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** Oliver killed Prometheus ''in the Ghost Zone'', where Prometheus's dimensional hideout was. How on Earth does a Star City criminal court have jurisdiction? The crime didn't even occur on Earth!
** Another comics writer fails law school forever. The jury finds Oliver ''not guilty'', and yet ''the judge still sentences him''. And the sentence? ''Exile from Star City!'' That sentence doesn't even exist in American law! Being barred from living in a specific city, or being forced to live in a specific city, can be a condition of parole or probation, but not a stand-alone judicial sentencing!
*** To further explain why the part about the jury would be a wallbanger a judge in the United States ''cannot'' discard or ignore a verdict from the jury of "not guilty" unless he can prove that a juror or jurors have been bribed, and even then the only thing he can do is declare a mistrial and have the case tried again from scratch with a different jury.
* ''[[JLA: Act of God]]'', an Elseworlds story about what would happen if all the superheroes on Earth lost their powers. The answer, apparently, is that they would turn into mopey idiots who just sit around whining instead of trying to figure out what caused their powers to stop working {{spoiler|which they never do}}. Batman is elevated from [[Badass Normal]] to [[Mary Sue]]; other heroes constantly gush about him and make him out to be ''soooo'' much more awesome than everyone else because he never had superpowers. Aquaman loses the ability to breathe underwater -- but he's a native-born Atlantean, so he should have lost the ability to breathe ''air.'' Lois Lane leaves Superman, even though it's been established that she did fall in love with Clark Kent. And that's just the tip of the iceberg.
** The story is supposed to have tech-based super heroes remain functioning and magic-based heroes cease to be. (No, it is never explained what happened to them.) But the story has ''no idea'' which heroes are "tech" and which are magic. Green Lantern rings are extremely advanced tech, but they no longer work. The Atom's powers are based around a supertech belt, and yet his abilities no longer work. [[Wonder Woman]] is a [[Golem]] given life by the gods, but she is still around, just unpowered. Red Tornado is a wind elemental but still around (though he is limited to a cameo). Captain Marvel is given his powers by a '''wizard''', transforms through '''magic''' words, but is still around (though unpowered). [[Supergirl]], at this point in history, is an angel, but is still around). Then there is [[The Flash]], who gets his powers from a [[Freak Lab Accident]] ''and'' the Speed Force, a god of sorts, but is still around unpowered. Then there are the countless magical heroes like Dr. Fate and Zauriel, who simply never appear.
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