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'''Clover''': Whoa }}
** Not speaking of the [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JHzMrA_44Mg elevator scene.]
* An [[Easter Egg]] scene in ''[[Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater]]'' involved what looked and sounded like a sex scene, with both Snake and EVA grunting and groaning and making comments to each other -- we see quick cuts of their faces twisted in exertion, and silhouettes of them on the far wall. EVA gives a final passionate wail, and we get a shot of her grinning face -- and her hand, in which she's holding a tracking device one of the villains implanted on Snake, which she'd just managed to pull out. Hilariously, the shadows are of both of them ''wrestling''.
* Played repeatedly by Oghren in ''[[Dragon Age|Dragon Age: Origins]]''... maybe. The player (and most of the game's cast) are forced to guess just how innocently Oghren has been 'polishing his sword'. He also plays this one (seemingly) completely innocently a different time in reference to "pike-twirling".
** And ''Awakenings'' has Oghren spot a darkspawn trying to steal his stuff, leading to the infamous line "No-one touches Oghren's junk and lives!"
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