they are shunned by other players, who dismiss them as paranoid. If the conspiracies are true or not has yet to been released by the developers.
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* [[Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence]]: According to some religions, this may be what happens to you (and your character) when you die.
* [[Asskicking Equals Authority]]: In servers with low in-universe moderation which are run by groups of PC's from the mercenary, bandit, and soldier classes, the groups best as [[PvP]] will become the regional rulers.
* [[Atlantis Is Boring]]: Subverted. You need proper equips to even explore those aquatic levels. However, there are a lot of bizarre [[Random Encounter|Random Encounters]]s in these areas.
* [[Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny]]: Some characters get stuck with this passive trait at character creation. It typically decreases certain skills, most notably Concentration. It also gives bonuses to the Hyperactive skill set, but this isn't always a good thing. Certain items exist that can lessen the debuffs.
* [[Author Avatar]]: A few characters throughout the story supposedly were identified as Author Avatars. Whether or not any of them actually are, or even if there ''is'' an author, is the cause of much controversy, [[Fan Wank]], [[Epileptic Trees]], and [[Internet Backdraft]]. Several theories even hold that every character is an author avatar (at least to a certain extent).
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** Emulated by many players in the years since, but the prevailing opinion is that they fail to live up to the originals.
* [[Badass Normal]]: The entire human character class is an example. With nothing but intelligence and opposable thumbs, they have managed to become the masters of the planet, topping beings with natural flight, built-in weapons and super-speed. Need to fly? They made airplanes. Need weapons? [[Nuke'Em|They can obliterate entire cities]]. Need to move fast? They made [[Cool Bike|motorcycles]], [[Cool Car|cars]], and [[Cool Plane|planes]] that can ''move faster than sound''.
** A power most humans don't cultivate any more is endurance running. They're good at it. ''Really'' good at it. In hot enough weather, a fast, fit, trained human can chase a horse until it collapses of heatstroke, and antelope are easier; before the domestication of dogs and the invention of ranged weaponry, this was the most successful hunting method. It's mostly a forgotten ability -- mostability—most people actually believe that only being intelligent sophonts sets us apart, and we'd be helpless otherwise. That sort of hunting is still regularly practiced by various tribes in Africa. Though there are some notable differences, such as wearing Nikes and carrying water bottles. This ability being the primary reason that a group of knuckle-dragging almost hairless primates were able to spread across six of the seven major continents in 170,000 years. The Cross-Country and various Marathoner career paths still cultivate this skill, though they tend to do it poorly and in a manner antagonistic to their health. Traceurs and, to a lesser extent, freerunners are a better example. Not only that, but the humans also have better day vision than most other mammals.
** Most other species in general also count. For example, studies show that rats can predict human movements after watching them for a little while. People say it's close to them being able to read minds.
** It's pretty safe to say, as [[Neal Stephenson]] did in the opening chapters of ''[[Cryptonomicon]]'', that every living thing on the face of the planet is a Stupendous Badass, by virtue of the fact that it's the descendant of earlier Stupendous Badasses that survived the [[Death World]]-like struggle against every other Stupendous Badass out there long enough to sire the next generation of Stupendous Badasses... Although [[Did Not Do the Research|apparently]], some [[Charles Darwin|guy with a beard]] might have written the [[Ur Example]], and Stephenson is just the [[Trope Codifier]].
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* [[Beware of Vicious Dog]]: [[Trope Namer]]. Many a sign on front-yard gates exists that will bear this warning, although the exact wording varies and is usually simply "Beware of Dog."
* [[Beyond the Impossible]]: Wars were created for this reason. Guns were created for this reason. ''The Internet'' ([[Rated "M" for Money|and taxes]]) [[Serious Business|may or may not]] [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|have been created for this reason]].
* [[BFG]]: Staple military equipment. [http://www.provehicles.co.uk/top-10-heaviest-and-biggest-military-tanks-ever/ Especially tanks and artillery.] For those that don't want to look at the link, the largest tank ever proposed used a 800  mm cannon that shot a 7 ton projective up to 23 miles. Normal tanks use something in the range of 100-120 100–120 mm cannons.
* [[BFS]]: A popular, though rarely used, weapon class. Notable examples include the Claymore branch of swords.
* [[Bigfoot, Sasquatch, and Yeti]]: [[Trope Namer]]
* [[Big Good]]: All arguable, but contemporary popular choices include [[Winston Churchill]], [[Franklin Delano Roosevelt]], [[Ronald Reagan]], [[Barack Obama]] and [[God]].
