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The [[Trope Namer]] here is ''[[Dungeons and Dragons]]'', where normally, harmful effects such as mind-controlling magic, dragon breath, illusions, or other supernatural nastiness allows the character affected to make a saving throw of the dice to negate or minimize the effect. Some spells and effects, unfortunately, such as the [[Level Drain]] ability of a wraith, do NOT allow a saving throw to be made against them. In more modern editions of the game, these effects almost always have a chance to miss instead.
Contrast [[Always Accurate Attack]]. Complete opposite of [[No Sell]]. May overlap with [[Evil Is Not a Toy]]. See also [[Unblockable Attack]]. [[Compelling Voice]] is a [[Sub-Trope]] of this. As would [[Gameplay and Story Segregation]] in certain cases.
Do not confuse with [[Author's Saving Throw]].
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*** There's also that it may be that {{spoiler|Charles is dead at this point,}} and that his ability is not blindness, with that particular one being a side-effect of some sort and said character's never being said to recover from the ''actual'' affliction.
* Happens in ''[[Dragon Ball GT]]'' during the Super #17 arc. Regular #17 is being mind controlled by a second version of himself, and attacks #18, his sister. Krillin tries to bring him out, and he nearly goes back to normal before the other #17 enters his mind again and makes him shake off the good influence, at which point he kills Krillin instead.
* This is the reason Aizen's Zanpukutou in [[Bleach]] is considered overpowered. If you've seen his sword, he's hypnotized you and can control all your senses as he pleases. It's essentially permanent, undetectable, and it's not even the final form of his sword.
** Tsukishima from the Full Bring Arc has a similarly broken power, he inserts himself into the past of anything he cuts. For a person, this could mean anything from, "Tsukishima is my best friend forever and I don't want to fight him," to "Tsukishima has known me for a long time, therefore he knows all my powers and weaknesses." All it takes is a nick, and it's in effect.
*** It still fails against Byakyua because the latter considers his [[Pillars of Moral Character|honour-debt to Ichigo]] (which Tsukishima can't affect directly) [[Honor Before Reason|more important than anything else]]. He therefore kills Tsukishima while acknowledging that he was the most important person in his life.
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=== [[Tabletop RPG]] ===
* ''[[Call of Cthulhu (tabletop game)]]'' loves this trope.{{context}}
* ''[[Warhammer 40000]]'' has many weapons that bypass Armor Saves and a few ones that bypass ''Invulnerable'' Saves. The wording on one of these attacks simply states that the affected model is "removed from play with no saves of any kind allowed".
** A favourite tactic of Chaos players in the days of 3.5 Edition was to create one of these by taking a Chaos Lord with the "[[One-Winged Angel|Daemonic Stature]]" daemonic gift and the "[[Impossibly Cool Weapon|Dreadaxe]]" [[Sentient Weapon|daemonic weapon.]] [[Hilarity Ensues|Hilarity ensued]], then [[Nerf|nerfing]].
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** Do not look at a Catoblepas straight in the eyes unless you want to die.
** Do not ''touch'' a [[Artifact of Doom|Sphere]] of [[Disintegrator Ray|Annihilation]] unless you want to be blasted out of existence. Notably, an upgraded and ''sentient'' version (the Blackball) released to fight characters of level 38+ (out of a possible 20) was still less scary, since it allowed an (admittedly, very difficult) save.
** In the 1st edition, a Nightcrawler's sting attack has a 1 in 8 chance of killing a character outright, without a saving throw.
** the only defense against Holyword and its sister spells (dictum, word of chaos, and blaspheme) are being a high enough level, spell resistance (which is not the same as a saving throw), and having the right alignment.
* ''[[Mutants and Masterminds]]'' second edition has [[No Saving Throw]] as a [[Point Build System|extra you can apply to one of your powers]]. When the power resolves, the target is treated as though they failed their saving throw by one point. For damage effects<ref>[[Mutants and Masterminds]] doesn't use [[Hit Points]]. Characters make a [[Saving Throw]] to shrug off damage instead, with failed saves applying stacking penalties to future saves until someone passes the critical failure threshold and is knocked out.</ref> this results only in [[Scratch Damage]]. But for Save-Or-Lose effects like [[Mind Manipulation|Mind Control]], [[Baleful Polymorph|Transform]], or [[Power Nullifier|Power Control]], this ability becomes a [[Game Breaker]]. It's typically reserved for NPC Villains.
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