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Enforced Cold War: Difference between revisions

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== Live Action TV ==
* ''[[Star Trek]]'':
** The Organian Peace Treaty, forced on the Federation and the Klingons by [[Sufficiently Advanced Alien|Sufficiently Advanced Aliens]]s who found war in their backyard distasteful. This lead to a series of more direct Cold War metaphors, such as both sides intervening in a border planet's war.
** ''Deep Space Nine'' also had the sixth season opening arc in which the Dominion was in control of the station. To avoid collateral damage, Bajor did not ally with the Federation, so the main characters affiliated with the Bajoran government stayed on-board and worked side by side with the occupation forces. (Then again, they did eventually form an active resistance cell.)
** Though in general, [[Deep Space Nine]] subverted this, as the Dominion and the Federation, who were hostile toward each other since they met in season 2, eventually did go to war at the end of season 5.
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== Tabletop Games ==
* ''[[Dungeons and Dragons]]'':
** Most drow lives like that, in the framework of [[Evil Matriarch|Lolth]] [[Religion of Evil|theocracy]]: otherwise infighting turns into [[Ax Crazy]] all-out war and then genocide -- andgenocide—and [[Gods Need Prayer Badly|she needs them alive]].
** In ''[[Forgotten Realms]]'' setting: enforced in the House wars of Menzoberranzan: espionage, conspiracy and secret raids against rival houses are permitted, even encouraged, but woe be to those who get caught. Failures to enforce it caused whole cities to be utterly destroyed (Golothaer, [http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Great_Bhaerynden Bhaerynden aka Telantiwar] aka ''Great Rift''), ruined and taken by external force ([http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Insurrection Ched Nasad]) or weakened and massacred by neighbours ([http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Maerimydra Maerimydra]). Menzoberranzan barely escaped the same fate ''twice'' during Silence of Lolth (seven months) alone. And Baenre rule Menzoberranzan because it was their matron who said "stop the madness" when all-out fight began, Menzoberra was killed and the cavern itself seriously reshaped. They are ''that'' aggressive.
* [[Warhammer 40000]]: Oddly enough, given that in the forty-first millennium there is only war, this occurs for varying stretches of time between the Imperium of Man and various alien empires simply due to the fact that while the Imperium or said alien empire is tied up elsewhere a hostile peace exists between them. This occurs mostly with races such as the Tau Empire, which has on-off peaces with the Imperium on its border, rather than [[Ax Crazy]] races like the Orks or all-devouring galactic munchers like the Tyranids.


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