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* [[Adam Westing]] - A comedic rock band made up of hardcore ''[[Batman]]'' enthusiasts. Similar to the style of [[The Nth Doctor]], the members wear ''[[Batman]]'' costumes at concerts: the lead singer is Batman, the guitarist is the Joker, the bassist is Robin, the keyboardist is Penguin, and the drummer is the Riddler. Occasionally, Catwoman plays bass when Robin can't make it.
* [[Adventure Archaeologist]] - Symphonic [[Rock Opera]] band about an Archaeologist who discovers a foreboding prophecy detailing the end of the world and his efforts to stop it.
* [[Affably Evil]] - Glam rock band from Bristol that writes entire albums of [[Villain Song|Villain Songs]]s.
* [[After the End]] - Ambient electronic with a lot of field recordings.
** Sounds more like screamo.
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** A German pseudo-medieval band with bagpipes and big drums.
* [[Exclusively Evil]] - A Thrash-Grindcore-Black Metal band with lyrics centered around [[Kick the Dog]] moments. (Sounds just like Anaal Nathrakh)
* [[Amnesiac Dissonance]] - Industrial noise with echoes of [[The Jimmy Hart Version|vaguely familiar tunes]] played with out of tune instruments and things pulled from the scrapyard. Their albums frequently end in multiple cacophonous medleys of conflicting musical styles with delirious [[Nose Yodeling|nose yodeled]] [[Mondegreen|mondegreensmondegreen]]s just before fading out with screams, wailing, and crying children.
* [[Amusing Injuries]] - A quasi-pop-punk/indie band with quite a bit of acoustic guitar in their sound and song lyrics that suggest a fixation with sadomasochism.
* [[Ancient Conspiracy]] - New Age.
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* [[The Beautiful Elite]] - combines rock, pop, electronic and techno. Widely loved as a band. All gorgeous, and none of them single.
* [[Beautiful Void]] - Metal with emo band with insane guitar riffs. Which are all beautiful.
* [[Become a Real Boy]] - Screamo of the worst kind. Known to many fans as BARB.[['''Trope Names for a Band]]'''
* [[Beef Gate]] - Hardcore industrial noise rock.
* [[Behind the Black]] - Former lead singer of a black metal band ditches his costuming and heavy makeup to go solo with [[Lighter and Softer]] unplugged versions of his former hits.
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* [[Blatant Lies]] - Grunge metal with a penchant for dark, depressing and nigh-on impenetrable lyrics.
* [[Blind Idiot Translation]] - Japanese band whose English lyrics have been run through Babelfish several times. They are frequently accused of being a [[Stealth Parody]] of [[Crystal Dragon Jesus]], a charge that their lead singer vigorously denies.
* [[Bling of War]] - a pompous military orchestra using oversized brass instruments and heavy weaponry in their performances. Wear green costumes, [[Commissar Cap|Commissar Caps]]s, and [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|lots of regalia]].
** Alternately, a hip-hop act, replete with bling, composed of US Army veterans.
* [[The Blofeld Ploy]] - Metal, mostly of the screaming variety, but with occasional forays into death metal territory.
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* [[Canon Immigrant]] - Folk rock
* [[Cassandra Truth]] - Borderline emo, every song predicts doom and gloom of the worst variety. The lead singer is legendary for her waily vocals.
