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Glee/Characters/Other Major Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Mistaken for Gay]]: By many of the fans, due to the fact that she's played by Jane Lynch. In-universe, during Sue's campaign for Congresswoman, one of her opponents tries to make it seem like Sue is gay because she's unmarried and because {{spoiler|she appointed a lesbian, Santana, as head cheerleader}}. However, as we've seen in her previous dalliances with men and as she confirms in the following episode, Sue is actually straight.
* [[Mommy Issues]]: Explored in "Furt".
* {{spoiler|[[Morality Pet]]: Her little sister and Becky.}}
** {{spoiler|Also, Kurt to a degree.}}
* [[The Nicknamer]]: Rarely calls the kids by their real names.
** In "Throwdown", she addresses the minority students as "Santana! Wheels! (Artie) Gay Kid! (Kurt) Asian! (Tina) Other Asian! (Mike) Aretha! (Mercedes) Shaft! (Matt)"
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** Sue is the living embodiment of the Competition Theory of racism: she doesn't feel any actual prejudice towards any group, but she will exploit ''whatever'' edge she can get, whether it be race, gender, sexuality, disability, anything. If dissing someone for being gay will give her an edge, she'll use it. If dissing someone for being ''prejudiced'' against gays will give her an edge, she'll use it. If an opening for dominance exists ''anywhere'', Sue will use it.
* [[Reasonable Authority Figure]]: During her short tenure as Principal. Also has shades of this trope throughout the series, but to a more subtle extent.
* [["The Reason You Suck" Speech]]: Sue tends to perform utterly epic ones whenever she can.
* [[Refuge in Audacity]]: Her standard ''modus operandi''.
* [[Rich Idiot With No Day Job|Rich Magnificent Bastard With A Day Job]]: She has a condo in ''Boca'', has her own segment on the news, is a internationally ranked cheerleading coach. From the look of her house she has enough money to finance her Cheerios herself and then some. One wonders why she wants to take down Glee at all.
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** Maybe the writers realized the inherent contradictions of being comically self-centered ''and'' Strawman Conservative ''and'' a union public-sector worker.
* [[Team Mom]]: Gradually grows into (an albeit begrudging) one of these for New Directions.
* [["The Reason You Suck" Speech]]: Sue tends to perform utterly epic ones whenever she can.
* [[Took a Level In Kindness]]
* [[Torture Technician]]: She threatens to pull Artie's teeth out during "Prom".
* [[Deuteragonist|Tritagonist]] when she isn't [[The Antagonist]]
* [[Torture Technician]]: She threatens to pull Artie's teeth out during "Prom".
* [[Unsportsmanlike Gloating]]: Sue is a master at this and relishes in rubbing it in the face of her opponents
{{quote|"I am engorged with venom, and triumph."}}
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* [[Wild Card]]: While in Season 1 she was focused on hating and destroying Will and the club in Season 2 it's become almost impossible to predict what she'll do next, why or how.
* [[Woman Scorned]]: When she has problems in her love life (as evidenced by "Mash-Up"), she takes it out on ''everyone'' around her.
* {{spoiler|[[Worthy Opponent]]: Eventually sees Will as this.}}
* [[Younger Than They Look]]:
** In "Vitamin D", Sue wrote in her diary that she's turning thirty soon, which means she's only twenty-nine, or in deep, hilarious denial.
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* [[Did I Just Say That Out Loud?]]: Emma to Will.
* [[Fiery Redhead]]: [[Beware the Nice Ones|When she verbally smacks down Will in "Bad Reputation" and the screaming match with Figgins in "Journey"...]]
* [[Hazel Eyes]]
* [[Hates Being Touched]]: The reason she's a virgin.
* [[Hazel Eyes]]
* [[Heroes Want Redheads]]
* [[Important Haircut]]: Not so much a haircut as a style-change. In "Special Education", her hair is not as perky as it is in the previous episodes. This reflects how Carl is making her less obsessive about her life.
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* [[All Guys Want Cheerleaders]]: She was once a cheerleader.
* [[Alpha Bitch]]: She was implied to have been one in her high school days.
* {{spoiler|[[The Atoner]]: In "Funeral"}}
* [[Betty and Veronica]]: The Veronica to Emma's Betty and Will's Archie - an interesting case, as Terri is ''married'' to him.
* [[Blondes Are Evil]]
* [[Blonde, Brunette, Redhead]]: The Blonde of the trio.
* [[Blondes Are Evil]]
* [[Can't Get Away with Nuthin']]: What she did was horrible, but the story seems to be far more forgiving to [[Karma Houdini|Sue]]
* [[Commuting on a Bus]]: Her story arc was effectively dead by the end of the first half of Season 1, but the show had to bring her back every once in a while because Jessalyn Gilsig was still a series regular - usually to [[Ship Tease]] with Will only to [[Ship Sinking|sink the ship again]] by the end of the episode. As of Season 3, though, Gilsig is no longer listed as a regular and so Terri may be on the bus for good.
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* [[High School Sweethearts]]: Terri and Will are a not-so-happy version of this.
* [[Hoist By Her Own Petard]]: YMMV, but the same pillow that Terri used to lie about her pregnancy to Will being found by Will himself and used as an instrument to debunk the lie could count as this.
* {{spoiler|[[I Want My Beloved to Be Happy]]: Seemingly as of "Funeral."}}
* [[Kick the Dog]]: {{spoiler|Telling Emma she would never have a chance with Will, despite the fact that she and Will were technically separated at the time.}}
* [[Law of Inverse Fertility]]: She is absolutely desperate in regards to getting pregnant, but can't.
* [[Love Makes You Crazy]] and [[Love Makes You Dumb]]: Terri has the… honor of actually combining these two classifications at the same time.
* [[Manipulative Bastard|Manipulative Bitch]]
* [[Mean Character, Nice Actor]]: There is no way that Jessalyn can be anything like Terri.
* [[The One That Got Away]]: For Bryan Ryan, apparently. [[Irony|She was the one girl he always wanted and she married his apparent rival]].
* [[Popular Is Dumb]]
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