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* [[Armies Are Evil]]: Strictly speaking, the "soldiers" are NOVA's security team and not proper military, but close enough.
* [[Badass Unintentional]]: Johnny Five, in the second movie, since he's a [[Technical Pacifist]].
* [[Bank Robbery]]: {{spoiler|Oscar}}'s scheme in the sequel.
* [[Become a Real Boy]]: One of the plot points of the second movie is Johnny Five's quest to be recognized as sentient. {{spoiler|He eventually is, and becomes a naturalized U.S. citizen alongside Ben at the end.}}
* [[Berserk Button]]: Do not mistreat Johnny Five's friends, and do not treat him like a mere machine. He WILL find you, and he WILL deal the most humiliating yet nonviolent punishment imaginable. Stephanie's ex-boyfriend and {{spoiler|Oscar}} both found that out '''FIRSTHAND'''.
{{quote|"You will '''not''' get away! I am '''[[I Feel Angry|really pissed off!!]]'''"}}
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* [[Bus Full of Innocents]]: Howard is scared that the malfunctioning Number 5 might attack one.
{{quote|'''Howard:''' What if it decides to melt down a bus full of nuns? How would you write the headline on ''that''?!
'''Ben''': [[Open Mouth, Insert Foot|Nun soup?]] }}
* [[But I Read a Book About It]]: Newton's response when Ben asks if he's ever seen a woman naked.
** Standard fare for Johnny-Five. With most of his fairly short life spent interacting with only about a half-dozen humans in any significant way, the majority of his experience and knowledge comes from the piles upon piles of books he's read.
* [[California Doubling]]: The sequel takes place in the USA, but was shot in Toronto. It was rumouredrumored that the crew had to go out of their way to add litter to the shots to maintain to the illusion of an American city, but it kept getting cleaned up by City Services when they were on break.
* [[Candlelit Bath]]: Parodied.
{{quote|'''Number Five:''' "Stephanie... change color? Attractive! [[If You Know What I Mean|Nice software]]!"}}
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* [[Dissimile]]: Fred explaining that he didn't "lose" Johnny Five. He just "[[From a Certain Point of View|misplaced]] him, y'know? Like your car keys."
* [[Do-Anything Robot]]: Let's see... Johnny has a parachute, "multi-frequency remote control" that allows him to control anything electric (within range), and a [[Swiss Army Weapon]] that extends to {{spoiler|cut through solid steel bank vault walls}}, unlock cars and unscrew their radios, and help build little toy robots.
* [[Does Not Know His Own Strength]]: Johnny, in the second movie. When he wants to push past someone (usually [[Con Man|Fred]]) he tends to toss him halfway across the room. Not to mention the trouble he gives the two police officers when they arrest him for trashing the bookstore.
{{quote|'''Johnny Five:''' ''I am NOT stolen goods!'' -slams fists on the table, yanking the police officers down- }}
* [[Do Not Pass Go]]: In the second movie.
{{quote|'''Johnny Five:''' ''You will book me, Danno? I will make your day? Do not pass go?''}}
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''' Howard:''' "I thought they were choppers."
'''Skroeder:''' "Well, now they're called Hueys."
'''Howard:''' "Well, why wasn't I notified?" }}
** This is likely Skroeder's mistake, as "Huey" is a specific model of helicopter, not the catch-all term for helicopters Skroeder seems to think it is.
* [[Everyone Knows Morse]]: [[Subverted Trope]] in the sequel.
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* [[Family-Unfriendly Violence]]: Johnny Five's {{spoiler|[[There Is No Kill Like Overkill|ridiculously graphic maiming]] at the hands of the bank robbers}}.
* [[Fantastic Racism]]: Johnny seems to believe this is the reason {{spoiler|Oscar tried to kill Johnny, but only locked Ben and Fred in a freezer. See [[Lock and Load Montage]] for the result.}}
* [[Fire-Forged Friends]]: Fred treats Johnny like he's his personal butler (partly because Ben kept him in the dark about Johnny's AI), then tries to sell him to some corporate bigwigs, prompting Johnny to unleash the white hot rage: "He is [[I Feel Angry|NOT]] my friend!" However, after Johnny is {{spoiler|nearly killed by Oscar's mooks}}, Fred [[Pet the Dog|scavenges the city]] for him and later [[I Owe You My Life|repairs]] him ''single-handedly''. By the end of the movie, they've become an [[Adventure Duo]].
* [[Foreshadowing]]:
** {{spoiler|Oscar's}} goons {{spoiler|destroying the No.5 replica}} early in the second film.
** And at the police station:
{{quote|[[William Shakespeare|...If you prick us,]] [[The Merchant of Venice|do we not bleed?]]<br />
Yeah, battery fluid maybe. }}
* [[Frickin' Laser Beams]]: All the military robots.
** In the sequel Johnny replaces his with a [[Utility Belt|Utility Pack]].
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* [[Funny Foreigner]]: Benjamin Jabituya.
** In the first movie, he was more of a [[Plucky Comic Relief]] character. In the second movie, they gave him the last name Jahrvi and tried to give him a more serious story, while still keeping him funny.
* [[Fun with Acronyms]]: S.A.I.N.T. Touches on nightmare fuel, given the root is '''S'''trategic '''A'''rtificially '''I'''ntelligent '''N'''uclear '''T'''ransport.. The SAINT series are nuke delivery platforms, designed, [[Chekhov's Skill|as explained at the start of the first film]], to be para-dropped into enemy cities, use their maneuvrabilitymaneuverability, intelligence, and weaponry to safely deliver their nuclear payload to their target, and then blow themselves up.