** On the "Britain" and "America" servers. On certain other servers these same characters (except the last one) may be [[Big Bad|Big Bads]]s.
*** Even the last one is considered the [[Big Bad]] by [[Religion of Evil|some player factions]].
* Martin Luther King during the [[Civil Rights Movement|Civil Rights arc]].
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* [[Brother-Sister Incest]]: Appeared in the Royalty classes in the [[Ancient Egypt]] and Ancient Hawaii arcs, due to their [[Blue Blood]] complex. Averted in most civilizations due to the [[wikipedia:Imprinting (psychology)#Westermarck effect|Westermarck Effect]] built into the AI.
* [[Buffy-Speak]]: Most common with the teenager character level, but some adults use it, too.
* [[Bunny Ears Lawyer]]: Rare, but not nonexistent. The trick is you have to achieve a very high level of competence in some useful skill if you expect people to tolerate--andtolerate—and indeed, cater to--yourto—your eccentricities.
** Although this depends a lot on the field; software engineers tend to play this one straight.
* [[Burger Fool]]: Unless you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth, you can probably recall having just such a job.
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* [[Character Development]]
* [[Cheat Code]]: Genetic engineering, although the prevailing attitude seems to be that there is [[No Transhumanism Allowed]].
* [[Check Point Starvation]]: The most [[Exaggerated Trope]] example of this trope in history. There are no [[Check Point|Check Points]]s or [[Save Point|Save Points]]s ''whatsoever'', and all deaths are [[Final Death]].
* [[Chekhov's Gun]]: The moon was seen in the background art of most night time levels for many thousands of years before becoming significant in the moon landing story arc.
** It was also revealed that the moon affects the tides of the oceans, thus making it a key factor ever since boats were introduced into the story.
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== D ==
* [[Dark Is Not Evil]]: Shade is a welcome refuge from the wrath of the dreaded Daystar. People with dark skin/hair/clothes are no ''more'' inclined to evil than anyone else. And dark chocolate in moderate quantities is delicious and can improve the Constitution stat. And the creatures of the night or of the oceanic depths are not evil either. Black holes are pretty much [[Omnicidal Maniac|Omnicidal Maniacs]]s, though.
** [[Space Does Not Work That Way]] is heavily averted in this setting; [[Shaped Like Itself|space works just like it does]]. Black holes are perfectly content to [[Orcus on His Throne|sit about and do nothing]] except slowly evaporate unless you enter its [[Instant Death Radius]]. What an [[Anticlimax Boss]]!
* [[Deader Than Dead]]: Fairly common in war and disaster arcs, even though it's not really necessary since in this series, everyone who dies stays dead.
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** Arguably, Japan. They sided with [[Those Wacky Nazis|the wrong people]], [[Obligatory War Crime Scene|raped every part of Asia they set foot on]] (most of east and southeast Asia) and ended up getting nuked. [[Crosses the Line Twice|Twice.]] Not to mention the 1995 Hanshin earthquake and the 2011 Sendai earthquake.
** Players with the Vengeful or Abusive traits frequently invoke this.
* [[Doing in the Wizard]]: Has become incredibly common in the last two hundred seasons, or so, with science [[Retcon|retconningretcon]]ning various miracles. Debate over the value of these retcons has resulted in a ''severely'' [[Broken Base]].
* [[Do Not Do This Cool Thing]]: Eras of backstory are often demarcated in terms of wars and conflict. They may be tragic, but also very memorable and interesting (perhaps because most students of the backstory do not spend a great deal of time discussing the suffering of [[What Measure Is a Non-Cute?|soldiers and war victims]]).
* [[Don't Touch It, You Idiot!]]: If you disobey safety precautions, you're likely to find out the hard way why they were there in the first place.
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* [[Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep"]]: Played straight very frequently. Calling something by its full official name is frequently reserved for the [[The Spock|Scientist class]].
* [[Everyone Is Bi]]: Some Psychologist and Philosopher class characters have claimed this. Others disagree.
* [[Everything's Better with Dinosaurs]]: Unfortunately subject to [[Dropped a Bridge on Him]]. Somewhat subverted, as they were highly [[Awesome but Impractical]]: the appearance of [[Player Character|Player Characters]]s was only possible without them.
** Fortunately though, their descendants, the birds, are still around today.
* [[Everything's Better with Monkeys]]: A type of mostly hairless primate rules the Earth.


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