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Things Mr. Welch Is No Longer Allowed to Do In An RPG: Difference between revisions

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Line 24:
616. Even if they are the same clichéd acid for blood aliens, can't load my shotgun with baking powder.
798. Not allowed to use guppies as buckshot.
1695. Can't [[Truth in Television|load the shotgun just with rock salt]] because I'm feeling mean.<br />
1815. Can't have [[Catapult to Glory|a gun capable of]] [[Fastball Special|using other PC's as ammo]].<br />
2016. While extremely cool, my superhero needs something more than just a gun that fires badgers at people.<br />
2076. If I'm commissioned to build an artillery gun, they don't mean a gun that fires howitzers.
Line 47:
1689. 1/3 of the elf homeland's GDP does not go to hair care products.
1720. Contrary to popular opinion, the girdle of masculinity/femininity does have a noticeable effect on elves.
1850. [[Language Equals Thought|There is also an elven word for "heterosexual".]]<br />
1932. I will stop telling people the elf is openly fey.<br />
1953. A lifetime subscription to Cosmo is not an elven racial bonus.<br />
2274. I am not transelven.
Line 66:
388. Pursue means chase after, not just make called shots to the knees.
517. I cannot make called shots to their self esteem.
563. I can't [[Groin Attack|make anyone Jewish]] with a called shot.<br />
682. Can't make a called shot with a flamethrower.<br />
731. No matter how many called shots to the neck I make, I'm still not going to cause [[Highlander|a cool pyrotechnics display]]. }}
* [[Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny]]:
{{quote|1091. In the middle of a Black Ops, if a character dies I will not [[Mission Impossible|disavow knowledge of him]] until after the mission is over.}}
* [[Awesome McCoolname]]:
{{quote|1336. Even if we are told to pick a manly name for the game, Genocidicles is [[Testosterone Poisoning|a bit much]].<br />
1579. No one in the party gets to name their character Kurgen McAsskicker. }}
* [[Ax Crazy]]: On a number of occasions.
11. Not allowed to berserk for the hell of it, especially during royal masquerades.
240. Any character with more than three skills specializing in [[Chainsaw Good|chainsaw]] is vetoed.<br />
416. I will not substitute accuracy with enthusiasm.<br />
417. The solution to all my problems is not [[Werewolf: The Apocalypse|Crinos]].<br />
652. My fighter cannot take the flaw: Addiction - stabbing things.<br />
680. My axe doesn't go off accidentally when I'm cleaning it.<br />
1912. No more surprise parties for the berserker. }}
* [[Ayn Rand]]:
Line 100:
* [[Battle Cry]]:
64. My paladin's battle cry is not "[[Warhammer 40000|Good for the Good God]]".<br />
74. My thief's battle cry is not "[[Dirty Coward|Run And Live]]".<br />
75. Nor is it "You take care of the orcs, I take care of the traps".<br />
317. My battlecry is not 'Now young Skywalker you will die'.<br />
355. My monk's battlecry is not "[[Mortal Kombat|Round 1: Fight!]]"<br />
420. "For the King" is an example of a good battle cry. "Smoke the Mother" is not.<br />
485. My Mossad agent's battlecry is not "[[Tora! Tora! Tora!|Torah, Torah, Torah]]".<br />
490. Quoting Bob Dobbs while charging into battle is unusual. Quoting [[The Bob Newhart Show|Bob Newhart]] is right out. Quoting [[Bob Dylan|Bob Dillan]] is just silly.<br />
909. Dual wielding spike chains does not let me use the battlecry [[Lost in Space|"DANGER WILL ROBINSON DANGER!"]] }}
* [[Beard of Evil]]:
Line 121:
