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You know [[Bio Shock Infinite|BioshockBioShock Infinite]] is going to be quite frightening when its gets one of these pages started '''JUST FROM THE FIRST PREVIEW'''.
* The Big Daddies have been replaced by the altogether creepier Handymen. Just to emphasizeemphasise how much more f*cked up they are over the Big Daddies, you get a viewportviewpoint with the subject's beating heart on full display. Just the SOUND of their hands moving should be enough to get anyone freaking out.
* The Big Daddies have been replaced by the altogether creepier Handymen. Just to emphasize how much more f*cked up they are over the Big Daddies, you get a viewport with the subject's beating heart on full display. Just the SOUND of their hands moving should be enough to get anyone freaking out.
** Their movements and attacks also mimic apes for some reason. So despite the head being so, [[Fridge Horror|can we really be sure that those organs inside it are also human?]]
* '''Songbird'''. A giant, black, screeching mechanical steampunk bird gargoyle creature whose sole purpose is to hunt you down and retrieve Elizabeth.
** The thing has claws, smacks Dewitt around like he was nothing and tears through buildings like paper (Not to mention its from Dewitt point of view the whole time. Those claws an inch from you face, yeesh).
** It has its share of [[Nothing Is Scarier]] and [[Hell Is That Noise]] moments. When [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=attvYJb6xn8&feature=player_embedded it searches for Elizabeth], you hear a distorted, frightening cry, and a search spotlight very similar to The Scarecrow in Batman's nightmares in ''[[Batman: Arkham Asylum]]''.
* [[Adult Fear|Possibly scarier]] than any monster is the political extremism that has torn the city apart: the Founders are racist, xenophobic and theocratic despots who openly endorse eugenics and can and have used their floating superweaponsuper weapon to impose their will on foreign countries in the name of imperialistic nationalism. The Vox Populi are a group that started with good intentions only to devolve into blood thirsty thugs who loot shop owners, publicly execute ''postmen'' for "spreading lies" and whose belief of "everything should belong to everyone" has turned into "everything should belong to ''us''". In Rapture you fought against mutants whose insanity was explicitly caused by fantastical [[Psycho Serum]]. At first glance, in Columbia you fight against ''people'' [[Truth in Television|turned into "monsters" by mere ''ideology'']].
** In the E3 demo, you get a very good look at this. People getting mugged, live terrorism in open daylight, propaganda of film reels showing faces on those red curtains. It's total anarchy in the streets. Heck at one point you come across some people about to do a live execution to an innocent mailman and youryou're given the choice to let him die to preserve your cover or save him and have the radicals gunning for you.
* What the heck was at the end of [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yL1p0HRsBiM&feature=feedu this demo trailer]? What caused the green and red light anyway?
** Look at how terrified Liz is. Now, listen to the sound effects. {{spoiler|Notice how you hear the flapping of wings, and the source of the light sounds a bit like an enraged sparrow? You know, a '''''Songbird?''''' Yes, he can track you, and attack at any time, cover be damned!}}
* It's said that Elizabeth's powers work on the principle of opening dimensional tears so you can-at certain points-bring things into existence or take them out <ref> Like skylines or turrets. Before you call bullshit, in the first trailer Elizabeth's powers seemed to be [[Cast Fromfrom Hit Points]] and/or have a great strain on her this probably won't make you a [[God Mode Sue]].</ref> As a result, Columbia probably has very unstable dimensionality, <ref> That last term was borrowed from [[Perdido Street Station]]</ref> causing odd [[Anachronism Stew|anachronisms]] like a theater playing something called [[Return of the Jedi|Revenge of the Jedi]], Saltonstall having a communist badge even though it shouldn't be invented for about a decade, the [[More Dakka|Rolston Reciprocating Repeater]]<ref> The closest thing to a handheld machinegun like that wasn't invented until sometime in World War I, and... well, it sucked.</ref>,and many more odd [[Steampunk]] things. Now, every fan of a game which prominently mentions other dimensions know that for every paradisiacalparadisaical dimension or dimension like ours but different, there will be one that is ightmareFuelNightmare Fuel or is just bloody horrible. It seems very likely that someone somewhere is going to tap into one of these in Columbia...
** Or worse. [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ThG7-3TfXI8&feature=player_embedded this trailer] shows that dimensionality can shift randomly (look at the painting in the bar. It just randomly turns from horses to someone that looks like Andrew Ryan) so who's to say you won't end up in a nightmare world randomly?
** Also, a Vox Populi member runs behind a carriage after you tell him off... and then he just vanishes. He could be behind the cart, but it's still [[Paranoia Fuel]] and nightmare fuel when you consider what's written above.
*** Actually, you can see him a quick second away from the carriage before the player keeps on moving.
* The fear of heights is strong with this one, especially when riding the sky rails. Leaping from one to the next, especially with people pursuing you. Not to mention you ''really'' have to pay attention where your riding lest you slam into cargo box and go for a fall.
** The developers have said that you can't fall off the Skylines accidentally, since they want to encourage their use as much as possible. As such, you probably just stop if you hit the cargo containers, or drop to a lower rail.
* The leader of Columbia, a gentleman named Comstock, is heralded in posters as being the 'Hero of the Battle of Wounded Knee.' Go ahead and look up exactly how that battle went.
** Then again, this ''is'' alternate history, so it's anyone's guess how ''this'' version of Wounded Knee actually went.
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* Thought Songbird and the basic enemies were bad enough? Meet [http://kotaku.com/5891444/evil-robot-george-washington-is-one-of-bioshock-infinites-big-villains the Motorized Patriot], an unholy cross between an animatronic [[George Washington]] from the depths of the [[Uncanny Valley]] with [[The Terminator]]. Complete with creepy malfunctioning voice, [[More Dakka|minigun]] and [[The Terminator]]'s [[Made of Iron|endurance]] and [[Determinator]] tendencies.
