All The Tropes:What we aren't: Difference between revisions

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== We are not a revenge or troll site opposing TV Tropes ==
This wiki is a fork of [[TV Tropes]], done so for philosophical, creative, and legal reasons, as [[All_The_Tropes:Why_Fork_TV_Tropes|elaborated here.]] However, we have no desire to be party to any harassment, trolling, vandalism, or other mischief intended to do TV Tropes harm. This site is merely an alternative for those who do not wish to trope there for any reason,. but thisThis does not mean you cannot submit content to both sites, but this will restrict what you can copy from there to here and vice versa, as [[All The Tropes:Copyrights|explained here]].
SinceAlthough Fast Eddie stepped down as owner of TV Tropes as of November 2014 and its current owner is Drew Schoentrup, the same still applies. Even though Fast Eddie held our site in contempt, Drew does not, and while we understand if anyone still holds grievances against TV Tropes for one reason or another, we ask that any animosity not be expressed here regarding TV Tropes, as Drew has shown a willingness to extend us an olive branch which we wish to reciprocate. ATT Staff are currently cooperating with TV Tropes in ensuring troublemakers known to both our sites cause neither harm.
There are additional differences (and similarities), as will be explained in the subheadings.