* [[Cast From Hit Points]]: [[Dark Fantasy]] [[Heavy Mithril]] [[Rock Opera]]. Wear armor with built-in fireworks, so it looks like they're actually doing magic, and hooked up with pipes that squirt fake blood when the firework is launched ([[Nice to the Waiter|the arena janitors and their families are given the best seats at the concert]], and [[Don't Try This At Home|Do Not Attempt!]] is emblazoned across the screen when they shoot at each other). Have understudy band members so the leads can hand off their instruments and duel without messing up the song. Work very closely with fantasy moviemakers (including an anime company) to make their [[Music Video|Music Videos]]s (a fusion of live action actors for humans/ humanoids and animated monster opponents, set in an animated environment). Famous for a grand finale pitched battle, mimicking an RPG battle screen, and [[Pet the Dog]] moments [[Dark Is Not Evil|despite]] their [[Darker and Edgier]] story-singing. [[What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?|They also incoroporate their sound tech and roadies into the show]]. Trying to get their [[Rock Opera]] made into a TV show (a la' [[Metalocalypse]]). The artists themselves are a [[Five-Man Band]], with [[The Hero]] on lead, [[The Lancer]] on Bass, the [[White Magician Girl]] on keyboard, [[The Big Guy]] on drums, and [[The Smart Guy]] on "explosive instumentation". Every so often, a [[Sixth Ranger]] shows up. He's considered to be the best out of all of them, and his appearance is quite rare, so it's considered a treat by all involved (in the vids, he acts as a [[Deus Ex Machina]], who only shows during their [[Darkest Hour]]).
** Damn it, now I want this to exist really bad.
* [[Cast Herd]] - Electro-pop group [[No Celebrities Were Harmed|that sounds very similar to Devo]].
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* [[Chickification]] - A female pop group version of [[The Village People]], consisting of [[Wrench Wench|a riveter]], a [[Schoolgirl Lesbians|Catholic schoolgirl]], a [[Xena: Warrior Princess|warrior princess]], a [[The Baroness|secret agent]], and a [[Lesbian Jock|softball player]]. Best known for their hit single, "Women's College". Interestingly, their biggest fanbase is among gay men.
** That's quite a good idea, actually.
* The [[Clingy MacGuffin|Clingy MacGuffins]]s - Scottish alt rock with surprising staying power.
** Everytime it seems like the band has finally broken up, moved on to other projects, or taken an indefinite hiatus, there they are again on another tour, releasing another album...you can't get away from them.
* [[Clap Your Hands If You Believe]]- Anarchist rock band, everyone comes from a different country- the lead singer's English, the lead guitarist's American, the drummer's Australian and the bass player's Welsh.
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* [[Cloning Blues]] - Indie jazz.
* [[Closer to Earth]] - Soft, ambient New Age music with a [[An Aesop|green message]].
* [[Cloudcuckoolander|Cloudcuckoolanders]]s - A band whose music style is [[Mix and Match Musical Genres|almost impossible to pin down to one style]]. Their lyrics tend to have a lot of [[Gratuitous Japanese|very]] [[Gratuitous German|random]] [[Gratuitous Spanish|and]] [[Gratuitous Greek|badly]] [[Altum Videtur|translated]] [[As Long as It Sounds Foreign|foreign]] [[Blind Idiot Translation|words and phrases]] as well as [[Speaking Simlish|outright gibberish]]. Heavily influenced by the style of [[wikipedia:Polysics|Polysics]].
* [[Cluster F-Bomb]] - Self Demonstrating <s>Article</s> Band. Plays heavy metal and barely goes two lines without swearing.
* [[The Cobbler's Children Have No Shoes]] - we're not really sure what they are, but you can be sure their lyrics are full of snappy irony and general pessimism towards the human race.
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* [[Cute Bruiser]] - The band that the lead singer of [[Boisterous Bruiser]]'s little sister made. Plays mostly peppy metal.
* [[Adorably Precocious Child|CuteShotaroBoy]] - Teen pop band with extremely smarmy, hilarious lyrics and a very attractive ([[Shotacon|and very underage]]) frontman.
* [[Cuteness Proximity]] - Some pop band whose main selling point is that their lead singer is really hot. Or an eight-year old girl. Or [[Squick|* shudders* ]] ''[[Lolicon|both]]''.
* [[Cyber Cyclops]] - Techno-iest techno group in the history of techno.
