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* [[Axe Crazy]]: {{spoiler|Yasuke wielding the Yamiganemaru and, for a brief instant, Kiku herself.}}
* [[Badass]]: Genzo. Also the nameless Samurai with Gotsumaru in the extra. Koshiro may count as well.
** [[Badass Adorable]]: Otsuru.{{context}}
** [[Badass Normal]]: Pricess Kiku may lack tricks or otherwordly powers, but she's more than capable to slice through hordes of enemies [[Dual-Wielding]] swords!
* [[Bald of Awesome]]: The one-shot villain Kyokai the Warrior Monk sports one.
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* [[Blade Below the Shoulder]]: Otsuru has a [[Hooks and Crooks|sickle blade]] instead of her right hand.
* [[Blob Monster]]: Genzo's and Koshiro's puppets tend to turn into a large [[Combat Tentacles|tentacled mass]] of flesh when hit, so that they can grab the opponent and hold him still. It was also used to kill Kiku's uncle.
* [[Blush Sticker]]: Osato has them.{{context}}
* [[Break the Cutie]]: Poor Genzo, who got his wife horribly killed in front of his eyes. Also Otsuru in volumes 1 and 5.
* [[Boobs of Steel]]: Maria Kurusu is renowned as a strong fighter, and she has the largest bust of the entire female cast.
* [[Buried Alive]]: {{spoiler|Kahei's wife. Her spirit claims his life for this.}}
* [[But Not Too Foreign]]: The aforementioned Maria is half Portuguese.
* [[Chekhov's Gun]]: Kohayamaru the Wholphin{{context}}
* [[Creepy Doll]]{{context}}
* [[Cute Little Fangs]]: Otsuru has them.{{context}}
* [[Cute Monster Girl]]: Otsuru again: after some proper healing, a bath, decent clothes and a new [[Blade Below the Shoulder|prosthetic blade ]] she becomes even [[Moe|cuter]].
* [[Cute Ghost Girl]]: Kiku helped one once. That specific story also ends with a [[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming]]
* [[Dark and Troubled Past]]: Genzo{{context}}
* [[Dark Is Not Evil]]: Genzo uses monstrous puppets and can see ghosts, but at least he's a decent guy.
* [[Dead Little Sister]]: Koshiro's reason for facing Genzo, since Koshiro blames Genzo for Saki's death.
* [[Dead Person Impersonation]]: Many nobles and Daimyo hire Genzo in order to have a functional decoy of a dead person. Also {{spoiler|Hikoichi's son and Chiyomaru/Kiyone}}
* [[Dull Eyes of Unhappiness]]: Genzo's eyes are always like this. In some rare occasions they're lit with a [[Slasher Smile|demonic light]].
* [[Evil Counterpart]]: Koshiro to Genzo.{{context}}
* [[Evil Twin]]: In an Otsuru-centered miniarc, a man abandons one of his newborn twins in a field. The boy grows up as a stubborn farmer named Kosuke. {{spoiler|He falls in love with Otsuru, asks her to be his wife and [[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming|gives her a new wooden arm]]. Then his [[Jerkass]] noble brother pops out and [[Kick the Dog|kill him for the Lulz]]. At least he got slain by Otsuru, too.}}
* [[Evil Weapon]]: The Jintsumaru Tenganken is said to have hypnotic powers. True or not, is still a darn creepy, sharp katana.
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* {{spoiler|[[I Want My Beloved to Be Happy]]}}: {{spoiler|Saki's ghost to Genzo and also to Koshiro.}}
* [[Instant Sedation]]: Genzo's sleeping powder is one of his many tricks.
* [[Jack the Ripoff]]: Denzaemon's modus operandi.{{context}}
* [[Jerkass]]: Many of them. {{spoiler|Kosuke's twin brother takes the cake.}}
* [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]]: Genzo{{context}}
* [[Katanas Are Just Better]]: Averted in the Samoji sword arc, where the [[Carry a Big Stick|Kanabo wielding]] monk Kyokai easly snaps Kiku's swords with a well aimed swing. Played straight otherwise.
* [[Knockout Gas]]: Used a lot by [[Genzo]], with the gas usually stored in his puppets.
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* [[Toyotomi Hideyoshi]]: He appears in the story, but he's not a major figure. Besides, he [[Gonk|really looks like a monkey!]]
** He's also hinted to be a [[Covert Pervert]], since he left Maria in charge of her clan because of her..... [[Buxom Is Better|"female charms"..]].
* [[Tsundere]]: Kiku.{{context}}
* [[Ungrateful Bastard]]: {{spoiler|The first thing Yasuke does after Genzo made him a new leg? Try to chop Genzo to ribbons with his sword.}}
* [[Unusual Ears]]: Hideyoshi has huge ears. Also, some other characters have slightly pointy ears, like Kyokai or Koshiro.
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