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* The Angels Have The Phonebox. <ref> An in-verse meme, from a line in the Doctor's messages he hid on some DVDs and popular amongst the people attempting to understand them.</ref>
* "Don't blink. Don't even blink. Blink and you're dead. They are fast, faster than you can believe. Don't turn your back, don't turn away, and ''don't blink''... good luck." <ref> The Doctor's warning to two people about to be attacked by the Weeping Angels. Used by fans as a summary of both the unrelenting horror and [[So Cool Its Awesome|sheer awesome]] that was that episode.</ref>
* The Master gives memetic mutation [[Insult Backfire|two thumbs up.]] <ref> The Master just smiles and gives two thumbs up to his most recent murder victim that declares him insane.</ref>
** [[Ear Worm|Rat-tat-tat-tat, Rat-tat-tat-tat....]] <ref> The drum beats that constantly plague the Master, used as part of his global hypnotism network and a sign of his control of the planet.</ref>
* I'm so...Hungry! <ref> The Wire says this before eating people and leaving them as [[The Faceless]].</ref>
* "EX-TER-MIN-ATE!" <ref> What the Daleks have shouted before they kill people since 1963. An iconic aspect of both them and the series as a whole, and its single most well-known meme.</ref>
* "[[Omnicidal Maniac|THE DESTRUCTION!]] [[Punctuated! For! Emphasis!|OF REALITY!]] '''[[Chewing the Scenery|ITSELF!!!]]'''" <ref> Davros yells this at the end of his explanation for his plans to end the entire multiverse.</ref>
* "What? WHAT? WHAT?!???!?" <ref> Seasons 2 and 3 of the new series ended on a cliffhanger of something seemingly impossible happening and the Doctor having this reaction.</ref>
* These memes are stored [[Nightmare Fuel|behind the sofa]]. <ref> It was (and is) a meme for decades that ''Doctor Who'' was so terrifying children could only watch it while hiding behind the sofa.</ref>
* Fan''tas''tic! <ref> The Ninth Doctor's [[Catch Phrase]].</ref>
* "Are you my mummy?" <ref> The repeated line the [[Monster of the Week]] in "The Empty Child"/"The Doctor Dances" says. Began as pure terror, ended as a [[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming]].</ref>
* "Yes, we know who you are." <ref> The reaction whenever Harriet Jones introduces herself as "Harriet Jones, Prime Minister". Began as a joke, ended as a [[Tear Jerker]].</ref>
* The ihasatardis Livejournal community gave us [http://community.livejournal.com/ihasatardis/917054.html Terrifying Pertwee]. Warning! [[Uncanny Valley]] in effect!
** Instant [[Doctor Who]] meme: just add "tiem" to the beginning of any noun. [[Gag Penis|"Tiemcock"]] is arguably the most popular.
** Never stop crying, Emo John Smith. <ref> When the Tenth Doctor becomes John Smith in "Human Nature"/"Family of Blood", he cries. A lot.</ref>
* BARROWMAN!! *shakes fist* <ref> David Tennant's standard exclamation toward John Barrowman one-upping him at something. Accompanied by [[Skyward Scream]].</ref>
* "[[Reverse the Polarity]] of the neutron flow!" <ref> Said precisely ''once'' by the Third Doctor (and again in an anniversary reunion special specifically for the joke of him saying it), adopted by the fans as the standard line of [[Techno Babble]] the Doctor uses.</ref>
** ...of Rassilon! <ref> Nearly every piece of Time Lord equipment was named "The X of Rassilon".</ref>
* Yes, but does he have ''gravitas''? <ref> A frequent fan demand is that the Doctor and/or the series have gravitas.</ref>
* "Would you like a [[Trademark Favorite Food|jelly baby]]?" <ref> The Fourth Doctor always carried a bag of jelly babies with him and had a tendency to offer them to everyone, even if they were trying to kill him.</ref>
* No, not the ''mind probe!'' <ref> The most famous instance of [[Narm]] in the entire series. The actor simply ''could not'' say the line without the bizarre pronunciation.</ref>
* From "The Waters of Mars": "The Time-Lord Victorious" and "The laws of time are mine and they will obey me!" <ref> The Doctor decides that with the Time Lords gone the laws of Time are his now, and he doesn't have to obey the concept of "fixed points in time".</ref>
* From "The End of Time": {{spoiler|There's a lot of photos with John Simm's head pasted on yay...}} <ref> The Master possesses every person on the planet, superimposing his own image on theirs'. Cue scenes with dozens of John Simm.</ref>
* God bless the cactuses!
