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* [[Acceptable Targets]]:
* [[Archive Binge]]: There are MANY stories written, by many authors. They range in quality from excellent, well-written pieces that are well worth reading{{citation needed}} to just flat out bad. The veterans of the setting are willing to help out to improve stories, but it's best to ask around as to which stories will give you the best impression of the setting.
** If a Tamer is not the main character and lacks an obvious outward feature from heavy Pokégirl ancestry (animal ears, a tail, scales, etc.), chances are high that they're going to be portrayed as incompetent, rude, racist, inconsiderate or believing in stupid and obviously false things about Pokégirls.
** The Pure Bloods, humans that don't have any Pokégirl genes in their bloodline, are almost always portrayed as jerks, criminals, terrorists, or corrupt government officials that don't want to breed with Pokégirls just because they're racial supremacists.
** While it still exists in the lore's general naming convention to a certain extent, for some reason heavily sexualized nicknames tend to be a subject of intense mockery in pokédex entries, league primers and community stories, with many named characters expressing genuine disgust at such a practice and the only ones using it unironically often being moronic, racist tamers and criminals.
* [[Archive Binge]]: There are MANY stories written, by many authors. They range in quality from excellent, well-written pieces that are well worth reading{{citation needed}}: to just flat out bad. The veterans of the setting are willing to help out to improve stories, but it's best to ask around as to which stories will give you the best impression of the setting.
* [[Mary Sue]]: Lordamercy, there have been a lot of these. When these characters appear, Pokegirls are usually turned into nothing more than [[A Lady on Each Arm|arm candy]]. [[Completely Missing the Point|Which defies the whole purpose of the setting to begin with]]. Overlaps with [[God Mode Sue]] in the worst case scenario, such as in the Ranma Chaos stories and the Naruto-based tale, A New Life, which in turn leads to [[Villain Decay]], especially for the Widow and Leviathaness. Normally [[Nightmare Fuel]], [[Mary Sue]] fics turn these monsters into fodder to show how 'speshul' the main character is.
* [[Nightmare Fuel]]: The Widow. A giant black widow spider with a vaguely female upper body. It is nearly [[Nigh Invulnerability|indestructible]], has complete 360 degree vision, has vicious, razor-edged blades for two of its four arms, capable of shooting a [[Kamehame Hadoken]] at you and possesses a venom so toxic the only way to cure it is to hope for a Deus Ex Machina or chop off the poisoned part of the body QUICKLY before it spreads. Combine that with [[Vagina Dentata]] and the fact that its poisons affect itself so badly that it keeps a Widow in a near berserker state, and you have the last thing you want to meet in a dark alley. These creatures are so powerful that losses are guaranteed when facing it, and the advice for a single Tamer and harem upon encountering a Widow is quite simple: [[Screw This, I'm Outta Here|RUN AWAY AND DON'T STOP!]]
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