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[[File:teodmpoteaopofmp 2091.jpg|frame|[http://www.somethingawful.com/d/fashion-swat/science-fair-swat.php?page=9 In other words], the effects of [[wikipedia:Drosophila melanogaster|fruit flies]] on the [[wikipedia:Polyphenol oxidase|browning]] of [http://www.tradewindsfruit.com/apple.htm apples].]]
''Sesquipedalian'': A long word, or characterized by the use of long words. From the Latin roots meaning "a foot and a half long."
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Ironically, [[wikipedia:Williams syndrome|Williams Syndrome]] can lead to this kind of behavior. People with [[Asperger's Syndrome]] may do this in an attempt to be as precise as possible, ironically making their oratorical sonorities too pleonastic to be expeditiously assimilated.
One of the symptoms of [[Spock Speak]]. Usually also a [[Motor Mouth]]. Often takes advantage of the fact that [[Talking Is a Free Action]]. See also [[Techno Babble]], [[Expospeak Gag]], [[Antiquated Linguistics]], [[Sophisticated As Hell]], and [[Department of Redundancy Department]]. Often a component of [[Little Professor Dialog]]. If someone tries for this and can't get the words right, they're perpetrating [[Delusions of Eloquence]]. If the ''author'' commits this, see [[Purple Prose]]. The word [[Antidisestablishmentarianism]] is almost guaranteed to show up as well.
Very heavily associated with the [[Steampunk]] genre in particular, and [[Truth in Television]] in that case, as the Victorians ''did'' speak a form of English that was more complex and verbose, and less dumbed down than current usage.
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The polar opposite of [[Buffy-Speak]]. [[Big Words]] redirects here, for those of us who prefer to avert this trope in [[Real Life]]. Contrast the [[Laconic]]. Also note that the similarity to [[Techno Babble]]. May require one to have a [[Translator Buddy]].
== Animated &and drawn media originating in, or imitating the style of, the Eastern nation of ''Nippon-Koku'', known in English as Japan ([[Anime]] Andand [[Manga]]) ==
* Episode 22 of Azumanga Daioh does this is the English Dub. In the Japanese version, it's just [[Gratuitous English]].
* Leeron in ''[[Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann]]'' frequently does this after the [[Time Skip]], with "short versions" inevitably following after he loses his audience.
{{quote|'''Leeron:''' Genetic diversity via sexual reproduction is the key to evolution.
''(confused [[Reaction Shot]] from the Dai-Gurren Brigade)''
'''Leeron:''' ''(makes a heart shape with his fingers)'' [[Layman's Terms|Love makes the world go 'round!]] [[Say It with Hearts|<3]]<br />
"Oh!" "Of course!" }}
** Lordgenome's Head is pretty bad at this too.
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** Yuki will often provide one or two syllable answers to rather important questions, be prompted (usually by Kyon) into giving longer answers, and the longer answers end up in this incomparable form.
* Matsuki from ''[[Kunisaki Izumo no Jijou]]'' is prone to this with regards to school work.
== Occidental sequential graphic novels (Comic Books) ==
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** It's a bit of a running gag that Reed is all too often explaining what a certain [[MacGuffin|plot-relevant piece of machinery]] does rather than actually putting it to use, which causes The Thing endless annoyance, since he's the one doing the heavy lifting when they could be done by now.
** Memorably [[Lampshade Hanging|lampshaded]] in [[Secret Wars]] just after the heroes were teleported into deep space by the Beyonder's machines. (Note: At the time of Secret Wars, Captain Marvel was the Monica Rambeau version, Iron Man was [[War Machine (Comic Book)|James Rhodes]] instead of Tony Stark, and the Hulk had Bruce Banner's mind.)
{{quote|'''[[Captain Mar-Vell|Captain Marvel]]:''' H-how'd we get here? I mean, one minute we're checking out this giant whatchamacallit in Central Park, then *POOF* the Final Frontier!<br />
'''[[Fantastic Four (Comic Book)|Mr. Fantastic]]:''' This much I can tell you, Captain Marvel--This device apparently caused sub-atomic particle disassociation, reducing us, as we entered, to proto-matter, which it stored until it teleported us here, to preset coordinates in space, where it reassembled us inside a self-generated life-support environment!<br />
'''[[Incredible Hulk|Hulk]]:''' That's obvious Richards!<br />
'''[[Iron Man]]:''' ''Obvious?'' What'd he say?<br />
'''Human Torch:''' Just hang out, Iron Man. Reed will get tired of talking in five-dollar words in a minute, and then he'll explain in English. Then he'll explain it again to the Thing in one-syllable words!<br />
'''The Thing:''' Hey Torch--why don'tcha just shut up and look awestruck like the rest of us? }}
** Adding to the trope, The Thing is the inverse, not because he's dumb but because he's plain spoken. He can generally understand what Reed is saying even when others don't and sometimes acts as the [[Translator Buddy]]. But some writers forget he's a former astronaut and write him as the big dumb guy because of the way he talks which itself is a meta example with writers inferring the character trait because of this trope.