589. If my gun on a scale of 1-10 is a 7, it's vetoed if that's the Richter scale.
1144. I cannot have any gun that lets me kill the villain without being in at least an adjacent county.
1587. There is no way the [[Mage: The Ascension|Iteration X mage]] is going to make it through airport security.<br />
1666. If if takes more than five minutes for the debris to stop falling, I need to pick a smaller gun. }}
* [[Big Bad Friend]] / [[Vitriolic Best Buds]]:
Line 160:
* [[Brick Joke]]
502. If my name isn't [[Transformers|Grimlock]], can't start every sentence with "[[Hulk Speak|Me Grimlock]]".<br />
516. Not allowed to name my characters Grimlock.<br />
1112. I will stop referring to the Eladrin as just the Elf Mk II.<br />
1379. I will not threaten to glue the old rules for gnomes over the new rules for Elves Mk II. }}
* [[Bullet Catch]]:
Line 177:
{{quote|781. My tribe's trial by combat ritual is not best described as "Calvinball with axes."}}
* [[Cameo]]:
{{quote|952. [[Dark City|Kiefer Sutherland does not make numerous cameos in my character's background telling him he's destined for greatness.]]<br />
1199. [[Stan Lee]] does not have to make a cameo appearance in every single adventure. }}
* [[Camp Straight]]:
Line 188:
* [[The Casanova]] / [[Really Gets Around]]:
{{quote|362. It is very unlikely my half-ogre and the half-elf, half-dragon, tiefling and aasimar have the same dad.
1849. [[Language Equals Thought|There is too an elven word for "monogamy".]]<br />
1908. No matter what the rules say, my psychotic racist character doesn't get a permanent persuasion bonus just because she puts out. }}
* [[Cast Full of Gay]]:
Line 197:
* [[Chainsaw Good]]:
{{quote|240. Any character with more than three skills specializing in chainsaw is vetoed.
618. No matter how much my humanity loss, a chainsaw is not [[Gears of War|a substitute for a bayonet]]. <br />
1584. Even if the rules allow it, you can't sneak with a running chainsaw.
* [[Character Alignment]]: .
122. The paladin's alignment is not [[Lawful Stupid|Lawful Anal]].<br />
218. No matter my alignment, organizing halfling pit fights is a violation.<br />
413. The [[Chaotic Neutral]] alignment [[Chaotic Stupid|is forever closed to me]].<br />
460. I'd better have a real good excuse for being a necromancer if I'm lawful good.<br />
476. The alignment of [[Kids Are Cruel|2 years olds]] is not automatically [[Neutral Evil]].<br />
863. Even if there is no alignment in Traveller, giving feuding [[Technology Levels|TL]]1 tribes [[Technology Levels|TL]]12 weapons and putting the results on PPV is just wrong.<br />
1683. Killing the orc horde by drowning them all at once is heroic. Killing them by drowning them one at a time is an alignment check.<br />
1929. [[Ayn Rand]] has no affect on my alignment. }}
* [[Cheese-Eating Surrender Monkeys]]:
Line 225:
* [[Combat Medic]]: Plan A — don't get hurt.
233. If I am the medtech [[Not That Kind of Doctor|it is generally assumed I am going to have skill in medicine]].<br />
271. [[Instant Drama Just Add Tracheotomy|Tracheotomies]] are best left to characters with skills in medicine.<br />
498. A firefight is not the best time to tell the party my Medtech has a fear of blood.<br />
520. Under no circumstances is my medical droid allowed [[Not What It Looks Like|a groin-mounted rectal thermometer]].<br />
1909. Combat boots don't give bonuses to CPR checks. }}
* [[Combat Pragmatist]]:
Line 235:
194. When the other guy picks swords for the choice of weapons, that does not leave me pistols.
363. When challenged to a showdown, I'm meant to face him at 10 paces with pistols, not 10 blocks with a Sharpe's Big .50.