{{quote|'''Motorized Patriot''': ''Red''...is the ''price''...of ''liberty''! ''[dakka dakka dakka]''}}
** [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GHlNyOc5iW8 Well, the trailer showing the Motorized Patriot] [[Blatant Lies|totally wasn't frightening.]] Now if you'd excuse me, I'm going to [[Bring My Brown Pants|change my pants]] and try to avoid that mechanized bastard if I can when the game drops.
** You forgot about the disturbingly fast, mechanical cranking motion it's arm makes to operate the aforementioned minigun. That alone looks just. plain. WRONG.
** Oh, and in the trailer showcasing it, look closely at the scene where Elizabeth conjures a gun turret in order to distract it so you (Booker) can shoot it's weak point. As the Patriot turns to return fire back at it, it's head alone suddenly rotates back towards and stays fixated on you WHILE fighting the turret as if to say, "Don't worry. I have NOT forgotten about you. Once I've finished with this, you will die next."
* Comstock House is the point in which the horror elements start to take over; ignoring the fact that the backdrop is nothing but rolling thunderclouds, the general atmosphere is incredibly unsettling. You also have a bunch of mooks everywhere, wearing creepy masks of former US presidents, watchmen type enemies (see below), and some empty corridors and rooms made even more eerie by the lighting effects. Just imagine spending even five minutes in a place like this in real life...
* The Boys of Silence, another enemy. They don't sound too creepy otherwise (they're meant to replace the cameras from the original ''Bioshock'', except they'll consciously be looking for you), but then you see their heads. They wear a helmet that has no eyes and a gaping mouth. Their developer diary trailer ends with one of them making a ''really'' creepy noise from their mouths.
** Speaking of the mooks, when they are alerted, your bullets are of little effect. You'll then get some bona fide nightmare fuel
** To makes things worse, take a closer look at their outfits: first their clothes heavily resemble those of a child, complete with bib and laces which raises an awful lot of uncomfortable questions. Second, consider that helmet design: you have two trumptets which redirect sound into a brass helmet which presumably reverberates. Does the sound they make derive from them ''screaming in pain?''
**As you traverse the asylum, you can hear Elizabeth screaming in agony, as if she is being tortured. It is as painful to listen to as it sounds.
* The Siren, yet another enemy, is apparently a nod to late 19th century Spiritualism, which works alot better in the game world, if this is anything to go by. The Siren, who very much may be the ghost of a vocalist, is able to bring dead enemies back to life after you've gone and killed them once. Resurrection! Always fun.
** At one point, you will enter a room. Seems like progress is being made, right? Then, out of nowhere, a wheelchair slowly squeaks into view from behind a support column, with a mask of either Ben Franklin or George Washington in the seat. And there is no one else in the room...it may be subtle, but that doesn't make it any less creepy!
** When you manage to open a security door that allows you to reach Elizabeth, you can finally heave a sigh of relief. So you turn around an-HOLYMOTHEROFGOD!!!!! There is a Boy of Silence standing directly behind you, breathing down your neck! Speaking of...
* *...The Boys of Silence, another enemy. They don't sound too creepy otherwise (they're meant to replace the cameras from the original ''Bioshock'', except they'll consciously be looking for you), but then you see their heads. They wear a helmet that has no eyes and a gaping mouth. Their developer diary trailer ends with one of them making a ''really'' creepy noise from their mouths.
*** To makes things worse, take a closer look at their outfits: first their clothes heavily resemble those of a child, complete with bib and laces which raises an awful lot of uncomfortable questions. Second, consider that helmet design: you have two trumptetstrumpets which redirect sound into a brass helmet which presumably reverberates. Does the sound they make derive from them ''screaming in pain?''
* The Siren, yet another enemy, is apparently a nod to late 19th century Spiritualism, which works alota lot better in the game world, if this is anything to go by. The Siren, who very much may be the ghost of a vocalist, is able to bring dead enemies back to life after you've gone and killed them once. Resurrection! Always fun.
**Oh yeah, almost forgot: popping the soldiers' heads with a headshot '''doesn't''' stop The Siren from resurrecting them! Doesn't make sense, but ignoring that, good luck trying to get some kind of breathing room when fighting this boss!
**During the fight, there is no backing track playing. The most prominent sounds you'll hear all come from The Siren itself, be it in the form of eerie ghostly wailing, or that horrible scream she does when resurrecting the dead.
**One last thing; you have to fight this thing 3 times! And each time, you don't have the best weapons, and the least optimal positions you can find. Have fun!
*The first two ''[[BioShock]]'' [[BioShock 2|titles]] were probably nightmare inducing for players who suffered from aquaphobia. Well, let's hope some of you playing ''Infinite'' for the first time don't suffer from '''acrophobia'''!
*Just before Booker and Elizabeth catch a ride on the First Lady airship, they arrive at the Battleship Bay ticket hall. All seems normal so far, NPCs are just going about their business, including a lovely tune being played by a nearby violinist. But as you approach the ticket office, the music stops... and then...dead silence. On top of that, everyone in the ticket hall just...stares at you. At that point, you realise that shit ain't right. You feel like you've walked into an ambush, even if you didn't have prior knowledge of the story. Is it still rather unsettling despite being a tamer moment in the game.
[[Category:Video Games/Nightmare Fuel]]
[[Category:Bio Shock Infinite]]
[[Category:Nightmare Fuel]]
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