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== Non-canonical material created by enthusiasts of particular media (FanficFan Works) ==
* Dennis in ''[[The Luck of Dennis St. Michel, Viscount Stokington|The Luck of Dennis St Michel Viscount Stokington]]'' does this a ''lot,'' even when [[Hypocritical Humor|decrying the same habit]] in his nemesis.
{{quote|"The ragged figure looming in the dusky storm-light bore little resemblance to the pompous young naif who delighted in using a type or kind of sesquipedalian loquaciousness to mock his foes. In truth, I had found his book-learning pretentious; I know a pretty word or two, but do not feel the need to flaunt them at every interval."}}
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** At least in McGill's case, it's inverted in that the story makes it patently obvious that Everett is using the big words because he's ''trying'' to sound smarter, and because he ''does'' think he's smarter than his two less-inclined companions.
* V of ''[[V for Vendetta]]'' introduces himself like this, complete with [[Alliteration|oodles of alliteration.]] He calms down eventually, but still speaks very intelligently. It's pretty epic, and implies that somebody pillaged a thesaurus a few times, [[Captain Obvious|specifically,]] the sections of a thesaurus between the letters "U" and "W".
{{quote|'''V:''' Voilà ! In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished. However, this valorous visitation of a by-gone vexation, stands vivified and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin van-guarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition. The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta, held as a votive, not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous. [[Overly Long Gag|Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose]], so let me simply add that it's my very good honor to meet you and you may call me V.<br />
'''Evey Hammond:''' ... Are you like a crazy person? }}
* Hermione Granger in ''[[Harry Potter and Thethe Goblet of Fire (film)|Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire]]''. One of the many reasons why the script was so awful is that it appears when writing Hermione's lines, they wrote them out normally before getting out a thesaurus and changing all the words to make her sound smart. Examples include "Viktor's more of a physical being. I mean, he's not particularly loquacious"; "Again obvious though potentially problematic". This isn't present in the other films though.
* In ''[[The Last Boy Scout]]'', the two heroes are getting pummeled by an unusually verbose Mook's large companion, leading [[Deadpan Snarker|Bruce Willis's character]] to exclaim, "Shit, we're being beat up by the inventor of Scrabble!"
* Can't forget ''[[I, Robot (film)|I Robot]]''. Dr. Calvin is very much like this in the beginning, though she sort of thaws out.
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* Egon Spengler from ''[[Ghostbusters]]''.
{{quote|'''Pete Venkman:''' Hi, Egon. How's school? I bet those science chicks really dig that large cranium of yours, huh?
'''Egon:''' [[Getting Crap Past the Radar|I think they're more interested in my epididymis.]]<br />
'''Pete Venkman:''' ... }}
* Doctor Emmet Brown from ''[[Back to The Future]]'' does this occasionally, though not as often (or as badly) as his counterpart from the animated series (see below).
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** He talks that way [http://www.online-literature.com/kipling/165/ in the book], too.
{{quote|'''Bi-coloured Python Rock Snake:''' Rash and inexperienced traveler, we will now seriously devote ourselves to a little high tension, because if we do not, it is my impression that yonder self-propelling man-of-war with the armor-plated upper deck ''(and by this, O Best Beloved, he meant the Crocodile)'' will permanently vitiate your future career.}}
* ''[[The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and& Clay]]'' sometimes lapsed into this.
* Christopher Paolini apparently feels the need to use a thesaurus at all times with the ''[[Inheritance Cycle]]'', sparking copious mixed opinions from readers. Some find his writing captivating and interesting, while others basically write it off as a load of crap. Either way, you can't argue that he follows this trope to the letter, and younger readers may want to keep a dictionary open while traversing his prose.
