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[[File:portal-cake.jpg|frame|The internet: dedicated to making you [[A Worldwide Punomenon|fed up]] of seeing this.]]
* "The Weighted [[Companion Cube]] will [[Suspiciously Specific Denial|never threaten to stab you]] and, in fact, cannot speak. In the event that the Companion Cube does speak, the Enrichment Center urges you to disregard its advice." <ref> In one level GLaDOS gives the player a Weighted Storage Cube that had to be carried through the level. Playtesters would often leave the cube behind and get stumped, so Valve gave the cube a [[Palette Swap]] and had GLaDOS talk about the cube constantly. As a result many players became incredibly attached to the cube and some even gave it a [[Memetic Badass]] status. Also a [[Trope Namer]].</ref>
* "You will be baked{{spoiler|, and then there will be}} cake." <ref> GLaDOS, resident [[Ninja Butterfly]]/[[Mission Control]]/[[Big Bad]], is an immensely popular [[Fountain of Memes]] for her dark, dark comedy, with nearly ''every single one'' of her lines repeated or mutated in some form. Some other examples are listed below. Note that this example is what shows up in the subtitles, but you hear the full line.</ref>
** "Any contact with the chamber floor will result in an "unsatisfactory" mark on your official testing record, [[Bread, Eggs, Milk, Squick|followed by death]]. Good luck!"
** "Speedy thing goes in, speedy things comes out."
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** [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=APAcU3YBhYc "We're going to have fun... with Science!"]
** [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A88YiZdXugA "Don't disappoint me...] or I'll make you '''wish''' [[Fate Worse Than Death|you could die]]..."
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6ljFaKRTrI "This was a triumph. I'm making a note here: HUGE SUCCESS. It's hard to overstate my satisfaction..."] <ref> The [[Crowning Music of Awesome|closing credits song]] of the first game, "[[Jonathan Coulton|Still Alive]]", is also immensely popular, with lines often taken out of context, most notably "This was a triumph" etcetera in response to anything good.</ref>
** "Look at me still [verb]ing when there's science to do"
** "...and when you're dead I will be Still Alive."
* "Now You're [Verb]ing With Portals", "Now You're Thinking With [Noun]s." <ref> From the advertising campaign, "Now you're thinking with portals". Often used when someone thinks of a weird but ultimately successful solution to a problem. The phrase may have originated from Nintendo slogan "Now you're playing with power!". One of [[G La DOS]]' lines in Portal 2 co-op, when a robot dies, is "Now you're thinking with stupidity".</ref>
* [[The Cake Is a Lie]] [[Madness Mantra|the cake is a lie]] [[Room Full of Crazy|the cake is a lie]]---- <ref> Both GLaDOS and the escapee Doug Rattmann are a little cake obsessed, and later in the game there is a room where the phrase is written over and over again. Used when something is an obvious scam or whenever cake is mentioned. This one is definitely a [[Discredited Meme]]; using it in most Internet circles will get people seriously annoyed and in certain places probably get you banned.</ref>
** "I wonder if the pancakes will be a lie too?" <ref> In the second Aperture Investment Opportunity video, [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZMSAzZ76EU "Bot Trust"], the two robots are seen pancake-flipping. Cue Youtube comments like this. Unforunately, the pancakes were indeed a lie, as none appeared in the game in any fashion.</ref>
* "Cave Johnson here/Cave Johnson, we're done here." <ref> Cave Johnson, resident [[Crazy Awesome]] [[Mad Scientist|Mad Corporate Executive]], is a [[Fountain of Memes]] to challenge even GLaDOS, and though not all of his lines became memes it is damn close. This one is used at the beginning and end of all four of the Aperture Investment Opportunity videos.</ref>
** [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0qcED35LL8I "That is not a panel.] That's a crusher. We sell them too." <ref> With snowclones: "That's not a <noun>. That's a <different noun>. We sell them, too."</ref>
** [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6i-nMWgBUp0 "That's 65 percent more bullet per bullet."]
** [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7mt8I6cvFsM When life gives you lemons, burn down life's house.] '''''WITH THE LEMONS.''''' <ref> Cave's final pre-recorded message has him deliver an epic rant subverting the typical "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade" idiom. It is widely believed he actually managed to do this.</ref>
*** I don't want lemons, I want pictures of Spider-Man! <ref> J.K. Simmons, the voice of Cave Johnson, also played J. Jonah Jameson in the ''[[Spider-Man]]'' films, resulting in a lot of [[Hey, It's That Voice!]] moments and subsequent jokes such as these.</ref>
** "The Solution? [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZMSAzZ76EU ROBOTS!] Then... fire the guys who made those robots and build BETTER robots!"
