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* [[Dead Man Writing]]: {{spoiler|Techerakh, ''Thurokiir'' of Heraan and the [[Player Character]]'s mentor in the Auroran string, is killed in action about two-thirds into the plot. He leaves a message for the player that ends in the line "Unite us, then lead us to victory."}}
* [[Disability Immunity]]: In ''Nova'', neither the game nor the manual explains what the Vell-os nanite organ actually ''does'' beyond being necessary for a Vell-os's life (presumably it has something to do with their long lives), but the fact that you aren't actually a Vell-os and so lack it ends up being ''very'' important in the Vell-os storyline: {{spoiler|a powerful enough telepath could sidestep the control mechanism in the slave implant for a few seconds and simply remove it, but as the device is hooked into the nanite organ, doing so would be lethal to a Vell-os. The Bureau, not realizing that you aren't actually a Vell-os, never bothered to add additional safeguards in case you got that powerful...}}
* [[Does This Remind You of Anything?]]: ''[[EveEVE Online]]'s'' story is almost a direct copy of ''EV Nova's''.
** Mixed with [[Freud Was Right]] in the case of the [http://www.boring.org.uk/evo/ships/igzara.htm Igazra].
* [[Elite Mook]]: In ''Nova'', each ship has several variants. One might also single out Polaris Nil'kimas craft (which are significantly better than regular Polaris ships, but these are the Polaris: you wet yourself regardless of type.)
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