* [[Dead All Along]] - annoyingly catchy melodic post-hardcore/screamo band in the vein of From First to Last or Alexisonfire. Every member has a droopy fringe and the word "LOVE" tattooed on his knuckles.
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* [[Do Not Touch the Funnel Cloud]] - Death metal band whose lyrics are [[Pungeon Master|liberally sprinkled]] with meteorologically-related [[Hurricane of Puns|puns]] and [[Hurricane of Euphemisms|euphemisms]].
* [[Doomy Dooms of Doom]] - Comedy.
* [[Door Roulette]] - A jazz fusion band from Detroit that's famous for doing a lot of [[Concept Album|Concept Albums]]s.
* [[Dork Knight]]: [[Heavy Mithril]] band that [[Indecisive Parody|can't decide]] if it's an [[Affectionate Parody]] of nerdy power metal or the real thing.
* [[Down the Rabbit Hole]] - Beatlesque psychedelic [[Alice in Wonderland]] themed band. Popular for their covers of "I Am The Walrus" and "White Rabbit". Have preformed "Jabberwocky" and "The Lobster Quadrille".
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* [[Erection Rejection]] - a band that plays spoofs of love songs.
* [[Everything's Better with Penguins]] - Enthusiastic, goofy punk-pop with an almost childlike, optimistic tone. The world is a giant playground, life is pretty good, and penguins make everything awesome, so why worry?
* [[Eviler Than Thou]] - A death metal band famous for dressing up as famous movie villains. The lead singer is Darth Vader, voice and everything, with Sauron on bass, Darth Maul on guitar, and Agent Smith on drums. The Joker plays keyboard, but it sounds like Bloody Stupid Johnson's synthesizer from [[Discworld/Carpe Jugulum|Dontgonearthe]] Castle--allCastle—all creaks, clanking chains, and screams.
* [[Evil Weapon]] - Heavy metal.
* [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin]] - Also called Aptly Named [[Fan Nickname|by their fans]], every one of their songs is about a random everyday object, and all their albums are [[Concept Album|themed around]] where the objects would be found. ''Closet'' is their biggest record to date, with hits such as "Shirt" "Tie" and "Smelly Shoe".
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* [[Heavy Meta]] - Why meta when you can [[Mind Screw]]? All their songs are about how awesome [[Heavy Metal]] is.
** [[Heavy Meta]] is a real-life desighn company
* [[Heavy Metal Umlaut|Heavy Metal Umlauts]]s - [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|Heavy metal. With umlauts.]]
* [[Hero with Bad Publicity]] - A rock band trying to go mainstream.
* [[Hey, It's That Voice!]] - A parody band made up largely of professional voice actors performing under assumed stage names and personalities.
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* [[The Invisible Band]] - A darker progressive rock band, with self-referential lyrics.
* [[I Read That As]] - Rock and roll cover band with lyrics based on mondegreens.
* [[Iron Woobie]] - Indie rock [[Five-Man Band]] who run from power ballads to thrash metal stylings, famed for albums that go from one end of the sliding scales to the other. The name was given to them by the doctor who ran the group session they met in. Every album is dedicated to "Dr. Rob" and one other bright spot in a band member's life. In general, the band's sadder songs are honest reflections of some of the bullshit they've been through-- andthrough—and their [[Crowning Music of Awesome]] come in celebration of even the smallest victories. Known for their honesty and candor in interviews. Started "the tour that shouldn't work" with [[Attract Mode]], [[My Hero Zero]], [[Fan of Underdog]], [[Incorruptible Pure Pureness]] and [[Manic Pixie Dream Girl]]. Despite early technical issues, it worked.
* [[It's All My Fault]] - The most emo of all emo bands. All of their songs are about the same thing: A desire to die. Every single member of the band is convinced that their lives are meaningless and worthless, and they blame everything on themselves. No one is allowed to bring any sharp object to their concerts, and ambulances are kept ready at all times in case any of them attempt to kill themselves on stage. There have been several incidents in the past, one of notice was when the lead singer attempted to drown himself in his own tears. He did not die, but, suffice to say, it did not end well.