* In [[Neil Gaiman]]'s ''[[Neverwhere]]'', Mr. Croup seems practically incapable of pronouncing any ''bon mot'' of less than polysyllabic length, much to the confusion of Mr. Vandemar. At one point he describes himself and Mr. Vandemar as having "funny clothes and convoluted circumlocutions", to which Mr Vandemar responds indignantly "I haven't got a circumlo..." Mr. Croup explains that the word means "a way of speaking around something. A digression. Verbosity."
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** Would you believe he occasionally used this for [[Deadpan Snarker|deadpan snarking]]? From ''[[The Dunwich Horror]]'': "But then, the homes and sheds of Dunwich's folk have never been remarkable for olfactory immaculateness."
* Continuing in the Lovecraft theme in ''[[The Laundry Series|The Laundry]]'', Charles Stross would often pay tribute to Lovecraft by jokingly describing eldritch-related things as "squamous and rugose". Of course, as his works take the [[Viewers Are Geniuses]] route, his own characters occasionally dip into this trope as well.
* ''[https://web.archive.org/web/20100722024012/http://www.wetanz.com/holics/raygun-directory.php Doctor Grordbort's Contrapulatronic Dingus Directory]'' is a stimulating compendium of [[Cool but Inefficient|destructive devices]] for all enthusiasts of the genre known as "[[Steampunk|steam-punk]]", plus those gentlemen of leisure who feel that their masculinity would be grossly enhanced by the acquisition of an [[The BFG|Exterminator of Prodigious Dimensions]].
* Marmaduke Scarlet from ''The Little White Horse'' speaks like this. He's a guy who works in a kitchen.
* Pretty much anything written by [[Stephen Donaldson]] tends to veer into this trope at times; particularly the Thomas Covenant books, where he also has a tendency to utilize archaic or obscure definitions for many commonly used terms.
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or favor to the learned;
but time and chance happen to them all.'' }}
** Hell, on the subject of Orwell, the entire essay [https://web.archive.org/web/20100715144246/http://www.mtholyoke.edu/acad/intrel/orwell46.htm Politics and the English Language] is a tract against sesquipedalian loquaciousness.
* This trait is quite common among [[Jack Vance]] characters, generally as a sugar-coating on their jerkass behavior. Note that V, the page image is a character from a webcomic inspired by [[Dungeons and& Dragons]], a series which itself was inspired by Vance's writings.
* Howard Hibble of the ''[[Jason Wander]]'' series is the leading expert on the aliens humanity is currently at war with, and occasionally lapses into this mode of speech. Lampshaded by Jason, who speaks normally but has good verbal skills, when discussing an alien device. Howard describes it as "a metallic, oblate spheroid." Jason translates this as "a tin football."
* In [[Tamora Pierce]]'s ''[[Immortals]]'' series, one of the characters (Numair Salmalín) is encouraged by his father to speak like this, to prove that he actually went away to school.
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'''James Hacker:''' I beg your pardon?
'''Sir Humphrey Appleby:''' It was... I. }}
** One time, Humphrey also stops speaking this way [[OOCOut-of-Character Isis Serious Business|to show that he is dead serious]], telling an absolutely, unbendably resolute Hacker, dead-set on a course of action that will help absolutely no-one, that "if you insist on doing this damn silly thing, don't do it in this damn silly way."
** In the ''Hacker Diaries'', the fictional diaries of Jim Hacker and novelization of the ''[[Yes Minister]]'' series, it is stated that he lived out the last of his days in a home for the elderly deranged when "advancing years, [[Talkative Loon|without in any way impairing his verbal fluency, disengaged the operation of his mind from the content of his speech]]."
* In ''[[How I Met Your Mother]]'', the group have a conversation about Robin's new Argentinian boyfriend who can't speak English that well. When he arrives at the bar, they continue the conversation, but with longer words so he doesn't understand (he doesn't: he thinks they're talking about baseball). Funny, because their responses weren't all that different from before:
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*** However, by Season 3, he called out a standard "It's Morphin' Time".
* Speaking of ''[[Power Rangers]]'', ''[[Power Rangers RPM|RPM's]]'' Dr. K does this on occasion (i.e. when she's not being blunt), including to hilarious effect in "Ghosts" when she threatens her leader, Colonel Truman, with inserting laxative into his coffee mug, which would lead to a case of explosive diarrhea.
