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The Lord of the Rings (film): Difference between revisions

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* [[And This Is For]]: Samwise Gamgee, the [[Let's Get Dangerous|normally]] non-threatening gardener, even did this, dedicating Orc kills: "This is for Mr. Frodo! (stab) And this is for the Shire! (slice) And this is for my old Gaffer!" (thrust)
* [[The Apple Falls Far]]: When the hobbits almost tumble into a pit in Moria, Boromir drops a torch, which is followed by a long tracking shot of it falling into the abyss.
* [[Armor Is Useless]]: There are many instances of [[Mook|mooks]] and [[Red Shirt|redshirts]] dying from a single blow despite being encased in armor. Most notably, orcOrc and goblins tend to wear particularly heavy-looking plate armor, yet often go down to a single swipe or arrow. Aragorn and Legolas also go without armor for a majority of the series, despite being some of the most capable fighters.
** Aragorn might be wearing leather armor the rest of the time, it's a bit hard to tell. Not the best armor out there, but someone who calls himself a "Ranger" would prefer mobility over protection.
*** Additionally, Legolas may well be be wearing mithril below his clothing, since he IS an elf.
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* [[Ascended Extra]]: Arwen's transition from book to screen.
* [[Ash Face]]: Merry and Pippin, after setting off a firework at Bilbo's birthday party.
* [[Audible Sharpness]]: Any time a sword is pulled out of a leather scabbard, with a metal-on-metal sound effect. Lampshaded in the DVD audio commentaries: they originally wanted to do it realistically, but [[Enforced Trope|they put them in]] after [[Reality Is Unrealistic|test audiences reacted badly]], as our subconcioussubconscious is trained on and used to the trope.
* [[Award Bait Song]]: The films gave us three stellar [[Tear Jerker]] examples: "May It Be" and "In Dreams" from ''Fellowship of the Ring'' and "Into the West" from ''The Return Of The King''. "May it Be" was nominated for an for Oscar, "Into the West" was nominated and won. "Gollum's Song" from ''The Two Towers'' averts the trope by being in a minor key, having a much darker tone, and being sung in a dissonentdissonant, shrill voice.
* [[Awesome Moment of Crowning]]: ''The Return Of The King'' was pretty much all about getting to this moment, since Aragorn was the rightful ruler all along. And in the end of the movie, the coronation gets a good five minutes and a reunion for Aragorn and Arwen, which makes it an almost perfect [[Awesome Moment of Crowning]].
** With equal parts [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]] AND [[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming]] when the new king turns to the hobbits and says [[Kneel Before Frodo|"My friends, you bow to no one."]]
* [[Back-to-Back Badasses]]: In the film adaptation, during the battle of Helm's Deep, Aragorn and Gimli fought the Uruk-hai while the main gate is repaired.
* [[Badass Army]]:
** The Elven army is implied to be one of these in the films given how disciplined and co-ordinatedcoordinated they are.
*** Not because they're inherently ''better'', mind you, they've just had [[We Are as Mayflies|literally thousands of years of training and combat experience]].
** And even more so, the [[Army of the Dead]] mentioned above.
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** When Frodo is stabbed at Weathertop, the Ringwraith reaches out, likely to grab the Ring. Cue Aragorn literally jumping in, wielding torch and sword. He fights the five of them off, setting most of them on fire.
** At Amon Hen, Merry and Pippin are surrounded by Uruk-hai; one runs in and seems to be ready to decapitate them (even though his orders say to bring them alive and unspoiled), when Boromir jumps right in between them and kills the Uruk.
** There's also a scene in The Two Towers when Merry and Pippin have been abducted and Pippin was about to be eaten by an orcOrc when they were unintentionally rescued by the surprise attack of the Riders of Rohan.
* [[Big Eater]]: All the Hobbits, but especially Pippin.
* [[Big Shadow, Little Creature]] - Sam, a hobbit, tries to scare a squad of Orc warriors this way. Unlike in the book, it doesn't really work. Also unlike the book, he kills them all easily.
** He doesn't frighten them off, no, but they're clearly apprehensive until they actually see him.
* [[Black and White Morality]]: For the most part, though {{spoiler|Boromir and Frodo are otherwise good guys who succumb to the evil temptation of the ring without meaning to}}. Aside from that, though, pretty much everyone besides Gollum is either clear-cut good (if they oppose the forces of Mordor and Isengard) or evil (Denethor, Wormtongue, and the leaders and armies of Mordor and Isengard) and {{spoiler|even Gollum falls sqarelysquarely into the "evil" category at the end of ''The Two Towers'' and stays there in ''The Return of the King''}}.
