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The Usual Suspects: Difference between revisions

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* [[Sacrificial Lion]]: According to Benicio Del Toro, {{spoiler|his character (Fenster) is this.}}
* [[Saying Too Much]]: {{spoiler|If you listen closely during the final interrogation, Verbal actually says, "I did kill Keaton," but neither the detective nor the audience pick up on it.}}
* [[Seamless Spontaneous Lie]]: {{spoiler|The entire movie is one long example.}}
* [[Scheherazade Gambit]]: {{spoiler|Verbal/Söze uses his tale-spinning talent to outwit his captors.}}
* [[Screw the Rules, I Have Connections]]: Söze is able to manipulate law enforcement agencies to a truly disturbing extent. {{spoiler|Despite admitting (as Verbal Kint) to a raft of crimes, the most the police can hit him with is a minor weapons charge. Rabin says he's "protected from up on high by the prince of darkness." Later on, Kint's story includes Kobayashi saying that Söze arranged the line up to gather up the five crooks whose crimes had interfered with Söze and get them to repay their "debt".}}
* [[Seamless Spontaneous Lie]]: {{spoiler|The entire movie is one long example.}}
* [[Self-Proclaimed Liar]]: Verbal is not only an admitted con artist, but there are several scenes where he will say something Kujan doubts, admit to lying, and then revise his story.
* [[Shaggy Dog Story]]: {{spoiler|The end reveals that Verbal Kint's story, which comprises the bulk of the film, is a fabrication}}.
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* [[The Unfettered]]: Keyser Soze.
* [[The Unintelligible]]: Fenster. Benicio del Toro thought the character was too boring on the page and came up with a bizarre accent (Chinese and Hispanic, by his account) to spice things up. He drew inspiration from Mumbles in the ''[[Dick Tracy (film)|Dick Tracy]]'' film. The director told the other actors to make him repeat himself if they ever couldn't understand him. This happens a few times in the film.
* [[Unstoppable Rage]]: Keyser Söze himself killing his wife and child to stop the home invaders from using them as hostages, then killing all but one of the invaders (so he'd go tell his associates), then going out and killing everyone connected with the people who did the home invasion of his house, including people whose only connection was that that owed money to them or had dealings with them.
* [[Unreliable Narrator]]: Verbal. {{spoiler|Kujan constantly accuses him of lying, and ultimately Verbal confirms Kujan's preconceived notion that Keaton was Keyser Söze. Of course, Verbal wanted him to think that all along.}} Also, {{spoiler|Kint narrates things he wasn't actually there to see. Unless he was Soze.}}
* [[Unstoppable Rage]]: Keyser Söze himself killing his wife and child to stop the home invaders from using them as hostages, then killing all but one of the invaders (so he'd go tell his associates), then going out and killing everyone connected with the people who did the home invasion of his house, including people whose only connection was that that owed money to them or had dealings with them.
* [[Urban Legends]]: Keyser Söze himself is one.
{{quote|"He becomes a myth, a spook story that criminals tell their kids at night. 'Rat on your pop, and Keyser Söze will get you.' And no one ever really believes."}}
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