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The main characters are all sitting in the dark, watching a horror movie about a yellow monster with scales and a tail. One character decides to go get some chips and dip, but while looking for the dip in the fridge, WHOOPS, he drops the bottle of mustard, steps on it, and gets covered in mustard. Then he tries to wipe it off, but he slips and falls, and the paper towels stick to his back.
Then he tries to open the chips, but the bag explodes, flinging chips everywhere. The chips, of course, land on him in such a way that it looks like he has scales.
He walks back into the room and the other characters scream! He, coincidentally, looks like the monster from the film! [[Hilarity Ensues]].
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== Fan Fiction ==
* [http://twentypercentcooler.net/post/show/5043 "Zecora's Gift"], a ''[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic|My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic]]'' fan-comic, has Derpy do this in the classic "horror movie startle" way.
== Film ==
* A character in ''[[Rat Race]]'' [[Disaster Dominoes|accidentally]] disguises himself as Hitler (with a mustache-like smudge on his face being the least ridiculous aspect) and ends up on the stage of a [[World War Two]] veterans meeting.
** He's also driving a VW Sedan (Hitler's real car, in fact) and due to very precise burns on his tongue and hand he was also talking German-sounding gibberish and showing his middle finger.
** Naturally, said character was ''actually'' Jewish (Jon Lovitz, to be precise).
* A not-so-accidental version occurs in ''[[The Emperor's New Groove|The Emperors New Groove]]'', where Pacha's wife and kids set Yzma up to look like a piñata.
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** [[Artistic License History|The Nazis actually]] [[Did Not Do the Research|despised the ]][[Even Evil Has Standards|Ku Klux Klan]], [[They Just Didn't Care|but who cares]]?
* In ''[[Mean Girls]]'', Cady walks in on Janice and Damien while wearing her Halloween costume, and this trope happens. She's supposed to be dressed up as--in her words--an 'ex-wife', but Janice and Damien were currently watching a horror movie and lightning and thunder just happened to crash as Cady walked in.
* In ''[[Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (Disney film)|Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs]]'', the dwarfs run out of their home when they think there's a monster inside (it's really Snow White). Dopey, [[The Runt At the End|lagging behind as usual]], falls in a pile of pots and pans and runs out with the pots tangled up over his person. The others think he's the monster and attack him.
* In ''[[Schtonk]]!'', the satire about the faked Hitler diaries, the counterfeiter is sitting at his work while wearing an old Wehrmacht coat. He has a fever, and his sweaty hair sticks to his forehead. Then he spills some ink, cleans it up with his handkerchief, sneezes, cleans his nose and unwillingly leaves a spot looking like a Hitler moustache. And then, his partner in crime comes in and tells him that people want proof that the diaries were written by noone but Hitler himself. Cue the counterfeiter looking into a mirror.
* In ''[[Wayne's World]] 2'', Wayne roes in some friends to spy on his girlfriend meeting with a sleazeball suitor. From a telephone pole Wayne, dressed as a construction worker, sees them through binoculars. He radios Garth, dressed as a traffic cop, who in turn radios their accomplices, dressed as a sailor at a USO event and a leather-wearing biker working on his chopper. When Wayne's girlfriend notices, they abort and run into a random doorway, which takes them into a gay club, and onto the stage, where the DJ sees them and mistakes them for [[Village People]] impersonators, putting on "YMCA". Then, the Indian from Wayne's dreams shows up...
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** It goes even deeper than that. Prior to that, the bell signalling the death of the Pope is rung by one of the protagonists who "wonders what this rope is for" and one of the pope hats catches on fire and is thrown into the fireplace, releasing the white smoke that signals a new Pope has been selected. The crowd is waiting for his appearance when Scotty appears on the balcony.
* In ''[[The Muppet Movie]]'', Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem paint Fozzie and Kermit's car to keep them safe from Doc Hopper. When Doc Hopper manages to recognize them anyway, Kermit spots a billboard that ''just happens'' to match the paint job, and has Fozzie [[Wallpaper Camouflage|pull up in front of it so they can hide.]]
* [[Mystery Team]] combines this with [[Paper-Thin Disguise]]. Troy's disguise gets him into a building because the costume is so obvious the guard assumes he's there for the costume party.
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* ''[[That's So Raven]]'': while sneaking into the shoot of a zombie movie Raven fell on the catering table, getting covered in food, causing her to blend in perfectly with the zombies.
* ''[[Black Books]]'' established that Manny had a loose tooth, and a massaging device could put your back out. Also, he begins limping when the events of the episode activate a stress cramp in his leg. Putting these together had Bernard [[It Makes Sense in Context|becoming a ranting]] [[Mad Scientist]] with Manny as [[The Igor|Igor]].