** However, many of the "evil" characters (Saruman, Wormtongue, Denethor, and even Sauron himself) weren't always evil, and that point is made very clear several times in the books. "For nothing is evil in the beginning. Even Sauron was not so."
* [[Black Knight]]: Sauron from the intro of the ''Fellowship of the Ring'' opening wears a huge suit of armor, roars monstrously, and swings a gigantic mace everywhere, sending scores of soldiers flying with each blow. He is modeled after his former master Morgoth from ''Silmarillion'', and the books ([[All There in the Manual|or at least the appendix]]) did mention him taking part in this particular battle personally, so at least it's fairly justified.
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* [[Blood From the Mouth]]
* [[Bloodless Carnage]]: Okay, some blood, but with all the hacking and slashing, they had to keep the rating from being too high.
* [[Bow and Sword In Accord]]: Aragorn (though he doesn't use it often). Legolas, most other elves, Faramir's rangers, and the more heavily armouredarmored Gondor archers.
** The orcsOrcs of Moria too.
* [[Boxed Set]]
* [[Brave Scot]]: Gimli may be from Middle Earth, but he comes across as this with his thick Scottish accent and habit of calling everyone "laddie".
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* [[Chromatic Arrangement]]: All merchandise, including the special edition DVDs, was color-coded by film. ''Fellowship'' was green, ''Two Towers'' was red, and ''Return of the King'' was blue.
** Except, irritatingly, the Complete Recordings soundtracks: ''Fellowship'' was red, ''Towers'' blue, ''King'' green.
*** These colourscolors were made to match those of the limited edition soundtracks released at the same time as the films, which were designed before the films were even released. So in a way the Complete Recordings show the original colourcolor concepts, then they went and changed them for the extended edition DVDs.
* [[Child Soldiers]]: Glimpsed in ''The Two Towers.''
** [[Fridge Horror]]: Where are they at the end of the battle? As well as all the elves that went to help them. We see ''how'' many people ride out at the end?
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* [[Death of a Thousand Cuts]]: How the Fellowship {{spoiler|kills the cave troll in Moria}}.
* [[Death Wail]]: Aragorn lets out one when he finds Merry and Pippin's elven belts on the Orc funeral pyre. {{spoiler|They're not actually dead though, as he later deduces from his [[Scarily Competent Tracker|Ranger tracking skills]].}} In [[Real Life]], it was because the actor had just broken his toe on the helmet he kicked.
* [[Despair Gambit]]: Sauron and his minions do a lot of this, often with considerable subtlety. Perhaps the most overt example is at the beginning of the Battle of Pelennor Fields, when the orcsOrcs start the siege by catapulting the heads of Gondorian soldiers into the city.
* [[Determinator]]: The Nazgûl; Frodo himself and Gollum to some extent.
** Sam, who believes strongly in [[My Master, Right or Wrong]].
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** Gimli grabbing his ax and attempting to destroy the Ring right at the council.
** Saruman chastising Gandalf for consorting with Hobbits.
** Lurtz chokes the first orcOrc he sees within seconds of his birth.
** Gandalf arriving in Hobbiton for Bilbo's birthday party. [[Friend to All Children|All the children are excited to see him]], while the adults look on disapprovingly.
* [[Evil Chancellor]]: Grima Wormtongue.
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'''Aragorn''': (smirks, strolls up to the Mouth of Sauron, and cuts of his head) I do not believe it. ''I will not.'' }}
** In the book, the Witch-King [[Offscreen Moment of Awesome|specifies what will happen to Eowyn]] if she "comes between a Nazgûl and his prey." Specifically:
{{quote|'''Witch-King:''' [[Monologuing|He will bear thee away to the Houses of Lamentation, beyond all darkness, where thy flesh shall be devoured, and thy shrivelledshriveled mind be left naked to the Lidless Eye.]]}}
* [[Fanfare]]: The fellowship theme.
* [[The Film of the Book|The Films Of The Book]]
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* [[Green Aesop]]: The conflict between Isengard and the Ents.
{{quote|'''Saruman''': "The old world will burn in the fires of industry. The forests will fall!"}}
** The vision Frodo sees in Galadriel's mirror is of the Shire being burnt to the ground and its inhabitants enslaved by orcsOrcs.
* [[Groin Attack]]: Happens a couple of times to orcsOrcs during battles.
** Particularly to an Uruk-Hai at Helm's Deep, Gimli hits him with an axe.
* [[Have I Mentioned I Am a Dwarf Today?]]: Gimli is extremely prone to this.
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