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'''d20 Modern''' is a game utilizing the [[D20 System]], launched in 2002.
Set in the [[Present Day]], the players have access to a variety of modern careers and weapons - any weapon, religion, nationality or anything else that exists on modern-day Earth can be used in game. Optional [[Sourcebook|Sourcebooks]]s expanded the game to cover any post-medieval setting, from the Renaissance to the far future.
There are six base character classes, [[The Big Guy|Strong Hero]], [[The Lancer|Fast Hero]], [[Made of Iron|Tough Hero]], [[The Smart Guy|Smart Hero]], Dedicated Hero and [[The Charmer|Charismatic Hero]]. These each correspond to one of the classic ''[[Dungeons and Dragons]]'' stats, and can be expanded on to dozens of advanced classes, such as a [[The Medic|Medic]] or a Celebrity. There are many careers available, from Priest to Criminal, all working as a base to kick your character off into a world of adventure.
The d20 Modern core book suggests four specific campaign models, while later [[Sourcebook|Sourcebooks]]s added more options, and the [[Game Master]] has the choice of mixing and matching rules elements from as many different sources as s/he wants. ([[Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot|Elvish Pirates versus Alien Wizards]] inside [[Humongous Mecha]]--<small>[[Recycled in Space|IN SPACE]]</small>? [[Rule of Cool|You got it!]])
You can read and/or download the MSRD [http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=d20/article/msrd here].
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== d20 Modern ==
* '''Core Modern''': "Realistic" modern Earth. There are no monsters, no magic--whethermagic—whether you work for a [[The Syndicate|crime syndicate]] or spy ring, mercenary outfit or the local police, or are just some kid straight out of high school, it's all up to you.
* '''Shadow Chasers''': In this game mode, inspired by shows like ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]'', normal ''[[Dungeons and Dragons]]'' monsters roam the earth. These beings, known as Shadow Creatures, came here from [[The Multiverse|alternate worlds]]. They have no memory of life before they arrived, and depending on their personalities, they either settle down and get a job or need to be exterminated by the player characters. In this world, most of the human population has a built-in [[Weirdness Censor]], and can't see Shadow Creatures for what they are. A normal person would look at an Ogre and see a tall man, or look at a Dragon and see a small Chinese man (a definite case of not judging a book by its cover). Players are capable of seeing these creatures for what they really are, and work for a secret organization that hunts them down. Most characters fight monsters with conventional weapons only, though the Occultist advanced class allows Smart Heroes and villains to tap into the arcane powers of magic. But the monsters must also rely on conventional weapons; you have seen nothing as cool as a dragon with a rocket launcher.
* '''Agents of PSI''': Magic does not exist, only Psionics. Psionics are [[Psychic Powers]] possessed by certain people that allow them to use special abilities, either in the traditional "read minds and make things float" sense, or through various forms of [[Technopath|technopathytechnopath]]y. You can psychically [[Unusual User Interface|merge with your car]] so that it becomes an extension of yourself, or surf the net by [[Cyberspace|downloading your mind]] into it. You work for a [[We Help the Helpless|shadowy organization]] that identifies and deals with those who would use these powers for evil.
* '''Urban Arcana''': The classic ''[[Dungeons and Dragons]]'', in a modern setting. The character classes and weapons are the same as the basic Modern system, but a variety of new classes are available. There are two categories of magic-users, Mages, based off the ''D&D'' Mage, and Acolytes, based off the ''D&D'' Priest. However, these have a modern spin; for instance, calling someone on the phone allows a mage to teleport down the phone lines, and the right electricity spell can interfere with your enemies' mobile phones. You can be an Acolyte of whatever ''D&D'' god you fancy, or an Acolyte of Christ or Vishnu. Like Shadow Chasers, monsters have somehow crossed the void from classic ''D&D'' worlds into our own, and a [[Weirdness Censor]] prevents most of humanity from noticing, so it's up to the players to deal with them. In this world, it's just as likely that the CEO of a large company is a gold dragon as a human. Why would a mob boss use a human as a henchman when a cave troll is more loyal? There are several factions that the player can work for or against. Department-7 is a magical organization that works for human interests (but whose biggest backer just happens to be a dragon). The Corsone crime syndicate works as a front for Shadows to gain control of the human underworld. The Fraternal Order of Vigilance is a human supremacist group who hunt Shadows, and the Black Feathers are a group of eco-terrorists run by elves. Arcana has become the most popular of the D20 settings for its mix of modern weapons and fantastical elements, or, as a fellow gamer once put it, ''[[Rule of Cool|"Dude, Uzis and fireballs!"]]'' Along with ''Dark•Matter'', it's the only specific campaign model to receive a sourcebook all to itself.
