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Heathers: Difference between revisions

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* [[Action Survivor]]: Veronica.
* [[Adults Are Useless]]: The parents are shown to be self-absorbed and oblivious to their children's problems until they are dead, and the teachers are cynical towards their handling of the dead kids (for instance, the [[Hippie Teacher]] who wants to exploit the deaths for group bonding rituals).
* [[All of the Other Reindeer]]: Subverted and played with. Heather Chandler says to Veronica "No one at Westerberg's gonna play your reindeer games." Most of the goings-on, including Veronica's heroic save, happen without the rest of the school knowing who's behind it.
* [[All Girls Want Bad Boys]]: Heavily deconstructed. In this case the bad boy is a complete psycho, murdering three of the popular kids and intending to {{spoiler|blow up the entire school and pass it off as a group suicide}}. The girl who wants the bad boy soon realises the mess she's got herself into and realises how much better her life would have been without him.
* [[All of the Other Reindeer]]: Subverted and played with. Heather Chandler says to Veronica "No one at Westerberg's gonna play your reindeer games." Most of the goings-on, including Veronica's heroic save, happen without the rest of the school knowing who's behind it.
* [[Alpha Bitch]]: Three of them, actually.
* [[Antagonist in Mourning]]: J.D. when {{spoiler|Veronica fakes her suicide}}.
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* [[Deadpan Snarker]]: Veronica, Heather Duke, Heather Chandler, and J.D., mainly.
* [[Driven to Suicide]]: Darkly subverted, in that all the deaths by "suicide" are actually murders, and all the attempted suicides {{spoiler|either [[Bungled Suicide|fail]] or are revealed to be faked}}.
** {{spoiler|[[Bungled Suicide]]}}: Martha Dunnstock.
** {{spoiler|[[Interrupted Suicide]]}}: Heather {{spoiler|1=McNamara.}}
** {{spoiler|[[Faking the Dead]]}}: Near the end of the movie, {{spoiler|Veronica pretends to hang herself to [[Talking to the Dead|find out from J.D.]] what his ultimate plan is. She then tries to stop it, with his assumption that she's dead providing a cover at first.}}
* [[The Eighties]]
* [[Fingore]]: {{spoiler|Veronica shoots off J.D.'s middle finger during their confrontation in the boiler room}}.
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* [[George Washington Slept Here]]: Big Bud Dean, J.D.'s father, laments that his construction company is having conflicts with a local organization:
{{quote|'''Big Bud Dean:''' Some damn tribe of whithered old bitches doesn't want us to terminate that fleabag hotel. All because Glen Miller and his band once took a shit there.}}
* [[Gilligan Cut]] -: Veronica really hopes her date doesn't take her cow-tipping.
** This was acknowledged on the DVD commentary track with a remark along the lines of "And this is our 'Gilligan's Island' cut here.."
* [[Heel Face Turn]]: {{spoiler|1=Heather McNamara.}}
* [[Hell of a Heaven]]: The first Heather to die complains that Heaven is boring.
* [[High School]] -: It's named after Paul Westerberg, lead singer of [[Alternative Rock]] band [[The Replacements]], who were Wynona Ryder's favorite band at the time.
* [[Hippie Teacher ]]: Played straight with Pauline Fleming.
* [[Hollywood Nerd]]/[[Hollywood Homely -]]: Subverted. The "geek squad" is actually really really dorky.
* [[In with the In Crowd]]
* [[Insult Backfire]]: "You're not a rebel, you're fucking psychotic." "You say tomato, I say toe-mato."
* [[In with the In Crowd]]
* [[Jerk Jock]]: Ram and Kurt.
* [[Laser-Guided Karma]]: {{spoiler|what JD thinks he's doing.}}
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* [[Odd Name Out]]: Veronica is the only member of the title clique not named Heather.
* [[One Steve Limit]]: Averted. There are three characters named "Heather" in all.
* [[Popular Is Dumb]]:
* [[Precision F-Strike]]: Weirdly subverted, due to Executive Meddling, according to the DVD commentary. In the alley scene, when Heather calls out Veronica ("You stupid Fuck!" "You Goddamn Bitch!"), they were supposed to use the word "cunt," as "fuck" had already been used several times. But censors thought this was too much (!).
* [[Shout Out ]]: According to the DVD commentary, the first lunch room scene is an homage to Full Metal Jacket, in its lighting and framing. The writer originally wanted Kubrick to direct "the ultimate high school movie."
* [[Shower of Angst]]: The day after Veronica kills Heather #1 and makes it look like a suicide, she hears other girls in the locker room buzzing about how her death has raised her status even higher. Veronica staggers, still clothed, into the shower. It may look to the others that she's stunned by the news, but it's more because her plan backfired.
* [["Shut Up" Kiss]]: J.D. employs this a lot. The creepy variety.
* Shout Out : According to the DVD commentary, the first lunch room scene is an homage to Full Metal Jacket, in its lighting and framing. The writer originally wanted Kubrick to direct "the ultimate high school movie."
* [[Shout-Out Theme Naming]]: Veronica Sawyer and Betty Finn are a playing on both [[Betty and Veronica]] and Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn, symbolizing how close they used to be.
** [[Fridge Logic|But]] [[Betty and Veronica]] [[Analogy Backfire|are competitors]]...
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*** And of course, JD really is a JD<ref> Juvenile delinquent</ref>. Heather McNamara refers to him as "Billy the Kid."
** Westerberg High is named after [[The Replacements]] frontman Paul Westerberg.
* [[Shower of Angst]]: The day after Veronica kills Heather #1 and makes it look like a suicide, she hears other girls in the locker room buzzing about how her death has raised her status even higher. Veronica staggers, still clothed, into the shower. It may look to the others that she's stunned by the news, but it's more because her plan backfired.
* [["Shut Up" Kiss]]: J.D. employs this a lot. The creepy variety.
* [[The Snark Knight]]: Veronica.
* [[The Sociopath]]: J.D is a [[Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds|tragic]] example.
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* [[Strip Poker|Strip Croquet]]: played by J.D. and Veronica.
* [[Stylistic Suck]]: ''Teenage Suicide... don't do it!''
* [[Talking to the Dead]]: J.D. to {{spoiler|Veronica}}... which doubles as {{spoiler|a [[The Reveal|reveal]] for her, since she was only [[Faking the Dead]].}}
* [["Take That!" Kiss]]: Veronica to Heather 3.
* [[Talking to the Dead]]: J.D. to {{spoiler|Veronica}}... which doubles as {{spoiler|a [[The Reveal|reveal]] for her, since she was only [[Faking the Dead]].}}
* [[Teens Are Monsters]]
* [[Troubled but Cute]]: Emphasis on the "[[Serial Killer|troubled]]".
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