*** "BAM! Robots gave us six extra seconds of co-operation. Good job, robots!"
** "Science isn't about "why?". [[For Science!|It's about "why not?"!]]"
** "Chariots chariots." <ref> From the over half hour of additional dialogue added with the Infinite Testing Initiative (read: user-designed test chambers). Cave first says that due to the multiversal nature of the program, he'll precede all of his messages with "chariots" so the tester knows it's Earth Prime Cave. When he realizes there's a universe where his counterpart for no discernible reason says "Chariots" before his sentences, he adds another one on for good measure.</ref>
* "How are you holding up? ''Because I'm a potato.''" <ref> About halfway through ''Portal 2'' GLaDOS gets attached to a potato, and says this. [[Fan Nickname|Also known as "PotatOS"]], taken from the developer commentary.</ref>
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xcs4klrjlwE "Space space go to space so much space gotta see it all."] [http://spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaccee.com/ "SPAAAAAAAAAACE!"] <ref> One of the corrupted cores that have to be attached to the final boss of ''Portal 2'', the "Space Sphere", is obsessed with space, and constantly streams lines like these.</ref>
** "Dad, I'm in space." {{smallcaps|"I'm proud of you, son."}} "Dad, are you space?" {{smallcaps|"Yes. Now we are a family again."}}
*** "Space is boring. Gotta go back to earth."
** "[[Broken Record|Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey.]] Hey lady. Lady. ''Space.''"
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGxj3cxYWYY "This should be its own holiday. EXPLOSION DAY!"] <ref> Another of the corrupted cores, the "Adventure Sphere", is not as popular, but has still managed to achieve [[Memetic Badass]] status, with jokes such as "[[Team Fortress 2|Saxton Hale]] in sphere form".</ref>
** "Yeah, you know, I'm a black belt. In pretty much everything. Karate, Larate, Jiu Jitsu, Kick-punching, belt making, Taekwondo... ''Bedroom''." <ref> The sphere also [[Cargo Ship|openly flirts with Chell]], managing to achieve minor [[Memetic Sex God]] status as a result as well.</ref>
** [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9Mox1Kuptw "DUNDUNDANDUNDUN PLAYING BY OUR OWN RULES NANANA HANGING BY OUR FINGERS FROM A MOUNTAIN DUNDANDANDANDAN"] <ref> Rick the Adventure Core's "theme song".</ref>
* They told me, that if I ever [insert action here], I would DIE! <ref> Wheatley was always told that if he performed just about any action, he would die.</ref>
* "Well, this is the part where [insert action here]". <ref> A parody of the infamous "This is the part where he kills you" scene in ''Portal 2'', where the first two lines are spoken, then the chapter title appears, then the achievement is unlocked with its description, all saying variations of the same line. Upon the soundtrack's release, it was revealed that even the ''music track title'' was shown to follow this.</ref>
** "Hello, this is the part where [insert action here]!"
*** Ch. 9: The Part Where [insert action here].
*** Achievement Unlocked: The Part Where [insert action here].
*** Achievement Description: This is that part.
* And I-AH! BIRD! BIRD! BIRD! BIRD! <ref> Wheatley's line when he gets attacked by a bird.</ref>
** AH! BIRD! KILL IT! It's evil... <ref> GLaDOS doesn't like birds either.</ref>
* [[Sherlock Holmes|Holmes vs Moriarty]]! [[Metaphorgotten|Aristotle vs... MASHY SPIKE PLATE!]] <ref> Said by Wheatley when he tries desperately to make it look like he's your intellectual equal.</ref>
* [[This Is Sparta|"I! AM NOT! A MORON!"]] <ref> Wheatley [[Berserk Button|really doesn't like]] being called a "moron".</ref>
** "COULD A MORON DO [insert action here]?!"
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NxMKoB-A5-8 Fact: everything said by the Fact Core is a meme.] <ref> The Fact Core's numerous inaccurate "facts" have become something of a meme.</ref>
* When drawing Wheatley as a human, he most often [[Ink Suit Actor|looks like]] Stephen Merchant (Wheatley's voice actor).


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