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In the realm of [[Video Games]], most know of [[The Beast Master]] and [[The Minion Master]]. Their major strength comes from their summoned companions. The Turret Master takes similar cues, but places his defense more in line with technology and traps.
In a nutshell, the Turret Master is a character with the ability to summon a stationary defense in the form of an automated Turret. Bear in mind this needn't be a literal turret: it can be anything that fulfills the general role of a stationary defense, even if it's just ''[[Torchlight]]'''s stick that shoots fire.
What exactly this ability entails varies a bit: Some suffer from [[Weak Turret Gun|Weak Turret Guns]], while others are invulnerable but on a restricting timer. Oddly enough, it's more common for a character like this to be fairly powerful even without this ability than to be a [[Squishy Wizard]] as [[The Minion Master]] commonly is. This ability is more common in Rogue- or Archer-styled classes. Classes like this can also usually form other traps, as well.
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** The Cerberus Combat Engineer can also deploy a turret.
* Weavel from ''[[Metroid Prime]] Hunters'' can turn the lower half of his body into a sentry turret.
* Devices Blasters in ''[[City of Heroes]]'' have access to a power that summons a turret. In practice, it's not all that great.
** Had. Now the power summons a flying gun drone. It's not any better. Meanwhile, Traps users can lay down a little mortar lobbing acid shells. While a poor damage dealer, it's a very good debuffing tool.
* Krotera from ''[[Iji]]'': You could actually damage him by kicking the turrets at him.
* ''[[Brink]]'' has an engineer class who can do this.
* Dwarven Engineers in ''[[Warhammer Fantasy Battle]] Online'' can build several different types of [[Steampunk]] turret, up to and including flamethrower and grenade launcher turrets.
* Heimerdinger from ''[[League of Legends]]'' builds turrets as his main method of offense. If you level them up enough, their bullets will begin exploding, and another ability causes them to freeze the enemies.
* ''[[BioshockBioShock (series)|Bioshock 2]]'' has a new breed of Big Daddies called "Rumblers", which have shoulder-mounted RPGs for crowd control, as well as portable miniature-turrets for scattered enemies. While the player character can also deploy any mini-turrets he comes across, he can only hold as many as four on him. The Rumbler, however, can throw as many as he'd like while within combat.
** The ''Security Command'' plasmid can turn the player into a temporary Turret Master, directing both stationary and mini-turrets towards whatever he wished. Thrown at a Rumbler, it will make his own turrets [[Hoist by His Own Petard|fire on himself as soon as they land]]
* A rare [[Roguelike]] example: In ''[[Caves of Qud]]'', you can make turrets out of any gun. Yes, you can even make a musket turret.
* The turrets dropped by the Ranger class tree in ''[[Dragonica]]'' are by far their most damaging attacks and can make bosses evaporate. However, they're laughably easy to avoid in PVP (one has a slow firing rate and slow projectiles while the other only shoots straight ahead), robbing the class tree of much needed attack power.
* ''[[Monday Night Combat]]'' is sort of weird about this; any class can set up a turret in one of the designated areas as long as they can pay for it. However, the Support uses his Firebase ability to deploy a smaller turret anywhere he likes that can buff teammates at the highest level. ''Super Monday Night Combat'' adds the Combatgirl, who can plant up to four small "Combat Kitties" at a time and fortify nearby turrets, increasing their defense and rate of fire for a brief period. The Gunner class can also use his Deploy skill to lock himself in place and effectively ''become'' a turret.
* The Robotics class in ''[[Global Agenda]]'' has a variety of turrets among his repertoire, but can also be [[The Minion Master]] via the use of the robotic drones that give the class its name. It's a matter of the player's preference as to which one they prefer, if it isn't both.
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