692. The [[Raiders of the Lost Ark|Dr. Jones]] [[Why Don't You Just Shoot Him?|School of Swordfighting]] is not an appropriate Swordsman's School.<br />
767. When challenged to a high noon shoot-out, that means in the time zone I'm currently in. }}
* [[Combining Mecha]]:
{{quote|130. I am not authorized to [[Voltron|form the head]].<br />
1462. Dwarves do not have the racial ability to merge into a larger, more powerful dwarf. }}
* [[Complaining About Rescues They Don't Like]]:
Line 280:
{{quote|90. My swashbuckling fop cannot take the flaw Dark Secret: Not Gay.}}
* [[Dangerously Genre Savvy]]: For his GMs, at least.
{{quote|336. Cannot start a Cthuhlu character with a pre-existing hatred of [[Tome of Eldritch Lore|books]], altars and cutlery.<br />
840. Even if it would have immediately solved the last six adventures, I won't throw dynamite in every well I come across.<br />
977. Disable plot device is not a real skill.<br />
1046. We can’t stabilize the dying villain before we make our escape just in case he was a load bearing villain. }}
* [[Dead Guy Puppet]]:
Line 302:
* [[Dungeon Bypass]]: A good number of the entries on the list. These include but are certainly not limited to...
38. When investigating evil [[Cult|cultists]] not allowed to just torch the decrepit mansion from the outside.<br />
50. Not allowed to use thermodynamic science to asphyxiate the orcs' cave instead of exploring it first.<br />
694. Search the old castle means enter it, not level it with artillery and dig through the rubble.<br />
1661. Cleaning out the dungeon means more than just backing up a cement truck to the window.<br />
1687. No following a minute behind Gold Leader and just shooting down Vader.<br />
1701. Can't clear out a dungeon by sneaking in and running a generator while they sleep.<br />
1715. Can't just wizard lock the villain's throne room and come back in two weeks after he's starved to death.<br />
1744. Can't one shot major villains just because the writers forgot to give them a basic defense.
Line 345:
* [[Everythings Nuttier With Squirrels]]:
{{quote|56. No matter how well I roll, a squirrel cannot carry a horse and rider at full sprint.
442. When told to be subtle, playing [[Troubled but Cute|a foul mouthed chain smoking squirrel]] [[Conker's Bad Fur Day|is not a good choice]].<br />
719. A fluffy tail does not add to my comliness if I'm already 1' tall, furry and a squirrel.<br />
999. I can't [[Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory|train squirrel mobs]] to [[Grappling with Grappling Rules|abuse the grapple rules]]. }}
* [[Everythings Smellier With Skunks]]:
Line 356:
676. My character's primary purpose in the party is not to just leech 1/6 of all the XP.
1132. There will be no more debating how much XP Mr. Tumnus would be worth.
1177. I will stop asking [[NPC|NPCs]] how much XP they are worth.<br />
1215. If I'm just a few XP from 16th level, I can't just cast fireballs at random forests until I hit something. }}
* [[Expy]]: The #1 entry prevents him from basing characters on [[The Who|Keith Moon]].
{{quote|303. I cannot gradually describe my character more and more until it's obvious I'm describing [[Burt Reynolds]].
452. Not allowed to convince the entire party to base the group only off Gary Oldman characters.
493. I will not base any Media character off [[Bloom County|Milo Bloom]].<br />
1721. The minute the GM figures out my Inquisitor is [[Law and Order|Lennie Briscoe]], he dies. }}
Line 370:
{{quote|366. Female minotaurs do not have udders. This issue is closed.
1278. An elf wardancer chick in nothing but body paint is totally hot. A Vesten berserker in nothing but body paint not so much.
1283. For the last time, the elf wears the [[Meido|maid]] disguise and the troll wears the bouncer disguise.<br />
1328. The very concept of a Hutt lap dancer will earn me a dark side point.<br />
1378. We will limit the total amount of conversation on the topic of "Hot Gnome on Gnome action." }}
* [[Fanon Discontinuity]]:
Line 409:
* [[Gatling Good]]:
{{quote|160. I will not load any gatling weapon with nothing but paint rounds.
