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In the second film (''Terminator 2: Judgment Day''), SkyNet sends a more advanced Terminator -- the [[Nigh Invulnerability|nigh-invulnerable]], [[Voluntary Shapeshifting|shapeshifting]] T-1000 Model -- to the past. (The T-1000 was far beyond almost any other future technology depicted in any of the films, but at the time, the CGI was [[Rule of Cool|so mind-blowing, nobody really took the time to care]].) In response, Connor sends back a T-800 Model Terminator which is reprogrammed to protect his past self. Both Terminators arrive when John is ten years old and living with foster parents (Sarah was tossed into an asylum for trying to blow up a computer factory and talking about killer robots from the future). The T-1000 kills anyone it chooses to replicate, and when John figures out the T-1000 will attempt to replicate Sarah, he forces the T-800 to rescue his mother before the T-1000 can reach her. After being freed, Sarah -- now an [[Action Girl]] after [[Took a Level In Badass|taking a few levels in Badass]] -- learns details of SkyNet's history from the T-800 and attempts to assassinate Miles Dyson, the man who will go on to create SkyNet (though she falters when she sees Dyson's family). Sarah, John, and the T-800 pump Dyson for information, which is when they learn Cyberdyne -- the company Dyson works for and, as revealed in a deleted scene from the first film, the owners of the factory where the T-800 is destroyed -- will build SkyNet using components from the original T-800 (making SkyNet itself part of the [[Stable Time Loop]]). The Connors, the T-800, and Dyson infiltrate Cyberdyne and destroy all of the computers, then steal the T-800 remains to try and thwart the creation of SkyNet...but the T-1000 is not far behind them. After several running encounters, both Terminators -- and the T-800 remains -- are dissolved in a vat of molten steel.
From here, the series splits off into five [[Canon|canons]] (not counting various comics and crossovers, some of which include various [[DC Comics]] properties):
* The original -- but deleted -- ending of ''Terminator 2'' sees a still-living Sarah Connor watching John (now a United States Senator) and her granddaughter play on a playground similar to the one she saw in her dreams. The ending takes place in 2029, when the war they successfully averted would have been won; an intact, futuristic Washington D.C. can be seen in the background. [[James Cameron]] felt this was too much of a definite, deterministic wrap-up for a film centered around the idea of "there is no fate but what we make for ourselves".
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