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"[[Shaped Like Itself|It means that it's bigger inside than out.]]" }}
** Lampshaded also in a number of Third Doctor episodes: Jon Pertwee had trouble dealing with technical talk of any sort, so eventually the writers threw in the towel and had ''everything'' come out "Reverse the polarity" (albeit not '[[Beam Me Up, Scotty|of the neutron flow]]').
*** Well, except for [[Doctor Who/Recap/S9 E3/E03 The Sea Devils|that one time]] when it ''was'' the polarity of the neutron flow ... the Master was suitably shocked at the suggestion. Perhaps he had no idea what it was, either.
** Also this from The Doctor's Wife:
{{quote|"Well actually, it's because the Time Lords discovered that if you take an eleventh-dimensional matrix and fold it into a mechanical then..." *Rory touches two wires together and they spark* "Yes, it's spacey-wacey!"}}
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