* '''Dark•Matter''': An update of the ''Dark•Matter'' campaign setting first published in 1999 for TSR's ''[[Alternity]]'' RPG (itself an adaptation of 2nd edition ''D&D'' rules to non-fantasy settings), this is a world where [[Conspiracy Kitchen Sink|every]] lunatic [[Conspiracy Theorist|conspiracy theory]] is true. There really are psychic gray aliens abducting humans and mutilating cattle. [[The Illuminati]] really are working to bring the entire world under their control. Bigfoot? He's out there too. And [[The Government]] is covering it all up. The players are field agents for the shadowy private organization known as the Hoffman Institute, devoted to investigating the activities of psychics, cultists, and "xenoforms" and protecting humankind from the tide of dark matter seeping into the fabric of the universe that's the ultimate cause of all things paranormal.
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== d20 Future ==
This sourcebook contained rules for playing games set in the world to be, from [[Twenty Minutes Into the Future]] to the time of [[Crystal Spires and Togas]] and everything in between (though it could be adapted to sci-fi campaigns set in the past or present just as easily), with chapters on futuristic gizmos, alien environments, [[Genetic Engineering Is the New Nuke|genetic engineering]], super-science like [[Cloning Blues|cloning]] and [[Nanomachines]], [[Teleporters and Transporters]], [[Cool Starship|Cool Starships]]s, [[Humongous Mecha]], [[Robot Roll Call|robotics]], [[Hollywood Cyborg|cybernetics]], and [[Mutants]]. It even has rules for sentient alien species for use as [[Player Character|Player Characters]]s, most of them culled from TSR's older sci-fi games.
Additionally, ''d20 Future'' spawned two sub-sourcebooks detailing games based on specific sci-fi genres: ''d20 Apocalypse'' for [[After the End|post-apocalyptic]] campaigns and ''d20 Cyberscape'' for [[Cyberpunk]], as well as ''d20 Future Tech'', an add-on with additional rules for gizmos, gadgets, and other cool science-fictiony technology to fill up your inventory.
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* ''d20 Future'':
** '''Bughunters:''' A [[Bug War]] setting in which you're a genetically engineered [[Space Marine]] clone grunt sent to kill some [[Big Creepy-Crawlies]]. Adapted from TSR's early-'90s RPG ''[[Amazing Engine]]''.
** '''Dimension X:''' You work for an organization charged with monitoring various [[Alternate Universe|Alternate Universes]]s, searching for a way to stem the tide of an approaching [[Apocalypse How|Armageddon]] that's destroying [[The Multiverse]] one dimension at a time.
** '''From the Dark Heart of Space:''' [[Cosmic Horror]] [[Recycled in Space|in the depths of the cosmos]]. [[Eldritch Abomination|Eldritch Abominations]]s lurk in the space between stars and [[The Corruption|corrupt average humans]] to use as their tools.
** '''Genetech:''' Genetically-altered mutants and [[Petting Zoo People|human/animal hybrids]] fight for survival in a world ruled by heartless [[Mega Corp|megacorporations]]. Later got its own sourcebook that expanded it into a full campaign setting.
** '''Mecha Crusade:''' War engulfs the solar system! [[Hot-Blooded]] heroes clash in mighty [[Humongous Mecha|mecha]]! A setting inspired by sci-fi anime, first published in ''Polyhedron'' magazine #154 and adapted for the ''d20 Future'' hardcover.
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In addition to the books listed above, a few other campaign models were suggested for ''d20 Modern'', mostly in the pages of ''Polyhedron'' magazine:
* '''Thunderball Rally''': Inspired by '70s and '80s action [[Road Movie|Road Movies]]s like ''[[Smokey and the Bandit]]'' and ''[[The Blues Brothers]]'', the players are participants in a huge, illegal, and ''extremely'' lucrative cross-American road race. It was published in ''Polyhedron'' #152 and, as a joke, had rules for creating [[Every Which Way But Loose|orangutan]] player characters.
* '''Omega World''': A post-apocalyptic world gone mad, filled with human explorers and deadly mutants. Inspired by the classic ''[[Gamma World]]'' RPG. Published in ''Polyhedron'' #153 and incorporated into ''d20 Apocalypse''.
* '''V for Victory''': Hard-bitten heroes taking on the Nazi menace. A game of [[World War II]] combat published in ''Polyhedron'' #156, later incorporated into ''d20 Past''.
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=== This Game Provides Examples Of: ===
* [[After the End]]: All of the ''d20 Apocalypse'' settings.
* [[Alien Invasion]]: In the backstory of ''Plague World''. It ended badly for everyone, including the aliens.
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* [[Mutants]]: In ''[[Gamma World|Omega World]]''.
* [[Nanomachines]]
* [[Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot]]: Inevitable when mixing [[Sourcebook|Sourcebooks]]s.
* [[Petting Zoo People]]: "[[The Island of Doctor Moreau|Moreaus]]" are genetically-engineered human/animal hybrids in ''Genetech''.
* [[One Stat to Rule Them All]]: Want to be able to handle a gun? Want to have a high Armor Class in a world where nobody wears armor anymore? Put points into Dexterity.
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