* [[I Take Offence to That Last One]]: Punk. Last song in an album chooses [[Acceptable Targets]] to rip on.
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* [[Planetville]]: A [[Zeerust]]-filled '60s pop band.
* [[Playable Epilogue]] - The "[[Warcraft]]" half of [[Extended Gameplay]]. Ever since [[Elves Versus Dwarves]] took them into a grudge match over the less-than-flattering [[Shout-Out]] in the Play Ep song ''[[All Orcs Are Different]]'', the two groups have been bitter rivals.
* [[Played for Laughs]] - A band that only performs covers of other bands. And by perform we mean misplay and fill it with hilarious [[Mondegreen|mondegreensmondegreen]]s. Many bands stiuplate in their contracts not to let them use their songs as it [[Hilarious in Hindsight|makes their songs hard to take seriously afterwards]].
* [[Police Brutality]] - A political punk band that signs from the persona of corrupt and abusive cops. Known for their breakout song "Right to Remain Violent".
* [[Political Correctness Gone Mad]] - A ''Rage Against The Machine'' clone, but even more mean.
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* [[Rock Me, Asmodeus]] - a hardcore thrash band, but not really black or death metal.
* [[Rocks Fall, Everyone Dies]] - The band formed by a disgruntled former member of Kirks Rock, which only lasted two months before the other members left. Currently looking for members.
* [[Rockstar Song]] - a [[Po Mo]] band who songs are all [[Trope Name|Trope Names]]s and/or [[Take That|Take Thats]]s against other bands or songs. They'd have a sort of Emo/Ska sound if they didn't deny categorization because they hate all genres equally.
* [[Room Full of Crazy]] - A screwed up experimental/avantgarde rock/metal project probably featuring Mike Patton.
** It's also basically a crazy music supergroup, consisting of Patton, [[Tom Waits]], [[Buckethead]], [[Primus|Les Claypool]] and [[John Zorn]].
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* [[Rouge Angles of Satin]] - Symphonic death metal.
* [[RPG Elements]] - Filk band. Members are named after the Classic elements, and their lyric booklets give the band members [[Character Levels]].
* [[Rule of Cool]] - A popular band that specializes in fast paced Rock music. Known for their hit single, "[[Instant Awesome, Just Add Ninja|Instant Awesome: Just Add]] [[Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot|Ninja Pirate Zombie Robots]]s".
* [[Samus Is a Girl]] - A glam/punk rock hybrid band whose members are all drag queens and kings.
* [[Schizo-Tech]] - Alternative rock, using instruments such as violins, electric guitars, trombones, synthesizers, banjos, and amplifiers. An extremely unique sound.
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* [[Shock and Awe]] - AC/DC-influenced band, with some elements of power metal.
* [[A Simple Plan|Simple Plan]] - Pop-punk, maybe from Cana- wait...
* [[The Snark Knight]] - A trio of bass/vocals/drums playing a very stripped-down hybrid of [[Post Punk]] and [[Psychedelic Rock]]. Notorious for their extremely insightful ([[Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness|and verbose]]) lyrical [[Take That|Take Thats]]s to ''everything''... [[Take That Me|Including themselves.]]
* So Bad It's Horrible - A garage band that tries ''so hard'' to be the worst band on the entire planet, complete with an awful singer, an out-of-tune guitar, and a drummer who just bangs things randomly, pretending to be completely ignorant as to what a beat is. [[Springtime for Hitler|They end up gaining fans]] because the worst they can manage to get is [[So Bad It's Good]]. Take inspiration from the Shaggs.
* So Yeah - Indie-ish [[Power Pop]] based in Seattle but with two of four members from Vancouver (its fans debate whether they sound more like [[OK Go]] or [[The New Pornographers]]). A fair number of their songs just kind of trail off without actually ''ending'', on the grounds that "you know where this is going, so why should we keep playing?" Most of these songs (and all of their albums) are references to [[Eddie Izzard]] routines.