1257. No, the answer to the problem is not [[More Dakka|to make a gatling gun]] [[Stuff Blowing Up|out of bazookas.]]<br />
1722. No building a Gatling Gatling gun. }}
* [[Gender Bender]]: [[Hermaphrodite|Restricted to male or female.]]
Line 434:
967. There is no such thing as a Tequila Golem. }}
* [[GMPC]]:
{{quote|13. Must not murder canon [[NPC|NPCs]] in their sleep, no matter how cliche they are.<br />
832. I will not run up my bar tab and then skip out leaving the DM's super [[NPC]] to foot the bill. }}
* [[Gratuitous Disco Sequence]]:
Line 494:
824. The back up trap handler is not the guy with the lowest INT. }}
* [[Hitler's Time Travel Exemption Act]]:
{{quote|228. I cannot use my time machine to [[You Need to Get Laid|hire Hitler a hooker]] in 1920, thus avoiding [[WW 2]].<br />
1317. My character will refrain from appearing with Hitler in any history books. Especially if I'm chasing him with a wheat thresher. }}
* [[Hive Mind]]: Ninjas do not have them.
Line 503:
{{quote|9. My monk's lips must be in sync.}}
* [[Hulk Speak]]: Banned
{{quote|502. If my name isn't [[Transformers|Grimlock]], can't start every sentence with "Me Grimlock".<br />
516. Not allowed to name my characters Grimlock. }}
* [[Human Shield]]:
Line 530:
156. When one person forgets to buy rations eating the half-elf is not our first option.
162. What ever monster we just killed is not to be tonight's dinner.
1433. [[Macross|Zentradi]] are not good eating.<br />
1649. I can't free the cannibals' prisoners by starting a food fight with them.<br />
1671. Before entering the dungeon I will take off the "I'm with tasty -->" tabard. }}
** Although there are some limits:
Line 579:
{{quote|568. My first wish cannot be 'I wish you grant all my wishes to the spirit and letter of the wish.'}}
* [[Karma Meter]]:
{{quote|174. There is no use of [[William Shatner|Shatner]]'s spoken word album that doesn't require a humanity check.<br />
218. No matter my alignment, organizing halfling pit fights is a violation. }}
* [[Kids Are Cruel]]:
Line 629:
* [[The Loonie]]: If only fictional examples of this kind of player could be quite so dedicated to it... but he doesn't seem to like competition.
1088. I cannot try and throw large blunt objects at [[Vampire: The Masquerade|Malkavians]], [[Dungeons and Dragons|kobolds]] or [[Dragonlance|kender]]. [[In and Out of Character|Or their players.]]<br />
1385. Even if I couldn't attend the session when everything went to hell, it's still my fault.<br />
1426. I am not "He who must not be named only in passing." }}
* [[Loophole Abuse]]: '''CONSTANTLY.''' The DMs, however, are rarely cooperative. Note that there is no actual rule that Mr. Welch must follow these rules. <ref>Although it's covered under "Rule 0," the rule common to most RPGs that the GM's word supersedes any printed rules.</ref>
Line 642:
713. Even if the rules allow it, can't sink a battleship with a stapler.
715. Even if the rules allow it, I can't invent the strip joint.
754. Even if the rules give no maximum encumbrance, still can't [[Steal the Surroundings|pick up the bank and walk away with it]].<br />
930. Even if the rules allow it, I cannot circumnavigate the world on foot in one turn.<br />
948. Even if the rules allow it, I can't catch dropped cannonballs with my teeth without drawbacks.<br />
985. Even if it isn't in the rules, I have to use the same scale miniature as everybody else.<br />
1197. Even if the rules allow it, I can't put a spinal mounted weapon on a bicycle.<br />
1289. Even if the rules allow it, a laser sight doesn’t add to my chaingun’s accuracy. Yes, even if I have one on each barrel.<br />
1408. Even if the rules allow it, I cannot fence [[Katanas Are Just Better|with a katana]].<br />
1583. Even if the rules allow it, can't take a prestige class at level 4.<br />
1584. Even if the rules allow it, you can't sneak with a running chainsaw.<br />
1600. Even if the rules allow it, I can't mount a flamethrower on a knife.<br />
1642. No matter what the rules say, antibiotics can't make a man's head explode.<br />
1807. Even if the rules allow it, I can't have a saber toothed walrus.<br />
1821. Even if the rules allow it, the Soviet National Anthem doesn't qualify for the inspirational music ability.<br />
1839. Even if the rules say otherwise, a huge back banner with an arrow pointing down at me causes a penalty to stealth checks.<br />
1862. Even if the rules allow it, I can't hip shoot a cannon.<br />
1883. Even if the rules allow it, my fighter can't carry a clan of halfings<!-- sic --> in his pack without penalty.<br />
1911. Even if the rules allow it, I can't one shot guys with a feather duster.<br />
1924. Despite what the rules say, shooting other PC's in the head [[Villainous Demotivator|does not improve morale]].<br />
1939. Even if the rules allow it, can't parry an artillery barrage with my fists.<br />
1966. Even if the rules allow it, can't play a viking [[Mad Scientist]]. <br />
2155. Getting multiple entries in a game's first errata is not a badge of honor.}}
{{quote|423. Even if the rules allow it, I cannot play a duck.
Line 693:
568. My first wish cannot be "I wish you grant all my wishes to the spirit and letter of the wish'.
569. All 3 of my wishes cannot involve Alpacas.
653. [[Only Sane Man|Cannot wish]] [[Sanity Ball|for the party]] [[Liz Lemon Job|to have common sense.]] Even the wish spell has its limits.<br />
745. Can't wish I was the GM.<br />
924. Before I make my next wish I have to ask myself: "Is this going to shatter the very fabric of reality again?"<br />
981. My last wish cannot be for [[Apocalypse Wow|Ragnarok]].<br />
1130. I cannot wish we were playing the previous edition of the game.<br />
1153. I can't wish to change my vote on what module we're playing.<br />
1192. My last wish cannot be for a cage match between Cthulhu, Godzilla, Galactus and the Tarrasque.<br />
1193. I will avoid making wishes that locks the game in an infinite time loop.<br />
1242. I can't wish that somebody competent wrote this module.<br />
1502. My first wish can't be to invalidate the previous character's last wish.<br />
1516. I will not wish we were still playing Torg.<br />
1553. I can't wish my girlfriend was hot like you.<br />
1658. The words "Rock Opera" will not appear in any of my wishes. }}
* [[Make Wrong What Once Went Right]]:
Line 728:
299. I do not get any XP for anyone I kill by stampeding sheep.
337. Even if the rules allow it, I cannot control 20,000 pigeons and use them as flying piranha.
999. I can't [[Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory|train squirrel mobs to abuse the grapple rules]].<br />
1512. My canine officer can't spend his animal requisition cash to buy two dozen chihuahuas.<br />
1884. If a PC gets taken out by a deer, can't recruit the deer to replace him. <br />
2158. Using my animal influence ability to send countless animals on a suicide attack is fine, but not to form a chorus line.<br />
2193. Inspire Courage is a great super power, unless you use it to get hordes of innocent bystanders to bum rush the super villain.<br />
2199. No animal companions come in their prehistoric version.<br />
2207. We are not stopping the villain with small mammals armed with power tools.}}
* [[Mook Horror Show]]
Line 802:
* [[Noodle Incident]] / [[Noodle Implements]]: ''All the time.''