* Data from ''[[Star Trek: The Next Generation|Star Trek the Next Generation]]'' occasionally did this, particularly when attempting humor or referring to an idiomatic expression. For Example: "I could be pursuing an untamed ornithoid without cause." (wild goose chase).
* [[Lampshaded]] in ''[[Friends]]'' when Joey uses a thesaurus on every single word of a letter he's writing in an attempt to sound intelligent.
{{quote|'''Monica:''' All right, what was this sentence, originally?
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* [[Isaac Hayes]]' "Hyperbolicsyllabicsesquedalymistic" ("My gastronomical stupensity is really satisfied when you're loving me...")
* Michael Nesmith's post-[[The Monkees|Monkees]] solo work is notorious for this, though his most verbose song, "Wax Minute" ("minute" as in small) was actually written by someone else.
* [[Bad Religion]], a punk band, seem to be quite fond of this. [https://web.archive.org/web/20100913074835/http://www.thebrpage.net/discography/song.asp?songID=24 Here] is just one example out of many. There is also a [http://www.thebrpage.net/lexicon/ fan-made lexicon], for use in all of your pedantic endeavors into abstruse grandiloquence.
** An immense plethora of the sesquipedalian tendencies of the lyrics can ostensibly be attributed to vocalist Greg Graffin, the band's resident "Master of Science."
* ''A lot'' of the super lyrical rappers in [[Hip Hop]] fall into this trope.
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*** I optically perceive the actions you have performed upon the above discussion.
**** I would like to relate to my compatriots above that i am currently revolving to and fro upon the coniferous foundation of my abode, exhibiting so much hilarity i am of the opinion my posterior is detaching from my frame.
* The title of [https://web.archive.org/web/20110824071720/http://scienceblogs.com/pharyngula/2008/09/on_the_high_velocity_rotation.php this] blog post by PZ Myers.
* [http://www.textfiles.com/holiday/night.hum Twas The Nocturnal Segment of the Diurnal Period] (aka Twas the Night Before Christmas).
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* The Ultimate Warrior was also famous for this, interspersing feral snarling, grunting, and shouting with long, rambling promos peppered with million-dollar words used almost-correctly. In his later years, he even started throwing in words he made up out of whole cloth, apparently believing his character motivations to be too complex to explain in the English language as it stands. [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bA3bUTFNtY4 Case in point...]
* Bob Backlund's mid-'90s comeback [[Heel Turn]] was characterized by his speaking with words from the unabridged dictionary; notably, calling the fans "plebians".
* In late 2009, it is Chris Jericho who is noted for using an SAT vocabulary, usually as an insult towards the <s>fans</s> [[World Wrestling Entertainment|WWE]] Universe, calling them gelatinous tapeworms, germ incubators, hypocrites, pharisees, among other not so nice things.
* Brian Pillman used to engage in a bit of this. For example, un the promo where Chris Benoit was drafted into the Horsemen, Pillman ranted about how Sting "regaled [his] obsequious lapdogs with [his] reprehensible act."
* Humorously played with in a [[Mad TV]] sketch featuring Bobby Lee as a high school wrestler wrestling a science geek played by...[[WWEWorld Wrestling Entertainment|Triple H]], speaking with big words and all, in a falsetto voice.
* Gorilla Monsoon was fond of using obscure medical terminology in his play-by-play. A shot to the back of the head would be described as hitting "the external occipital protuberance," while a chair-shot to the back would be said to have damaged "the subscapularis area."
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== Stage-acted media (Theater) ==
* [[Marat /Sade|The Persecution and Assassination of Jean-Paul Marat as Performed by the Inmates of the Asylum of Charenton Under the Direction of the Marquis de Sade]].
* ''[[Hamlet]]'' spoofs it with the character Osric, who desperately tries to look intelligent by talking this way. Hamlet mocks him by going even farther over the top with it. As you might imagine, a [[Shakespeare]] speech that's deliberately written to be obtuse and impenetrable is quite something to witness.
** Let's not forget Polonius and his love of speaking many words! "Brevity is the soul of wit," indeed.
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* ''[[The Mikado]]'': Pooh-Bah "can trace [his] ancestry back to a protoplasmal primordial atomic globule."
** The [[Modern Major-General]] in ''[[The Pirates of Penzance]]'' does a bit of this too, though more on the loquacious side.
* Ralph Rackstraw in ''[[H.M.S. Pinafore|HMS Pinafore]]'' speaks with exceedingly purple prose for a "humble sailor".
