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** [[Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's|Yusei Fudo]] has survived the most non-duel beatings, including being bombarded with scrap metal, numerous electrocutions, having shrapnel the size of a dinner plate lodged into his gut, surviving an explosion followed by a 10 plus story drop down a chasm, and just getting up and walking away. And if you see all of his crashes, [[Badass Longcoat|Jack's]] a close second in this Title Race.
** Joey/Jonouchi from the original series also counts, as he once managed to recover from a horrible beating and [[Electric Torture]] (before card games became the series focus). Also, he LITERALLY DIED as a result of his duel against Marik, but he recovered surprisingly quickly.
* ''[[Durarara!!]]''
** Shizuo Heiwajima. {{spoiler|The man gets stabbed in both legs and remarks "Doesn't even hurt." Later, he is shot in the leg and side and ''thinks he slipped in the rain'' until he sees the blood. Afterwards he simply walks to Shinra's house, and is still unfazed by his normally life-threatening wounds.}} Shizuo's apparent superhuman endurance is acknowledged in canon: [[Back-Alley Doctor|Shinra]] ''hates'' treating Shizuo, because he never leaves an operation without destroying at least one of his best scalpels in the process. Shizuo's body isn't Made of Iron: ''it's harder than it''.
** Also the three kidnappers from the first episode. Celty hits one of them with her motorcycle and smashes another's face into a wall which leaves behind a huge mess, yet they show up later on no worse for wear. Plus anyone who [[Super Strength|Shizuo]] hits, throws, or punches. Special mention goes to Rokujo Chikage, who takes four steel-crushing punches to the face, [[Defiant to the End|yet still has the energy to taunt Shizuo about his lacking sex life]]. Mention must also be given to [[Magnificent Bastard|Izaya]] [[Knowledge Broker|Orihara]] who is the regular target of Shizuo's inhuman rage. In their first on-screen confrontation, Shizuo [[Freud Was Right|nails Izaya]] by chucking and hitting him ''in the head'' with a vending machine so hard Izaya is thrown several feet. The [[Fur and Loathing|snazzily-dressed]] [[Knife Nut]] just ''gets up like nothing happened.''
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