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Identity Crisis/Headscratchers: Difference between revisions

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*** In the narration Green Arrow says that the arrow in the eye socket made Deathstroke lose his cool. He went from being a calm and badass strategist to a slightly stronger than Badass Normal and outnumbered psycho.
*** This really bugged me. Especially Dinah not being able to use her scream because of a bag on her head (I've seen her plow through steel with that birdcall, but burlap is too much), and Kyle being taken down because Slade grabbed his arm and put it in a kind of lock. (Note that it takes truly epic overuse of the [[Idiot Ball]] for Kyle to ''go within reach of Deathstroke at all'', seeing as how Deathstroke is one of the DCU's ''melee'' combatants, and Green Lantern is a flying energy blaster!) Get the sense reading it that the former comes from all the women in this book being useless or crazy (see below) and Kyle not having been from the Silver Age and thus not allowed to be awesome.
**** Kyle was taken down because Slade broke his fingers, and presumably the pain kept him from concentrating enough to use the ring (maybe coupled with Slade's mega-brain trying to jack the ring at the same time). This would not, however, explain Slade being able to use Kyle's ring (at this point in time, as seen in "JLA: Foreign Bodies", Kyle's ring had a failsafe in place to refuse any commands not coming from someone with Kyle's brainwave pattern), in addition to [[Too Dumb to Live|Kyle even getting within arms reach of Deathsroke in the first place -- seeing as how he can fly and Deathstroke can't.]]
*** What happened to the Atom is also inexcusable. Beating him up with the light from a laser pointer because 'the Atom has no mass when he shrinks'? Mr. Meltzer, have you ever ''read'' an Atom comic book before? The Atom '''does''' maintain his mass when he shrinks. His entire fighting style is based around being a guy with the mass of a full-sized human being while being the size of a bullet. Literally all the way back to Ray Palmer's first appearance in Silver Age comics, the Atom has had the ability to selectively retain his full mass at any size. And suddenly his power works 180 degrees backwards from how its always worked because... because Deathstroke is ''just that awesome'', that's why. *eyeroll*
*** And let's not forget what happened to the Flash. One of two things happened in that fight: either Deathstroke was able to swing a sword around faster than the Flash could react (which would require his hands to be moving at FTL velocities), or else Wally ran his chest directly onto the point of what to him would be a stationary object. Neither of these possibilities makes the remotest bit of sense. And before someone reminds us that Deathstroke tripped Wally while he was running during the Teen Titans era, two points: one, Wally was notably slower then, and two, it didn't make any damn sense back then either.
*** I thought Dinah went to help Ralph who got blown up.
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