* Parodied to the extreme with Lucky's three page monologue in ''[[Waiting for Godot]]''. Read through it carefully and there is actually a philosophical point being made, but it is embroidered with so much verbal diaorreah, non-sequitors and just sheer nonsense words that it sounds like a complete load of gibberish.
* In one version of the ''[[Three Little Pigs]]'', the judge's page speaks this to a ridiculous extent.
* Jerry, a character in [[Voices From the High School]], decides to imitate the language of Shakespeare, much to his friend's chagrin.
* Parodied in [[The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged)|The Complete Works of William Shakespeare]], which includes the line "We have traced the roots of Shakespeare's symbolism in the context of a pre-Nietzschean society through the totality of a jejune circular relationship of form, contrasted with a complete otherness of metaphysical cosmologies, and the ethical mores entrenchted in the collective subconcious of an agrarian race". The published version of the script contains a footnote: "Don't bother reading that sentence over again. It's covering a costume change and is completely meaningless".
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{{quote|Ishi: "Shoot those tanks, the blast compression will create a-"
Hunt: "Shoot the tanks, that's all you gotta say!" *BOOM* }}
* The Protoss from ''[[StarcraftStarCraft]]'' have a habit of doing this sometimes, especially Judicator Aldaris.
* One of the [[True Final Boss]] in ''[[Hellsinker]]'' was called "[[Crosses the Line Twice|Floccinaucinihilipilification]]".
* Near the end of ''[[Tales of Monkey Island]] Chapter 4: The Trial and Execution of Guybrush Threepwood'', when Guybrush asks De Singe what he's doing with the Vaycaylian Wind Control Device ({{spoiler|before attempting to toss [[MacGuffin|La Esponja Grande]] into the device}}), De Singe replies, "You see, using my handbuilt Harpsichronitron, in conjunction with my Oscimoligrophiscope to seek out a resonant frequency with the Vaycaylian Climatiphone, I hope to anatomize living tissue on a macroscopic basis!" Guybrush, however, becomes clueless and can ask De Singe to repeat with the purposes of all this machinery, and De Singe can translate that he's using the piano device ("this machine") to make the Wind Control Device ("that machine") "smash people into a fine powder," which, of course, causes Guybrush to say, "[[And That's Terrible|Hey, that's not very nice]]!"
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* In ''[[The Inexplicable Adventures of Bob]]'', the hyper-intelligent fuzzy monster Molly peppers her speech with big, obscure, or antiquarian words—but she is equally likely to use teenage slang or kindergarten kiddie-speak. Galatea makes observation of her sister's odd speech patterns [http://bobadventures.comicgenesis.com/d/20080920.html here.]
* Rocky, of ''[[Lackadaisy Cats]]'', the majority of the time.
{{quote|'''Rocky:''' ''(trying to avoid being shot)'' Avril, Avril! From one reasoned individual to another... uh, if speech is truly what [[Irony|separates us from the beasts]]... as the Greeks suggested... I remain optimistic we're not yet beyond a resolution... uh, through civil discourse?<br />
'''Avril:''' ARRAAWRGH! ''(slams Rocky against a wall and throws him to the ground)'' }}
** This becomes even more noticeable when he's around Freckle, who rarely says more than a couple words at a time.
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* ''[[Questionable Content]]'''s Hannelore Ellicot-Chatham will often descend into this, especially if she's having a nervous fit. Faye can also pull it off when she's feeling especially snarky.
* ''[[Suicide for Hire]]'''s characters all use long words, and a lot of 'em. The comic's banner has a caption reading "Yeah, it's got dialogue. If you don't like it, you are entitled to bite my ass."
* ''[[Fetch Quest: Saga of the Twelve Artifacts]]''' Felicia tends to use big words when she talks, which is perfectly fine for her, but awkward for others. Ambrosia [[Lampshade Hanging|calls her out]] on this practice:
{{quote|'''Ambrosia:''' Felicia, I'm '''''twelve'''''. Don't throw around big words.}}
* ''[[Exterminatus Now]]''. Professor Lewis [http://exterminatusnow.comicgenesis.com/d/20100613.html tries to explain] a concept to the (somewhat pro)tagonists, and fails utterly. Finally, he went in the ''exact opposite'' direction, and summed it up:
{{quote|'''Professor Lewis:''' [[Negative Space Wedgie|Shiny void rift]] plus [[Kill Sat|big space gun]] [[The End of the World as We Know It|make world go 'splody.]]}}
* In ''[[El Goonish Shive]]'', Grace's attempt to make a bit of a political statement in the sketchbook resulted in a bad case of [http://egscomics.com/sketchbook/?date=2010-12-09 this trope.]