63. No, I cannot buy [[Animal House|10,000 marbles even if I say please]].<br />
93. I am to remind my DM that he must never, ever give my paladin a dire boar for a mount again.<br />
101. I am not allowed to pave ''anything''.<br />
114. The demilich only falls for getting stuffed in the bag of holding once.<br />
572. Even if the rules say otherwise, I cannot carry 100lbs of styrofoam without encumbrance penalties.<br />
598. Any adventure that ends up with my character being worshiped as an orc god was just a dream. Retroactively if need be.<br />
1007. That whole Expedition to the Barrier Peaks? Dream Sequence.<br />
1549. The totalitarian government tends to notice large purchases of cows, trebuchets and surveying gear.<br />
1708. No bringing up the time we were nearly [[Total Party Kill|TPK'd]] by a jerboa. }}
* [[No Pronunciation Guide]]:
Line 822:
* [[Off the Rails]]: He's tried. The DMs don't like it.
38. When investigating evil [[Cult|cultists]] not allowed to just torch the decrepit mansion from the outside.<br />
182. No figuring out the plot and killing the actual villain five minutes into the adventure.<br />
270. I cannot derail the adventure for a two hour in character discussion on the qualities of rope.<br />
360. I must remind the GM that my Blessed can Raise Dead before he runs another murder mystery again.<br />
621. No offering [[Star Wars|the old man and the farm kid]] a better rate to [[Earthshattering Kaboom|Alderaan]].<br />
840. Even if it would have immediately solved the last six adventures, I won't throw dynamite in every well I come across.<br />
922. No matter how much we look, we're not finding the secret door leading to the back of the villain's hideout.<br />
1217. No matter what the dice just said, I didn't kill the villain with the first shot of the combat. }}
* [[One-Hit Polykill]]:
Line 854:
* [[Overused Copycat Character]]: Mr. Welch seems to have an extreme dislike of these.
13. Must not murder canon [[NPC|NPCs]] in their sleep, no matter how cliche they are.<br />
214. There is no prestige class Drizzt Slayer.<br />
405. I will not name my character for the power gaming campaign Generic Cleave Path Fighter #7.
Line 862:
* [[Paper-Thin Disguise]]:
1848. Slapping a fake mustache on the [[Our Orcs Are Different|freeboota]] doesn't count as a disguise check.<br />
1928. Nobody is going to buy the disguised wookie as a jawa with a pituitary problems.
Line 935:
138. If the mere thought of it costs the others sanity, I'm forbidden from doing it.
829. Despite the song's claim, [[Rocky Horror Picture Show|a pelvic thrust does not cause Sanity loss]].<br />
879. Buying a bigger gun does not restore sanity.<br />
998. The script for the Baywatch movie does not cause more Sanity loss than the Necronomicon.<br />
1427. It is not a race to 0 SAN. }}
* [[Scenery Censor]]:
Line 948:
55. Before facing the dragon, not allowed to glaze the elf.
89. The elf's name is not [[Bored of the Rings|Legolam]].<br />
156. When one person forgets to buy rations eating the half-elf is not our first option.<br />
229. Not allowed to spontaneously check if the elf can take a punch.<br />
379. I am to stop asking the elf to put in a good word for me with Santa.<br />
472. When my cleric is told to "Buff the Elf," I know exactly what it means and may not miscontrue it in any way.<br />
826. Elves do not respond to chainsaws the same ways dogs react to vacuum cleaners.<br />
942. We do not need an elf on this dungeoncrawl for the same reason miners need canaries.<br />
997. [[Roots|I can't beat on the drow until he admits his name is Toby.]]<br />
1054. I will call the elf druid by his real impossibly long elf name, and not just [[Magic: The Gathering|Llanowar]] Leafblower.<br />
1055. I will also not simply refer to the elf druid as that dirty, dirty hippie.<br />
1112. I will stop referring to the Eladrin as just the Elf Mk II.<br />
1250. I will address the other PC as Lord Tyrion, Eldritch Knight of the Winter Court. And not just as the Sidhe Male. <ref>(Sidhe is correctly pronounced "Shee".)</ref><br />
1410. Bleaching the drow won't help.<br />
1418. The Elvish language is not just English with a hell of a lot of lisping.<br />
1500. I will not convince the dragon to eat the elf instead because he's organically grown.<br />
1619. If the elf is rolling badly doesn't mean we need to water him.<br />
1874. Even if elves are a dying race, can't start a forced breeding program.<br />
1877. I will stop asking the high elf for a hit.<br />
1878. Elves are not all backstabbing, untrustworthy weasels, but you never hear about a dark gnome do you?<br />
1880. Elves are not piercing weapons by default.<br />
1933. No part of the elven cloak is actually made out of elves. }}
* [[Sdrawkcab Name]]:
{{quote|170. I cannot name my character [[Gary Gygax|Xagyg]] or any anagram thereof.<br />
1230. It's okay if you name your Kindred Alucard. But I still can't name my Garou Namflow. }}
* [[Selectively-Lethal Weapon]]:
Line 996:
* [[Shout-Out]]: TONS of these.
