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[[Seen It a Million Times|We've all seen this before]]. Perchance the character [[Does Not Know His Own Strength]]. Maybe he's entering a [[Heroic BSOD]]. Perhaps her [[Berserk Button]] has just been pushed. Whatever the reason, one thing is certain: that glass in their hand doesn't stand a chance.
Next thing you know the character has clenched the glass (or other breakable object) so hard that it shatters in their hand. Depending on the mood, realism of the work and the thing that broke, there may be a cut to a dramatic closeup of blood dripping down from the hand that got cut on the shards. If the character is mad enough they're likely to not notice the bleeding, which might be a good sign that it's time to start running away really, really, fast.
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** In [[Pokémon Special|the manga]], Norman is so upset when he finds out his son Ruby ran away from home that he does this with his cell phone. His wife implies he does that quite often.
** Similarly, ''Pokémon Special'''s Koga does this to a Golbat-shaped viewing screen/communicator after being defeated by Green.
* ''[[Ranma ½|Ranma One Half]]''
** In the anime episode covering the unveiling of the [[Useless Useful Spell|Nekoken]], Genma does this while lamenting over how his son has suffered by having learnt the technique in question, crushing the glass he was drinking from (bloodlessly) while weeping over how you "just can't save a child from himself". The [[Hypocritical Humour]] here, of course, is that Ranma never ''wanted'' to learn the Nekoken -- ''Genma'' was the one who repeatedly [[Harmful to Minors|wrapped his son in fish and hurled him into a pit of starving cats]] until the trauma gave him a [[Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?|phobia]] that could induce a cat-like split personality if he got too frightened.
** In both anime and manga, when Akane has "traded" Ranma to Nabiki, she at one point hears what she thinks is Ranma entering Nabiki's room, which is right next door, and does the "listen through a glass against the wall" trick. Between the sounds she hears and her own imagination, the glass promptly shatters violently between her fingers as she sees in her mind's eye Ranma jumping a not-exactly-unwilling Nabiki for sex, whereupon Akane goes storming into Nabiki's room. {{spoiler|And gets even more pissed off when she finds out that Nabiki psyched her out; Ranma isn't there and never was there, and Nabiki was just messing with her to get her to pay Nabiki to break up with Ranma.}}
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* ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh (anime)|Yu-Gi-Oh]]'': Yugi's aura was once so powerful, he broke a glass in someone else's hand. ''Through a TV screen''.
* Mima from ''[[Perfect Blue]]'' does this with a tea cup in one scene.
* Shizuo ends up doing this in vol. 5 of ''[[Durarara!!]]''. Since it's [[Super Strength|Shizuo]], he doesn't break a glass. Instead, he crushes a steel cup into a ball of foil. [[Does Not Know His Own Strength|Accidentally.]]
* ''[[Ouran High School Host Club]]'': Tamaki does this with his cell phone in the second Kasanoda episode.
* In the ''[[Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS|Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha Striker S]]'', manga, Teana does this with a paper cup when Subaru suggests that they can, through effort, shake off their reputation as the "airheaded pair," before [[Necktie Leash|grabbing her necktie]] and telling her it's her fault they have this reputation.
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* A [[Treacherous Advisor]] type [http://img39.imageshack.us/img39/5615/blz12.jpg does this] in the ''[[X-wing Rogue Squadron|X Wing Series]]'' after two Rogues refuse to turn on one of their own.
* In ''[[Watchmen (comics)|Watchmen]]'', Rorschach makes another person do this as an interrogation method, crushing the glass in his hand to cause tremendous pain.
* Lilandra's reaction to [[Fantastic Four|Reed Richards]] saving planet devouring Galactus.
* [[Scott Pilgrim]] crushes the plastic booze cup in his hand when he first tries to talk to Ramona Flowers.
* The ''[[Batman]]'' arc "Prey" has Bruce Wayne break a glass when he hears Hugo Strange perfectly profile what might drive a man to become Batman on a news broadcast.
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* ''[[A Raisin in the Sun]]'': Walter crushes a glass in his hand upon learning that his mother has put a down payment on a better house, rather than giving him the money to invest in a liquor store.
* In ''[[Scott Pilgrim vs. the World]]'', Lucas Lee crushes a paper cup filled with coffee after realizing that Scott beat up all his stunt doubles.
* ''[[True Lies]]'': Harry uses binoculars to watch the slimy used car salesman he thinks is sleeping with his wife. His partner makes several quips about the situation, and we know one has hit a nerve when we see one of the lenses crack under Harry's grip.
* In ''[[Army of Darkness]]'', Ash crushes a pewter mug with his new gauntlet-hand.
{{quote|"[[Catch Phrase|Groovy]]!"}}
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== Literature ==
* ''[[Harry Potter (novel)|Harry Potter]]''
** In one book, Dean crushes the glass in his hand after Harry kisses Ginny.
** In ''[[Harry Potter/Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban|Harry Potter]]'', Aunt Marge believes she has accidentally broken a glass by squeezing it too hard. In actual fact, Harry subconsciously made it explode. However, she does claim to have accidentally broken another glass a few days before at someone else's house.
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** [[Dracula]] in ''[[Castlevania: Symphony of the Night]]'' holds a wine glass in the prologue, which he then violently throws to the floor before he gets up off his throne to fight Richter.
*** This was later [[Everything Trying to Kill You|parodied]] in ''[[I Wanna Be the Guy]]''.
*** It gets a [[Continuity Nod]] in ''[[Aria of Sorrow]]''. When the possessed Soma shows up in the Bad End, he does the same pose and throws the glass before fighting Julius.
*** Same in ''[[Dawn of Sorrow]]'', when you fight Soma in Julius Mode.
** Elsewhere, in ''[[Portrait of Ruin]]'', Brauner gets angry enough before his boss fight that he presses his cane into the ground until it snaps.
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