* In ''[[Sinfest]]'', [httphttps://wwwweb.archive.org/web/20140209180007/http://sinfest.net/archive_page.php?comicID=4269 Fucshia teases Crimney about using "troglodyte."]
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* Ezekiel from ''BitF City''. His friend Bola "Translates".
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wz_K1Gjrx8c How very charitable] [[Save the Princess|of Her Majesty]] [[Hotel Mario|to summon]] [[Super Mario Bros.|us]] to a social gathering of prepared foods and open-handed cordiality regardless of the immense difference in our societal statuses.
** This particular style has grown into a fad and been applied to [[YoutubeYouTube Poop]] sources. [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2vRG2Bb6DYw To] [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Yp5y4TDsM4 list] [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-WVh_mXYSI a] [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rEBjMHABciM few...]
* A number of YouTube videos expand popular videos spoken in vernacular to long-winded pseudo-intellectual conversations backed with classical music, e.g. [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBu83-0vJbg An encounter with the Entrepreneur of Sensory Shapeshifting with Purpose of Infiltrationary Actions], known originally as [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZTj6tauY1JU Meet The Spy].
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{{quote|'''Plankton:''' Felicitations, malefactors! I am endeavoring to misappropriate the formulary for the preparation of affordable comestibles!}}
** WHO WILL JOIN HIM?!?!?!?!?
** [[The Ditz|Patrick]], surprisingly, talks this way several times, just not to the point seen above. These are usually done as [[Out-of-Character Moment|sudden character shifts]], and [[Played For Laughs|played for laughs]] with Patrick proving just as dim as ever.
{{quote|'''Patrick:''' The inner machinations of my mind are an enigma.}}
''(A thought bubble forms, showing a carton of milk spilling.)''}}
* Reggie Moonshroud from ''[[Gravedale High]]'' often talks like this.
* Dexter on ''[[Dexter's Laboratory|Dexters Laboratory]]'': Dexter is fond of doing this. Notable examples include making a to-do list that included the chore "Aquatic Nutrifacation" instead of "Feed Fish". He also refers to the wheels on a car as "High Output Torquifiers". Somewhat unique in that this is how a young boy would actually do something like this, as "nutrification" and "torquifiers" are not actually words, just suffixes hastily slapped on thesaurus-poop.
* Fellow pre-[[Teen Genius|pre-teen genius]] Jimmy Neutron in ''[[The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius|The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron]]'' is also fond of the trope.
** Unique in that this is how a young boy would actually do something like this, as "nutrification" and "torquifiers" are not actually words, just suffixes hastily slapped on thesaurus-poop.
* Fellow pre-[[Teen Genius]] Jimmy Neutron in ''[[The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius|The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron]]'' is also fond of the trope.
* Wind Whistler on ''[[My Little Pony]]''. "This meteorological debabacle is quite anomalous." Peach Blossom too: "I will reconnoiter post-haste and ascertain what has transpired!"
** In the same vein, Twilight Sparkle from ''[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic|My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic]]''.
* Edd in ''[[Ed, Edd 'n' Eddy]]'', often to the annoyance of his less-educated peers.
{{quote|'''Edd:''' "Yup?" Is that all you have to say for yourself? YUP? No rash attempt to deprive Kevin of his fortune?
'''Eddy:''' Scam Kevin. ([[beat]]) ...That's what he ''said,'' right? }}
* Tish in ''[[The Weekenders]]''. It becomes a plot point of an episode where the others refer to it as "Tishing" and it becomes a widespread saying.
* As Brainstorm (a "sea food platter with a rather high IQ", as he puts it), [[Ben 10: Alien Force|Ben]] is prone to using extremely large words. [[Fake Brit|With a British accent.]] His previous "smart form", Greymatter, tended to use words of a more normal size unless referring to scientific principles.
