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* [[Bigger Is Better in Bed]]: Harley describes Mikhael's as "big as a ruler." And then there's [http://boymeetsboy.keenspot.com/d/20010203.html this strip].
* [[Bishonen]]: Tybalt, Aubrey as a guy, and arguably Cy, Harley, and Skids.
* [[Bi the Way]]: Skids... well... is hard to put in a category, and his sexual orientation is never really discussed, only the people he has feelings for.
* [[Bittersweet Ending]]: A few relationships get together, a few friendships end, some people live happily ever after, and others drift apart and lose contact forever.
* [[Blondes Are Evil]]: Played straight with Collin and averted with Harley.
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* [[Man Child]] (Flash. "There are inflatable women?")
* [[May-December Romance]]: There's a bit of an age gap between Mik and Harley. When they first had sex Harley was only 17. (But Mik didn't know that at the time.)
* [[Mundane Fantastic]]: Although seemingly set in our world, Tabitha is the daughter of Satan with occasional related hijinks ensuing.
** Lets not forget the small storylines around the end where Fox is secretly a superhero and Collin his arch nemesis/ sidekick
* [[No Fourth Wall]]: Right at the beginning Mik acknowledges that there's an audience watching him. Now and then various characters make references to being in a webcomic, often to others whodon't know what that character is talking about or mentioning stuff like the irregular [[Useful Notes/Fonts|font]] in certain speech bubbles.
* [[Old Shame]]: Even though it was the comic that pretty much defined Sandra K. Fuhr as a force to be reckoned with in webcomics, ''Boy Meets Boy'' is a taboo topic nowadays. By the end of the comic, the author was tired of the story and had fallen out with the characters.
** Soon after ''[[Other Peoples Business]]'' started, people were asking if they'd see cameo appearances of ''Boy Meets Boy'' characters in it, along with ''[[Friendly Hostility]]''. Sandra threatened not to tempt her, as if they showed up again, she'd probably make a [[Darker and Edgier]] bleak future for [[Not as You Know Them|Mik and Harley]].
* [[Relationship Upgrade]]: Fox and Collin. Averted with Cy and Skids.
* [[Rotating Arcs]]: Between Harley and Mik, Collin and Fox and Skids and Tybalt.
* [[Satan Is Good]]: Or at the very least, [[Affably Evil]].
* [[Spin-Off]]: ''[[Friendly Hostility]]'', where Fox and Collin are the main characters, and ''that'' spun off into ''[[Other Peoples Business]]'', where Fox is a supporting character, and Collin is one of the antagonists.
* [[StraightInvisible Gayto Gaydar]]: Mikhael is probably the best example.
* [[Story Arc]]
* [[Suspiciously Specific Denial]]: Cy says he didn't have a wet dream about Skids.
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