** That's 'cacti'.
*** That's racist! <ref> A scene from "The End of Time", where Wilfred and the Doctor are rescued by green, prickly-faced aliens.</ref>
** Worst! Rescue! EVER! <ref> The Doctor is still stuck in the bondage chair as the "cactuses" rescue him.</ref>
* Bad Wolf <ref> The [[Arc Words]] for season 1 of the new series. Used again in the end of season 4.</ref>
* Vote Saxon <ref> A background detail in many episodes of season 3 of the new series, becomes vital when it is revealed Harold Saxon is the Master's pseudonym.</ref>
* Bananas are good. <ref> The Doctor mentions several times in "The Empty Child" about the benefits of bananas. Used again in "The Girl in the Fireplace".</ref>
* How will you add to this page FROM BEYOND THE GRAVE? <ref> A line from the [[Cold Open]] of "Rise of the Cybermen". Popular for [[Narm]].</ref>
* [http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=fish+custard&aq=f Fish Custard] <ref> During his post-regeneration confusion, the Eleventh Doctor tries to find what food he likes, fish fingers in custard being one of his experiments.</ref>
** "I am ''definitely'' a madman with a box." <ref> The Eleventh Doctor again, this time dispelling any confusion about whether he is a madman.</ref>
* "Hey! Who turned out the lights?" <ref> A repeated line said by one of the people killed by the Vashta Nerada in "Silence in the Library"/"Forest of the Dead", caught in a loop in a communication device. Like "Don't Blink" above, used as a summary for the episode.</ref>
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2sXpInWFVVo Mighty Morphin Dalek Rangers]. <ref> Mocking the hysterical new designs of the Daleks as shown in "Victory of the Daleks", not helped by the scene desperately attempting to portray the reveal as dramatic and terrifying.</ref>
* [http://gallifreybase.com Gallifrey Base] has "Who the hell is Rory?" {{spoiler|It became scarily appropriate after the episode "Cold Blood" aired.}}
* [[Bow Ties Are Cool]]. <ref> The Eleventh Doctor defends his choice of apparel.</ref>
** [http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/tvandradio/doctor-who/7656389/Doctor-Who-prompts-surge-in-popularity-of-bow-ties.html The UK agrees!]
** [[Nice Hat|It's a fez. I wear a fez now. Fezzes are cool.]] <ref> The Doctor wears a fez due to [[Timey-Wimey Ball]] reasons, then decides he likes it. Then River and Amy join forces to destroy it.</ref>
*** [[Matt Smith]] can make ''anything'' [[Mad Libs Catchphrase|cool!]]
* "Look at [[The Nth Doctor|me]], I'm wearing a vegetable!" <ref> [[David Tennant|The Tenth Doctor]] says this to [[Peter Davison|the Fifth Doctor]] in "Time Crash".</ref>
* "Hello. I'm the Doctor. Basically, [[Don't Ask, Just Run|run."]] <ref> The Doctor says this and variations to many people. Also a fairly comprehensive summary of the entire new series.</ref>
* {{spoiler|Spoilers!}} <ref> River's response to the Doctor asking questions about his future.</ref>
** Hello, Sweetie! <ref> River's usual greeting to the Doctor.</ref>
* [http://i49.tinypic.com/htutqf.jpg LORD UP IN OF THIS TIME BITCH]<ref>A popular misreading of an image macro reading "Lord of time up in this bitch" caused by ambiguous word placements leading people to think the words are meant to be read as three rows instead of two columns.</ref>
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gDn1PLzQvGo&feature=related "It's a gas mask."] <ref> The Master comes prepared when he releases toxic gas into a room of politicians.</ref>
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d4HwFui0CRk The Master Can't Decide]. <ref> The Master has an affection for Scissor Sisters songs.</ref>
** '''''[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LNV2EEz_DUA HERE! COME! THE DRUMS!!!]'''''
* [[The BBC]] is soooo up to date... <ref> The Beeb's tendency to archive bonus Doctor Who material (Confidential, etc.) online several years after the opportune stories aired.</ref>
* Goddamit Steve! <ref> Steve is the [[Fan Nickname]] of the Silent who unknowingly told the human race in post-hypnotic suggestion to kill the Silence.</ref>
** "Why am I watching this? How does it look different than any other video of the moon landing?" <ref> Comments on clips of the above scene reference the fact that humans don't see "Steve" but only remember the hypnotic suggestion. So why is the clip so popular?</ref>
* Oh my God, they killed Rory, you bastards! <ref> Rory has already been killed 5 times in the space of 11 episodes, none of the instances was permanent.</ref>
* WHERE! IS! MY! WIFE! <ref> From Rory's confrontation with the Cybermen in "A Good Man Goes To War".</ref>
* Amazing Chuck-Norris-style compilation of Rory's deeds [http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lmwcddnXcO1qhq27ao1_500.gif here]. Warning, ''major spoilers'' up to the midseason six break.
* Photoshopping the Eyepatch Lady onto ''everything'' possible (album covers, other walls, historical events) has become a meme over on Gallifrey Base, with some images toeing the [[Memetic Molester]] line.
* X is a Time Lord and Y is his TARDIS. <ref> It's become a rather popular meme around [[This Very Wiki]]'s [[Wild Mass Guessing]] sections to make the guess that a certain character with potentially qualifying traits is a Time Lord. Some guesses become as specific as this guy is The Doctor and/or that guy is The Master.</ref>
* '''''WAKING OR SLEEPING, YOU CAN NEVER ESCAPE ME TURLOUGH!''''' <ref> The Black Guardian's threat to his unwilling agent Turlough, who he recruited to kill the Doctor.</ref>
* [[The Brigadier]] is always on the phone.
* '''Stormageddon, Dark Lord of All''', [http://30.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ls6mmo4Xl61r3hq4uo2_500.png taught Voldemort everything he knows]. And he still failed. Screw him.
* [http://theworldshallbemine.tumblr.com/search/steve+clone Steve,] [http://theworldshallbemine.tumblr.com/tagged/Steve-is-getting-popular......wat The Master] [http://theworldshallbemine.tumblr.com/tagged/Steve-the-one-with-a-mind-of-his-own Clone.] <ref> "Steve" has become a [[Fan Nickname]] for the Master Clone wearing the pink dress.</ref>
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