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* [[Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?]]: Oh yes. Gozer the Gozerian gets beaten by [[Forbidden Chekhov's Gun|crossing the streams]]. They also fight what is expressly described as "Deity" ghosts in the game.
* [[Exclusively Evil]]: Ghosts, except for very specific instances in spinoffs and adaptation. The Busters have to be justified in locking these things up for all eternity, after all.
** Their are a few exeptionsexceptions of course. Slimer reformed by movie 2 and former Mayor Fiorello Laguardia gave some advice to the current Mayor of New York at one point.
* [[Fan Film]]: Has inspired a whole slew of fan films based on the idea of Ghostbusters becoming a franchise business and organized in other cities. This includes ''[[A Nightmare on Elm Street|Freddy]] [[X Meets Y|Vs. Ghostbusters]]'', ''The Denver Ghostbusters'' and ''[[Ghostbusters SLC]]''.
* [[Fantastic Science]]: Two of the three original characters, Ray and Egon, are legitimate paranormal researchers that channel their knowledge into the business of "paranormal investigations and eliminations." Peter for his part is both a psychologist and parapsychologist, so he contributes the human relations and [[Only Sane Man]] elements.
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** Peter ([[The Hero]])
** Ray ([[The Lancer]]) - an inversion of the typical hero/lancer dynamic, as Peter is the cynic and Ray the "the heart."
** Egon ([[The Smart Guy]] moresomore so, he is much more socially aloof than the others)
** Winston ([[The Big Guy]], although smarter than his teammates in the common sense area. The game mentions [[Genius Bruiser|that he has since earned a PhD.]])
** Janine ([[The Chick]] as the only female of the group. Usually she's [[The Face]] and stays at the station finding clients and doing paperwork. On the occasions where Janine is forced to help directly, she's just as good as the guys)
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* [[Four-Temperament Ensemble]]: Ray is sanguine, Peter is choleric, Egon is melancholic, Winston is phlegmatic.
* [[Funny Background Event]]: After blowing up the poor housemaid's cart, while they stand around talking, you can see her trying to ''spritz'' out the fires they started with a bottle of cleaner.
** During the cutscenes in the video game, The Rookie can be seen reacting to the situations in humorous ways, especially when Stay-puft Puft first appears.
* [[Getting Crap Past the Radar]]: An awful lot of swearing and sexual innuendo for a family comedy. Not to mention [[Demonic Possession]], heads on pikes, and all the other horror.
** Not just innuendo. Dana outright says (though she's possessed by Zuul at the time and therefore Venkman refuses her) "I want you inside me." This is usually cut from TV broadcasts of the movie.
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* [[Vanity License Plate]]: The Ectomobile has ECTO 1 on its tags.
* [[Weapons That Suck]]: Technically speaking, the real weapon the Busters use against the ghosts are their traps, which suck the ghosts in and hold them until deposited in the protection grid. All the proton packs intended for is to snare ghosts in the proton stream and position them above the trap. That's also why the Busters didn't need the proton packs to capture the jogging ghost; all they had to do is place the trap in his path and open it when he stepped over it.
* [[Weirdness Censor]]: Despite the rampant evidence to the contrary, Peck insists the Ghostbusters are frauds deluding people with chemicals and "a cheap, electronic light show." (Of course, a city official then asks Peck to explain why "the walls in the 53rd precinct are bleeding") In the second movie, several characters continue this attitude, which makes one wonder what they thought of the very public attack involving the very gigantic Stay- Puft Marshmallow Man.
* [[What the Hell, Hero?]]: "What did you ''do'', Ray?"
* [[The Worf Barrage]]: Basically the major ghosts of the movies prove to be immune to the normal proton pack capture streams, which force the team to resort to different strategies to beat them.
** The proton packs don't do much against Gozer in his/her Stay- Puft Marshmallow Man form. By setting him on fire they may have made him ''more'' dangerous.
** Vigo is briefly annoyed by the packs and brushes the team away and paralyzes them. He has to be weakened by a [[Care Bear Stare]] / [[Combined Energy Attack]] in the form of happy, singing New Yorkers, which was the only way they were able to enter the building anyway.
** The games introduce three major modifications (complete with a secondary fire mode) to the classic backpack and most of the ghosts have a weakness to one of them: basic particle stream, dark matter generator, slime blower and meson collider. The idea is if one ghost is shrugging off any one of your attacks you can switch them up.
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* [[Bathos]]: Evoked at the end of the first movie. The city is being destroyed by an evil god, yes, but it's in the form of a giant, smiling, sailor hat-wearing guy made of marshmallows.
* [[Beautiful Condemned Building]]: Despite its numerous flaws, Ray falls in love with the old firehouse.