* [[G-Rated Drug]]: Apparently, knowledge is this to a newly sentient robot. [[Played for Laughs]], of course.
{{quote|'''Number Five:''' [[Punctuated! For! Emphasis!|Need! More! Input!]]}}
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{{quote|"Los Locos kick your ass!"
"Los Locos kick your face!"
"Los Locos [[Cut His Heart Out with a Spoon|kick your balls into outer SPAAAAAACE!]]" }}
* [[Geek Physiques]]: Ben and his bank robber counterpart, Saunders, are both portrayed as weaklings.
* [[General Ripper]]: Schroeder decides, without bothering to listen to the guy who built it, that recovering SAINT Five requires loads and loads of military firepower aimed in the general direction of the robot regardless of the presence of innocent bystanders.
* [[Genius Ditz]]: Newton Crosby and Ben, and later Number Five himself.
* [[Granola Girl]]: Stephanie. Takes in all manner of poor and homeless animals (and one sentient robot), runs a truck that she sells natural food out of, and expresses her deep displeasure with the military and their weapons.
* [[Heel Face Turn]]: Howard Marner is hinted at undergoing one at the conclusion of the first film by {{spoiler|firing Schroeder}}.
* [[Heterosexual Life Partners]]: Newton and Ben. (Ben lampshades this a couple of times.)
* [[Hollywood Nerd]]: Newton isn't exactly smooth with the ladies.
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* [[No Sympathy]]: Crosby taking No. 2 (without permission) on his hunt for No. 5, causing Howard to wet his drawers some more.
{{quote|'''Howard:''' Great! So instead of $11 million on the loose, we're going to have ''twenty-two''!
'''Ben:''' [[And a Diet Coke|Plus we are needing gas money.]] }}
* [[Oblivious to Love]]: Ben's love interest, the woman representing the toy company he had a deal with, doesn't even notice his (poor) attempts at romancing her until Johnny bungles their date.
* [[Odd Couple]]: Mild-mannered, scrupulous Ben and slovenly, amoral Fred.
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* [[Race Against the Clock]]: Fred, when repairing Johnny in Radio Shack.
{{quote|'''Fred''': "I can't do this, I'm no good at this stuff!"
'''Johnny''': "Fifteen minutes you have to get good." }}
* [[Red Eyes, Take Warning]]: Probably originally meant for combat mode, Johnny's back-lit red "eyes" are usually a telltale sign you've managed to tick off the normally happy-go-lucky pacifist robot.
{{quote|'''Johnny Five''': (catches crowbar midswing)'''''Bad humans!'''''}}
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'''Skroder''': How many kids you got, Doctor?
'''Crosby''': None.
'''Skroder''': Well let me tell you I've got three of them. Three dandy little Skroders, and I want them to be adults, not barbeques. }}
** He also mistakes Number 5 for a coffee machine.
* [[Secret Underground Passage]]: The tunnel connecting Ben's warehouse with a high-security bank vault.
Line 172:
* [[Sliding Scale of Idealism Versus Cynicism]]: Rosy idealism.
* [[Starring Special Effects]]: Despite the films' relatively low budget, the animatronics used for Johnny Five were top of the line and very impressive for the time. He was designed by ''[[Blade Runner]]'' legend Syd Mead.
* [[Strange Syntax Speaker]]: Johnny {{spoiler|after getting mutilated by Oscar's mooks.}}
* [[Suicidal Overconfidence]]: {{spoiler|Johnny heatedly goes after Oscar, ignoring the fatal gash in his battery. He doesn't bleed to ''death'', but he cuts it pretty close.}}
{{quote|'''Fred''': "Come on now, man, these are serious guys! You're not in top form a-and your back-up battery's used up!?"
'''Johnny''': "[[Electronic Speech Impediment|Derf]], [[wikipedia:The Rains of Ranchipur|a life-form's gotta do what a life-form's gotta do.]] Stand aside." }}
* [[Super Prototype]]
* [[Super Speed Reading]]: Johnny can breeze through books at a frightening rate, though apparently he's not programmed to re-shelve them. Set him loose in a bookstore and, [[Oh Crap|well]]...
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* [[Trampled Underfoot]]: The opening shot shows a tank running over flowers.
** Johnny learns about death when he accidentally tramples a grasshopper.
* [[Unwitting Pawn]]: Johnny, in the second movie. ''Twice.'' In the beginning he steals just about a dozen car radios after being decieveddeceived by a gang to believe that he was helping them do their jobs as the "Department of Car Stereo Repair"; and later when {{spoiler|Oscar tricks him into digging into the bank vault, thinking it was to create a safe place for Ben.}} Don't worry, [[Roaring Rampage of Revenge|he fixes it.]]
* [[Violently Protective Girlfriend]]: Maybe not violent, but Sandy [[Took a Level In Badass|takes a level in badass]] when she believes Ben is in toubletrouble, impressively decoding his voiceless-phone messages to use as directions, and demanding that the taxi driver break the law to move faster.
{{quote|'''Sandy''': "If we get a ticket, I'll pay for it!"}}
* [[Voice Changeling]]: Johnny, like most [[The Terminator|self-aware robots from the Eighties]], can mimic anyone's voice.
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