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* [[Badass Longcoat]]: Used before it even became that popular... and also before the shooters in Columbine dressed the same way.
* [[Big Fun]]: Poor, poor Martha [[Embarrassing Nickname|Dumptruck]].
** "Big Fun" is coincidentally also the name of the in-universe band behind the song "Teenage Suicide (Don't Do It)," which is used at several points in the film. Martha is wearing a "Big Fun" tee shirt {{spoiler|when she attempts suicide}}, and JDJ.D. blackmails Heather Duke into helping him circulate a petition around the high school to have Big Fun perform at the Prom, which is {{spoiler|actually a disguised "suicide" note from the student body he plans to have found after he blows up the school}}.
* [[Bilingual Bonus]]: J.D. tells Veronica that the bullets they intend to shoot Kurt and Ram with are German "ich lüge" bullets, which are supposedly non-fatal, so that she will go along with the shooting. "Ich lüge" means "[[I Lied|I am lying]]" in German.
* [[Black Comedy]]: [[Twin Peaks|Black as midnight on a moonless night.]]
* [[Blue and Orange Morality]]: JDJ.D. isn't ''evil'' per se, he just operates on a completely different set of morals from normal people - primarily because he's [[Ax Crazy|terrifyingly insane]].
* [[Bury Your Gays]]: Subverted. Everyone thinks the two football players killed themselves because they were gay lovers who were convinced that they would never be accepted. Everyone, that is, except Veronica and J.D., who forged the suicide note that led everyone to believe that the two ''heterosexual'' football players were secretly gay lovers.
* [[Color Coded for Your Convenience]]: All three Heathers, Veronica, and J.D. wear their own color of clothing -- Chandler is red, McNamara is yellow, Duke is green, Veronica is blue and J.D. is black, though this isn't noticeable at first. Chandler's red hair bow becomes a symbol of power, as after her death, Duke claims it for herself, symbolizing her replacement of the original Heather. {{spoiler|Veronica forcefully taking it from Duke at the end of the film shows the end of the Heathers' power.}}
* [[The Coroner Doth Protest Too Much]]: Some of these suicides are a little too on the nose. Who brings gay porn with them on a suicide pact?
** It's made pretty clear that the cops didn't give a shit.
* [[Couldn't Find a Lighter]]: Veronica lights her cigarette off {{spoiler|of the explosion that just killed her ex-boyfriend J.D.}} Also, when Veronica burns the palm of her hand with a car's cigarette lighter (intentionally), and JDJ.D. lights a cigarette from the burn-scar's residual heat. This scene is also one of a few incidents of Veronica's [[Self-Harm]] (noted on the DVD commentary).
* [[Crapsack World]]
* [[Crucified Hero Shot]]: [[Subverted]] in the film's climax: {{spoiler|It's done by the villain, J.D., as he's about to blow himself up. And then he has to break the pose to [[Percussive Maintenance|slap the stuck timer]] on his bomb vest to get it to continue before resuming the pose.}}
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* [[Genre Deconstruction]]: Of the popular John Hughes style teen movies at the time.
* [[George Washington Slept Here]]: Big Bud Dean, J.D.'s father, laments that his construction company is having conflicts with a local organization:
{{quote|'''Big Bud Dean:''' Some damn tribe of whitheredwithered old bitches doesn't want us to terminate that fleabag hotel. All because Glen Miller and his band once took a shit there.}}
* [[Gilligan Cut]]: Veronica really hopes her date doesn't take her cow-tipping.
** This was acknowledged on the DVD commentary track with a remark along the lines of "And this is our 'Gilligan's Island' cut here.."
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* [[In with the In Crowd]]
* [[Jerk Jock]]: Ram and Kurt.
* [[Laser-Guided Karma]]: {{spoiler|What JDJ.D. thinks he's doing.}}
* [[Leitmotif]]: JDJ.D. has one. Although most of the score is technopop-inspired synths, there's a harmonica playing in any scene that scene features or is about him.
* [[Lovable Alpha Bitch]]: About halfway through, Heather {{spoiler|1=McNamara.}}
* [[Manipulative Bastard]]: J.D.
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** Also J.D. is obviously named after JD Salinger [[The Catcher in The Rye|for obvious reasons]]. His surname is Dean, as a reference to James Dean.
*** His given name recalls [[Friday the 13th (film)|another Jason]] notorious for killing stupid teenagers.
*** And of course, JDJ.D. really is a JD<ref> Juvenile delinquent</ref>. Heather McNamara refers to him as "Billy the Kid."
** Westerberg High is named after [[The Replacements]] frontman Paul Westerberg.
* [[Shower of Angst]]: The day after Veronica kills Heather #1 and makes it look like a suicide, she hears other girls in the locker room buzzing about how her death has raised her status even higher. Veronica staggers, still clothed, into the shower. It may look to the others that she's stunned by the news, but it's more because her plan backfired.
* [["Shut Up" Kiss]]: J.D. employs this a lot. The creepy variety.
* [[The Snark Knight]]: Veronica.
* [[The Sociopath]]: J.D. is a [[Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds|tragic]] example.
* [[Star-Crossed Lovers]]: Darkly subverted; see "Bury Your Gays", above.
* [[Strange Minds Think Alike]]: J.D. creates a package to leave at the scene of the football players' "suicide," which includes a bottle of mineral water. Later, that bottle (along with the note) convinces the policemen that the two were, in fact, gay.
* [[Strip Poker|Strip Croquet]]: playedPlayed by J.D. and Veronica.
* [[Stylistic Suck]]: ''Teenage Suicide... don't do it!''
* [["Take That!" Kiss]]: Veronica to Heather 3.
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* [[Vomit Discretion Shot]]: Veronica, the "drop under screen" variety.
* [[Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds]]: J.D. again. For starters, his father is [[Abusive Parents|a sociopathic bastard who doesn't care for him]] (when asked if he even likes his father he responds that he ("[hasn't] given the matter much thought"), and his mother killed herself in front of her son's eyes to get away from her husband. His entire life has been spent moving around from town to town and school to school wherever his father's demolition job took him, where it is implied he saw the same scenario of clique groups bullying other students at every high school he's attended. He starts out by murdering [[Jerk Jock|JerkJocks]] and [[Alpha Bitch|Alpha Bitches]] and making their deaths appear as suicides (also implied as something he's done before), but he ultimately resorts {{spoiler|to trying to blow up the entire school. He explains his intentions are such because he believes nobody loves him, and that "the only place different social types can genuinely get along with each other is in heaven", somehow seeing the school as a representation of society itself.}}
* [[Worthy Opponent]]: {{spoiler|whatWhat JDJ.D. comes to see Veronica as:}}
{{quote|'''JDJ.D.:''' You got power - power I didn't think you had.}}
* [[Would Hit a Girl]]: J.D. knees Veronica in the head while in the boiler room.
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