* [[Brand X]]: Stay- Puft Marshmallows.
* [[Brick Joke]]: Ray has a rather underwhelming plan to catch the first ghost seen in the movie.
{{quote|'''Ray:''' Ready...GET HER!}}
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* [[Dean Bitterman]]: Dean Yeager inadvertently starts the Ghostbusters by firing them from their cushy academic jobs.
* [[Demonic Possession]]: Dana Barrett and Louis Tully.
* [[Dope Slap]]: Peter Venkmann to Ray Stanz, and vice -versa.
* [[Eldritch Abomination]]: This is what Gozer was implied to be. Parodied with the final form Gozer takes, which is the cuddly and cute Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man.
* [[Eldritch Location]]: Gozer's dimension, as glimpsed through the fridge portal.
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* [[Evil Makeover]] / [[Evil Is Sexy]]: {{spoiler|When Dana gets possessed by Zuul}}.
* [[Fog Feet]]: The library ghost.
* [[Foreshadowing]]: In the scene where the eggs in Dana's groceries start cooking themselves while still in the box, a bag of Stay- Puft marshmallows can be seen right next to them.
* [[A Form You Are Comfortable With]]: Played with when Gozer offers the Ghostbusters to choose the form of the Destructor.
* [[Glad I Thought of It]]: Peter Venkmann and Dana Barrett.
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{{quote|'''Peter:''' Ray has gone bye-bye, Egon. What have you got left?
'''Egon:''' Sorry, Venkman. [[That Makes Me Feel Angry|I'm terrified beyond the capacity for rational thought]]. }}
* [[Hoist by His Own Petard]]: The Ghostbusters had only just figured out the significance of Zuul, Gozer, Ivo Shandor, and Dana Barret's apartment building by the time of the final confrontation. Dana, their first customer, only came to them when she did because she saw their commercial on TV, and she only saw them on TV because it was on when she got home. It is implied that it was on when she got home because of paranormal activity in her apartment (along with the eggs and the doomfridge). If Zuul couldacould've just dialed it back on the poltergeisting, Gozer would have been triumphant.
* [[Hope Spot]]: For a moment, it looks like they've vaporized Gozer and all's good with the world. Then Egon chimes in with "Ray, this looks extraordinarily ''bad''." Cue Stay- Puft Marshmallow Man.
* [["I Know You're in There Somewhere" Fight]]: Averted in the first film, as Venkman was utterly foiled in his attempt to reach Dana.
{{quote|'''Zuul (in Dana's body):''' There is no Dana, only Zuul!
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* [[Never My Fault]]: Walter Peck condemns the Ghostbusters for causing the explosion he himself had caused, in spite of their warnings.
* [[Never Recycle a Building]]: Even though it's a major deathtrap in the middle of New York City, the abandoned firehouse remains conveniently available until Venkman ''et al'' need a place of business.
* [[The Not-So-Harmless Punishment]]: When Gozer demands that the Earth choose the shape of its destroyer, Ray immediately thinks of The Stay- Puft Marshmallow Man, being the one thing that he believes could not possibly ever hurt us. Unfortunately, that's not quite so.
* [[Oh Crap]]: The look on Mr. Stay Puft's face when the Ghostbusters cross the streams.
** Alternatively, the Ghostbusters's reaction to Stay- Puft:
{{quote|'''Ray''': [[Big No|No!]] It can't be!
'''Winston''': What is it?!
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* [[Styrofoam Rocks]]: At the end, when debris falling is from the top of the skyscraper. In one shot you can see a rock, which had supposedly tumbled from several hundred feet in the air, fall straight down and bounce off of a wooden police barrier.
* [[Tailor-Made Prison]]: All of the ghosts who get captured get placed into the nuclear-powered Containment Unit. Instant Catastrophe? [[Sealed Evil in a Can|Turn off the Unit.]]
* [[This Cannot Be!]]: Ray's reaction at seeing the Stay- Puft monster.
* [[Trust Me, I'm an X]]: "Back off, man, I'm a scientist."
* [[The Tunguska Event]]: A throw-away line near the end has Ray telling Louis that he was part of the biggest crossover event since this, implying that it was a ghost thing.
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{{quote|'''Egon''': Vigo the Carpathian. Born 1505, died 1610.
'''Peter Venkman''': 105 years old, he hung in there, didn't he?
'''Ray''': He didn't die of old age, either. He was poisoned, stabbed, shot, hung, stretched, disembowleddisemboweled, drawn and quartered.
'''Peter Venkman''': Ouch. }}
* [[The Renfield]]: Janosz, who was played by Peter MacNicol, who also played ''the'' Renfield in ''Dracula: Dead And Loving It''.
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