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Phlebotinum Killed the Dinosaurs: Difference between revisions

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* In ''Dracula Unbound'', the extinction of the dinosaurs was triggered by a nuclear bomb set off by time-travelers in order to wipe out a nest of vampires, which evolved from pterosaurs.
* The Steve Alten novel ''Domain'', the asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs was in fact {{spoiler|a spaceship of an evil multi-dimensional entity that was shot down by the good aliens, who then land on the planet (Earth), genetically mess with the local fauna to eventually create Humanity, create the Mayan civilization, and use its prophecies to foretell the end of the world which will happen when the bad alien's ship gains enough power to reactivate, on December 21, 2012}}.
* In [[Poul Anderson]]'s "Lord of a Thousand Suns," the main character claims that a [[Human Alien]] species, [[Precursors|now extinct themselves]], "killed off Earth's dinosaurs in a day, millions of years ago, and only used one ship to do it." (The exact method of killing isn't specified.) He backtracks almost immediately, saying he doesn't know '''for sure''' that the aliens did the job, but it '''was''' their regular policy to exterminate big reptiloids on potential colony worlds, and they'd explored as far as Earth, so logically....
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