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* [[Butt Monkey]]: Matsuda
* [[By the Eyes of the Blind]]: Only those who have touched the Notes can see the Shinigami.
* [[Can You Hear Me Now?]]
* [[Cape Busters]]: The anti-Kira Taskforce.
* [[Captain Obvious]]: Of the Admiral Akbar kind. "[http://www.macrochan.org/view.php?u=WIPXMFAKNFCFWMIH3OWFZK4XLFGLPZNC Trap! This is a trap!]"
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* [[Scare Chord]]: Light's psychotic [[Nightmare Sequence|daydream sequence]] in ''Relight 2''.
* [[Scary Shiny Glasses]]: Soichiro's glasses often function this way.
* [[ScheherezadeScheherazade Gambit]]: Ryuk is bored, he wants to be entertained and if he gets too bored he'll just kill Light and go home. Light constantly reminds Ryuk how entertaining he can be. {{spoiler|It works for six years.}}
* [[Schmuck Bait]]: Pretty much what causes Light to pick up the notebook and cause the series to happen.
* [[Scholarship Student]]: Referenced and inverted. When L and Light both give the entrance ceremony speech, Light is said to look like a normal private school student, "pampered and brilliant." L is said to look like a "crazy genius," though one of the conclusions (based on L's physical appearance) is that he's a poor scholarship student. It's an inversion, because L is rich from all of the cases he's solved and received money for.
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* [[Shoot the Shaggy Dog]]: {{spoiler|Light is killed by Ryuk, having been exposed as Kira, after so many people have been pointlessly killed. The world is rotten again, and nothing's been accomplished.}}
* [[Short Distance Phone Call]]: One of the turning points in the first arc, which leads to {{spoiler|Misa's capture and Light's [[Memory Gambit]] to save them both}}.
* [[Shout-Out]]: Quite a few; they have [[Death Note/Shout -Out|their own page]].
* [[Shut UP, Hannibal]]: Near's rebuttal to {{spoiler|Light's [[Motive Rant]] at the end}}.
* [["Shut Up" Kiss]]: Light: "Now be a good girl and go home." Misa didn't mind.
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* [[Strange Minds Think Alike]]: Light and L tend to finish each other's thoughts / inner monologues between cutaways.
** Light and Mikami.
* [[Strawman News Media]]: Type IV. You'd think that after the emergence of Kira that there would be a massive clampdown on broadcasting suspect's names... '''''WRONG!''''' Trial by media becomes execution by media: Here's the names and faces of people [[You Bastard|our viewers want to die in a fire.]] [[If It Bleeds, It Leads|Let's hope they die on live TV!]] This is especially exemplified with [[Attention Whore|Demegawa]] and [[Intellectually -Supported Tyranny|Takada.]]
** The cops actually consider a media clampdown as soon as L points out that Kira is killing by reading names of criminals out of the newspaper; however, L shoots the idea down, on the grounds that he reads Kira as a [[Psychopathic Manchild]] who would just start killing anyone he ''thinks'' is guilty, and blaming any innocent deaths on the police for instigated a media clampdown. He's probably right.
* [[Strongly Worded Letter]]: Not explored in depth, but one of these might be something to fear if it's out on the Internet and Kira agrees with the writer. In a way, Light and Mikami used the Death Note as this.
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