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* [[Something About a Rose]] - retro cocktail act with some stylistic similarities to [[Pink Martini]], who got their start doing [[Guns N' Roses]] covers.
* [[Soul Fragment]] - [[Harry Potter|Wizard rock]]. Alternately, the same emo as everyone else.
* [[Sound Defect]] - A [[Stylistic Suck]] comedy band that specializes in adding [[Wacky Sound Effect|Wacky Sound Effects]]s to their music, as well as other sound gags (the sound suddenly cutting out, an instrument suddenly detuning or seeming to break, etc.). A [[Running Gag]] involves them attempting to find the right sound effect for a song...and failing repeatedly.
* [[Slasher Smile]]- Incredibly distubing and violent lyrics set to catchy, cheerful pop rock
* Speaking Simlish: A pop-rock band that either speak a mash of foreign languages in each song, or just sing gibberish. [[As Long as It Sounds Foreign|Wider audiences claim they're actually singing in Chinese, Japanese, Korean and even Russian.]]
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* [[Squishy Wizard]] - A group of self admitted nerds with songs that spoof videogame tropes, such as the titular wizard.
* [[Start to Corpse]] - As always with names like these, metal, probably some garage band who's a bit confused on their exact sub-genre, or what it actually means. Bassist wants to play Black metal, the drummer wants to play Death metal, the Guitarist wants to experiment, and the lead singer is still mesmerised by the idea of subgenres.
* [[Steampunk]] - Symphonic metal band... with a twist! The band uses [[Schizo-Tech|steam tractor with generator attached]] to power their instruments, the drummer uses a [[Clock Punk|clockwork]] backpack with [[Multi-Armed and Dangerous|six extra arms]] to maximize efficency. Some songs use [[Homemade Inventions|overhauled]] string instruments, brass instruments (steam-powered,natch), and a freakin' ''[[There Is No Kill Like Overkill|pipe organ]]''. A [[Shock and Awe|Tesla Coil]] and low-temperature steam provide on-stage effects, musicans dress as Victorian-era gentlemen, [[Bling of War|soldiers]], and [[Mad Scientist|Mad Scientists]]s. And you know how they haul all their perephirals around? [[Zeppelins from Another World|With the help of their blimp]]. Currently on tour with [[Raygun Gothic]].
* [[Stepford Smiler]] - A pop rock Band Who Plays very Happy music, But lyrically They talk about Suicide and depression and Murder. Basically [[Lyrical Dissonance]] to the core.
* [[Stock Puzzle]] - A sound crew remixes popular music that you've already heard several hundred times.
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* [[Touch of the Monster]] - Goth band with aesthetic and lyrical focus on [[Interspecies Romance]], often involving vampires.
* [[Tradesnark™]] - Happy-go-lucky punk pop along the lines of Aquabats. All their songs parody recognizable corporations and all of their policies and controversy.
* [['''Trope Names for a Band]]''' - Nerd/indie with lyrics that take meta humor just a bit too far...
* [[Troperiffic]] - TV Tropes' own band. Every song is about a trope. By far their most popular download is "[[Major-General Song]]".
* [[The Troubles]] - Pop rock with punk influences.
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* [[A Wizard Did It]] - Their lyrics are full of ''Dungeons and Dragons'' references.
* [[Wiki Words]] - The lyrics of all their songs are freely avaiable online and anyone can edit them. In live performances they only play the instrumental and encourages the aduience to sing the songs, one of the band members is possibly Jimmy Wales in disguise...
* [[The Woobie|The Woobies]]s - Emo, the whiny, complaining kind.
** Alternatively, emo that you for some reason can't help but love.
* [[Wrestling Doesn't Pay]] - A cover band who play wrestling entrance themes and dress as their favorite wrestlers.


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