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* The very first episode of Eleven's tenure has him borrowing a [[Mr. Fanservice|hunky guy]]'s laptop, and later in the episode he refers to him as "Amy's friend... the good-looking one". It helps that Jeff seems perfectly happy to let the Doctor get all in his personal space. Are we sure it's a ''girl''friend Jeff needs?
* Eleven also kept running an appreciative eye over Bill Nighy as a museum curator in an episode because he likes his bow ties.
* Eleven and [[Doctor Who/Recap/S31 /E10 Vincent and The Doctor|Vincent van Gogh]]. They become physically close right off the bat, with the Doctor doing a lot of clapping his hand on Vincent's shoulder and such. Then Vincent gets hyped up on coffee and ends up screaming "''[[It Makes Sense in Context|Capture]] my mystery!''" at the Doctor, then awkwardly ''stroking'' his shirt. There are lingering glances, the Doctor comforting Vincent in the depths of his depression, long hugs, and [[OT3|Amy, the Doctor, and Vincent]] lying on the grass together stargazing, during which scene Vincent takes both their hands, and holds the Doctor's to his chest. [[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming|The Doctor even goes against pretty much ALL the rules of time travel and takes Vincent to see how popular and revered his work is in the future, just to add more good moments]] [[Tear Jerker|to a life that inevitably ends in suicide.]]
* Eleven and Rory have a bit of this going on from the moment they meet, mainly due to Eleven's complete disregard for personal space and their [[Foe Yay]] filled rivalry caused by Amy.
** There is a [http://youtu.be/Ix6omvPYXWI cut scene] from "The Hungry Earth" where Eleven gets distracted wondering where Rory is, before stating almost dreamily that "I like him. A ''lot''." It's adorable and most definitely should have been left in.
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'''Rory''': ''[nearly catatonic]'' ...absolutely no problem at all... }}
* In "The Impossible Astronaut", the Doctor casually mentions that two of the founding fathers had a thing for him.
* Madame Vastra and her chambermaid Jenny from "[[Doctor Who/Recap/S32 E7/E07 A Good Man Goes to War|A Good Man Goes To War]]" do not qualify simply because it's definitely not ''sub''text.
* In "The Invasion", Isobel is quite clear that she only wants to photograph Zoe, not Jamie. And then she gets Zoe to wear a miniskirt, and [[Panty Shot|photographs her from floor level]].
* There is a definite, if subtle, romantic undertone to Rumford and Fay's relationship in "The Stones of Blood". Mary Tamm herself said "We were all so innocent back then" when the [[Les Yay]] was pointed out to her.
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* A [[Yuri Fan]] will be able to wonder why Ping-Cho in "Marco Polo" was so anxious for Susan to say "goodbye" to her, even if there might be nothing to the pairing.
* In "Daleks in Manhattan", Martha seems way too excited to watch Tallulah's dance number.
* "[[Doctor Who/Recap/S25 E2/E02 The Happiness Patrol|The Happiness Patrol]]" is loaded with Ho Yay to the point that there's a serious argument that the whole thing is a deliberate queer rights allegory. In particular Ace getting her usual homoerotic overtones with a young female guest character (the repentant Patrol member Susan Q, who talks to her about being closetedly sad), the dysfunctional relationship between Gilbert M and the Kandyman, which really is like a married couple turned sour, and of course Gilbert M and Joseph C running away together at the end.
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