25. The green elf [[Gauntlet (1985 video game)|does not need food badly]].<br />
36. I am not allowed to convince the entire party to [[Knights of the Dinner Table|sit on the same side of the table]].<br />
64. My paladin's battle cry is not "[[Warhammer 40000|Good for the Good God]]".<br />
83. My gnome does not like big butts and he cannot lie.<br />
124. I cannot insert the words [[Shaun of the Dead|"Kill Phil, Sorry Phil"]] into any list of instructions.<br />
130. I am not authorized to [[Voltron|form the head]].<br />
132. There is no such feat called "[[The Last Starfighter|Death Blossom]]".<br />
143. [[The Mummy Trilogy|Not allowed to buy a holy symbol for every god just in case one of them is right.]]<br />
168. I was also not recruited by [[The Hobbit|12 dwarves and a wizard to rob a dragon]].<br />
180. [[Transformers: The Movie|I have neither the touch nor the power.]]<br />
252. I can not order the Druid to [[Transformers|transform and roll out]].<br />
398. No matter what popular media says, [[Mortal Kombat|harpoons are not proper ninja weapons.]]<br />
409. I will not [[In Soviet Russia, Trope Mocks You|cast darkness at the magic missile]].<br />
469. If I wake up to find [[The Lord of the Rings|black cloaked figures]] in my room, I will not immediately point them to the halflings' room.<br />
529. My character is not from [[Dune|Duncan, Idaho]].<br />
909. Dual wielding spike chains does not let me use the battlecry [[Lost in Space|"DANGER WILL ROBINSON DANGER!"]]<br />
931. [[The Order of the Stick|No one's afraid of plants.]]<br />
936. [[The Exorcist|'The power of Christ compels me']] does not justify my Blessed's actions.<br />
996. [[The Order of the Stick|Dwarves can't take trees as favored enemies]].<br />
997. I can't beat on the drow until he admits [[Roots|his name is Toby.]]<br />
1012. Note to self: [[Star Wars|Lightsaber]][[8-Bit Theater|chucks]]...BAD IDEA<br />
1014. I will stop blaming every massacre we come across on [[Transformers|Decepticons]].<br />
1129. I will refrain from casting Dimension Jump and Magnificent Mansion on every [[Doctor Who|police box]] we pass.<br />
1187. It's okay to feed the Ewok [[Gremlins|after midnight]].<br />
1222. It's a strangehold. Not an Ogryn [[Star Trek|neck pinch]].<br />
1287. Let's not taunt the minotaur with "[[Monkey Island|How appropriate]], [[You Fight Like a Cow]]".<br />
1454. The paladin does not appreciate us painting [[He-Man and the Masters of the Universe|his dire tiger green and orange]].<br />
1484. Just because I can, doesn't mean I should [[The Wizard of Oz|drop a house on the witch.]]<br />
1509. No part of the Constitution is written in [[National Treasure|invisible ink]].<br />
1541. While highly effective, [[Repo! The Genetic Opera|grabbing a man by his small intestine and making him talk like a ventriloquist dummy is frowned on]].<br />
1618. Any character even remotely resembling [[Mr. B Natural]] is dead before the first dice are rolled.<br />
1643. Despite [[Monty Python and the Holy Grail|precedent]], if the travel gets rough, we can't eat the bard.<br />
1710. "Mooning [[Street Fighter|M. Bison]]" is not an appropriate stunt action.<br />
1716. [[The Order of the Stick|Summon Para-Legal Elemental]] is not a real spell.<br />
1736. Can't name my rabbit familiar [[Watership Down|Watership]].<br />
1854. TSR is not hiding [[Charlie and the Chocolate Factory|Golden Tickets]] in Mystara Gazetteers.<br />
1868. Playing [[the Who]] doesn't give me a bonus to [[CSI: Miami|forensics checks]].<br />
1980. The druid can't transform into a sports car. Even if we [[Turbo Teen|douse him]] [[Ranma ½|with hot water]]. }}
* [[Similarly Named Works]]
Line 1,085:
808. Covering fire does not include nuclear weapons.
901. In the middle of the Black Ops a diversion is not blowing off the top twenty floors of the building.
1016. Even if spells are [[Vancian Magic|use them or lose them]], I will not waste Meteor Swarms on a goblin.<br />
1167. I can stop rolling at 7x dead.<br />
1257. No, the answer to the problem is not to make a gatling gun out of bazookas.<br />
1357. Preliminary saturation carpet bombing is not automatically Plan A.<br />
1517. Checking to see if the Mad Slasher is dead is ok, dismembering him with a shotgun is overkill.<br />
1537. My Rogue Trader does not need to announce his arrival with eight hours of orbital bombardment.<br />
1595. We aren't raising the villain from the dead because we haven't killed him enough yet.<br />
1606. If my fireballs always form a mushroom cloud, time to tone it down a bit.<br />
1819. Strapping dynamite to an arrow is an acceptable cliche. Not the whole keg of gunpowder. <br />
2025. There is no such thing as a shotgun exterminatus.<br />
2194. No questioning the Marshal on why a town of 4,000 people and no strategic value warranted a 100 megaton nuke.}}
* [[Thrown Out the Airlock]]:
Line 1,123:
* [[The Unpronouncable]]
459. The [[Vampire: The Masquerade|vampire clan]] with vicissitude is not pronounced 'Karl'.<br />
561. I can't play a deep gnome just to make the rest of the party have to pronounce Svirfneblin.<br />
716. I cannot play a race the GM can't pronounce. }}
* [[Useless Useful Spell]]
Line 1,153:
478. Castillians do not always end their sentences with the word "Ariba!"
502. If my character is not named "[[Transformers|Grimlock]]," I cannot start every sentence with "[[Hulk Speak|Me Grimlock!]]"<br />
516. Not allowed to name my characters Grimlock. }}
* [[Virgin Sacrifice]]:
Line 1,190:
* [[Whatevermancy]]:
334. Pinball is not a specialization [[The Who|for wizards]].<br />
578. Rectomancy is not a school of magic.<br />
888. Breast enhancing spells gain no benefits from meta-magic feats. }}
* [[What Kind of Lame Power Is Heart, Anyway?]]:
Line 1,223:
351. I cannot take skill Profession: Ecdysiast.
739. Can't make the Black Ops super easy by sending a couple of strippers to the guardroom first.
814. Sending the villain a [[Inhumanly Beautiful Race|Nymph]] stripper only [[Brown Note|works]] once.<br />
1244. I will not point out the Drow Matron would make more money as an exotic dancer. Even if it's true. }}
* [[You Can't Thwart Stage One]]:
Line 1,234:
[[Category:Things Mr Welch Is No Longer Allowed To Do In An RPG]]
[[Category:Pages needing more categories]]
[[Category:Things Mr. Welch Is No Longer Allowed to Do In An RPG]]
[[Category:Gaming Humor]]
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