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* In the 2003 ''[[Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2003|Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles]]'' series more than any other incarnation, Donatello is guilty of this. He frequently geeks out about future technology or the chemical properties of things he runs across, and [[Techno Babble]] ensues. One of the others (usually Michelangelo, but occasionally Raphael) [[Lampshade Hanging|acknowledges this]], and usually asks him to repeat himself in English this time. Though sometimes the writers sacrifice snappier dialogue to remind us that he's the smart one:
{{quote|'''Donatello:''' If we take the south conduit, it'll ''intersect'' with the old drainage tunnel!}}
* ''[[The Powerpuff Girls]]'' has this as one of [[Evil Genius|Mojo Jojo's]] more defining (and frequently [[flanderized]]) traits, with a prime example being the episode "Los Dos Mojos", where Bubbles [[Laser-Guided Amnesia|loses her memory]] and believes herself to be Mojo. [[Hypocritical Humor|He finds her approximation of his speech annoying.]]
** InTaken ''[[Theto Powerpuffits Girls]]''logical conclusion in the episode "Mo' Linguish" ([httphttps://wwwweb.archive.org/web/20100615203343/http://rowdyruff.net/transcript_ml.shtml Mo'Linguishtranscribed here]"), where Mojo Jojo teaches the whole town to speak "proper English" like he does. The simple, straightforward word is intentionally neglected in favor of over-eloquence. ExampleThis fromresults in the city's productivity grinding to a halt because no one will cut to the chase. Below is the Mayor, calling about a bank robbery:
{{quote|'''The Mayor:''' There is a stealing of sorts happening at the place where money is given and taken, that is to say deposited and withdrawn -- and sometimes redistributed and loaned. But currently the taker is taking that which is not his, thus performing an act of illegality, which could result in incarceration within the confines of a penal facility, that is to say prison, jail, hoosegow, et cetera.}}
* In an episode of ''[[Phineas and Ferb]]'', Fireside Girl Gretchen ([[Meganekko|the one who wears glasses]]) earns her "Saying a Word No One Else in the Room Knows" accomplishment patch by actually saying the world "sesquipedalian".
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* In the [[Rankin Bass]] special ''[[Twas the Night Before Christmas]]'', the Mayor parodies this. Whenever he wants to sound important, he attempts this, then gives up partway through.
{{quote|"Of all the perfidious purveyors of chicanery I have ever had the misfortune to... oh, heck. Go home!"}}
* ''[[Hey Arnold!]]'' had Mr. Green run for city councilman against Councilman Gladhand, one of whom's tactics was using big words. Mr. Green even worried he couldn't win the election because he thought he couldn't sound as smart. {{spoiler|He does win.}}
== Nonfictional depictions of the current recurring theme (Real Life) ==
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* Another U.S. Vice-President who engaged in this was Spiro T. Agnew. He also liked alliteration. Instead of calling the naysayers 'naysayers', for example, he called them 'nattering nabobs of negativism'. Many of these locutions were the product of the mind of his speechwriter William Safire, who would later go on to write the "[[Grammar Nazi|On Language]]" column for ''The New York Times''.
* Composer Igor Stravinsky lapsed into this sometimes; an example taken at random from his book ''Poetics of Music'': "The true hierarchy of phenomena, as well as the true hierarchy of relationships, takes on substance and form on a plane entirely apart from that of conventional classifications. Let me entertain the hope that the clarification of this thesis will be one of the results of my course, a result I greatly desire."
* The [https://web.archive.org/web/20081010152748/http://www.elsewhere.org/cgi-bin/postmodern/ Postmodernist Generator] lets you generate random texts using complex but utterly meaningless vocabulary.
* The winner of the 2006 Ig Nobel prize in Literature was Daniel M. Oppenheimer of Princeton University for his report "Consequences of Erudite Vernacular Utilized Irrespective of Necessity: Problems with Using Long Words Needlessly"
* Baseball Hall of Famer "Orator Jim" O'Rourke.
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* [[Richard Feynman]], in his memoirs, recalled attending a lecture in [[Hard on Soft Science|some social science or other]] wherein he encountered the following sentence: "The individual member of the social community often receives his information via visual, symbolic channels." {{spoiler|"Feynman "translated" this sentence as follows: "People read."}}
* The preface to ''The United States Department of Defense Fact File'' admonishes readers against this trope. See the [[Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness/Quotes|Quotes tab]].
* The military, perhaps especially the more modern military has that tendency. Some outsiders who don't take time to learn meanings consider it pompousity and sometimes it is, but i's purpose is to cram complex thoughts into as short of speech as possible however awkward the result. For instance "Close Air Support" means air strikes for the direct purpose of supporting ground troops, well, "closely" (as opposed to interdiction which is aimed at incoming supplies and reinforcements).
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