** ''[[Black Books]]'' also did this for the first time Bernard meets Manny - he wakes up to see him hovering overhead dressed in a white hospital robe with his long hair loose, surrounded by [[Fluffy Cloud Heaven|white light]]...
* ''[[Scrubs]]'' used this trope in an episode where JD was helping the [[Almighty Janitor|Janitor]] "move house", and was told upon the task nearing completion to put on gloves and a hat to protect from fibreglass and dust in the attic (or something like that), followed by the Janitor leaving, and the house's real owners showing up to JD dressed like a burglar.
** Not actually coincidental or accidental. The Janitor is a [[Magnificent Bastard]].
* Highly provocative example from ''[[Seinfeld]]'': a series of comic mishaps involving being dressed in his riding clothes, accidentally spilling ink on himself (and scratching under his nose), and so on leave Elaine's boss looking just like Hitler. Just before he goes into a meeting to discuss the "invasion" (merger) of Poland Springs.
{{quote|'''Mr. Pitt:''' We WILL annex Poland by the Spring, at any cost! AND... our stock will rise '''[[Adolf Hitler|HIGH!]]''' [[Memetic Hand Gesture|*raises hand*]]}}
** Similarly, in ''[[Father Ted]]'', Ted finds himself standing in the exact position required to make a square bit of a dirt on the window look like a Hitler moustache, to the consternation of the Chinese family who were invited over specifically to prove that Ted wasn't racist.
** Another Seinfeld episode culminates in Kramer carrying a cane, wearing Joseph's Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, donning a woman's hat, and to complete the effect, having an altercation with a woman on the street, leading to his being mistaken for a Pimp.
* In one episode of the ''[[Dick Van Dyke Show]]'', Laura and Rob dye something black, only to find that the black dye won't come off their hands and arms... on the night Rob speaks at an NAACP dinner.
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* Done with a healthy dose of [[Mood Whiplash]] in ''[[College Roomies from Hell]]'' when Dave ends up with a rotten pumpkin crammed down over his head and Margaret shoots him, taking him for a pumpkin-headed zombie monster.
* In ''[[Freefall]]'', Florence the Antropomorphic Wolf seeks shelter from a storm and medical attention... [http://freefall.purrsia.com/ff400/fv00351.htm just as the house owner is watching a werewolf marathon]. Crouched (to keep a wound closed), showing teeth (trying for a smile) and backlit by lightning, Florence is [http://freefall.purrsia.com/ff400/fv00354.htm not a reassuring sight].
* In ''[[Sluggy Freelance]]'', the very-short Broadman sneaks into a party disguised as a chef, while still wearing fake [[Pointy Ears]] from his [[Vampire: The Masquerade]] LARP, the end result being that Torg and Riff mistake him for the cookie-elf they're looking for.
** There was also the second Halloween arc, where Riff's redesigning the fog machine to run on Rogaine caused him and Torg to sprout hair all over their bodies, just in time for the first of the many annual demons from the Dimension of Pain to show up and ask the 'werewolves' how to find Torg.
* ''Dangerously Chloe'' had a girl from Teddy's school having a date with him out of curiosity - after she witnessed a succubus impersonating him reverting to the [[Gag Boobs|''quite'' obviously female]] body shape, noticed another succubus, who didn't morph her horns away in time and [[Mistaken for Aliens|thought that Teddy and his associates are shapeshifting aliens]]... {{spoiler|Their date involved watching a silly horror movie "Killer Bikini Babes". For some strange reason, seeing a human suddenly shapeshifting into busty horned alien on screen}} made her shriek.
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** Also, while Grampa was competing (and failing) in a race, Groundskeeper Willie was cutting the grass with a scythe. It started raining, so Willie decided to put on his black raincoat, Grampa meanwhile was getting tired and his dentures fell out. Willie tried to return the dentures to him while in the raincoat and still carrying the scythe, leading Grampa to mistake him for the Grim Reaper, so he started running faster and [[Accidental Athlete|won the race]].
** Due to the side-effects of the treatments needed to keep him alive, Mr. Burns was once mistaken for a glowing alien.
** Also happens to Marge in one episode, in which a series of mishaps leave her looking like a stereotypical witch.
* In ''[[Catscratch]]'', a type of this happens, where Gordon has a violent allergic reaction to broccoli (that he doesn't notice), which coincidentally makes him look exactly like the monster from a movie his brothers were watching. Later, Gordon has a different reaction to chocolate, which makes him looks like another monster from a comic book his brothers were reading.
* During the ''[[Total Drama Island]]'' episode "Phobia Factor" Cody's garbage bomb explodes, covering him in sludge and trash, as he staggers back towards camp, holding his arms out zombishly and making unintelligible groaning noises (from disgust) he comes across a terrified and lonely Bridgette who immediately screams and makes a run for it.
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