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The Shield/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[A Day in the Limelight]]: ''Throwaway'', which was designed to spotlight the character.
* [[Does Not Know His Own Strength]]: In real life,his actor has been described as being a big dog who thinks he's a puppy.
* [[Ensemble Darkhorse]]: Became one of the most popular characters on the show, largely due to the character's compassionate nature and status as the [[Only Sane Man]].
* [[Fanon Discontinuity]]: The character being denounced on live television as a crocked cop {{spoiler|who got what was coming to him when he was killed off}} rarely if ever gets mentioned by fans.
* [[Ensemble Darkhorse]]: Became one of the most popular characters on the show, largely due to the character's compassionate nature and status as the [[Only Sane Man]].
* [[Gentle Giant]]: Loves kids and animals.
* [[Hair of Gold]]: Blonde.
* [[The Heart]]: Tries to stop Vic and Shane when they go too far.
* {{spoiler|[[Killed Off for Real]]}}
* [[Only Sane Man]]: Will often interrupt Vic and Shane during various schemes to remind them that they are supposed to be on the side of law and order. Which leads to....
* [[Peer Pressure Makes You Evil]]: the fact that Vic and Shane largely get Lem to go along with the evil schemes of the Strike Team by exploiting Lem's need for a surrogate family, via peer pressure.
* {{spoiler|[[Sacrificial Lion]]}}
* [[Tear Jerker]]: {{spoiler|His death}}
* {{spoiler|[[Too Cool to Live]]}}
* [[Vitriolic Best Buds]]: With Shane
* [[The Woobie]]
* [[Vitriolic Best Buds]]: With Shane
==== Ronnie Gardocki ====
With his facial hair and tech skills, Ronnie is the [[The Smart Guy|resident nerd]] of the Strike Team. Also [[The Woobie]], given the amount of bodily harm he endures over the course of the show. Originally a background character, the character's role in the show grew over the course of the series, due to the character's fanbase. Also, is rivals Vic in terms of [[Misaimed Fandom]], as far as people liking him in spite of being a corrupt cop.
* [[A Day in the Limelight]]: "Back To One", which had Ronnie helping Dutch/Tina/Billings bust a pair of would-be meth dealers and the biker gang that they were selling to; however, the episode is something of a subversion in that we don't get into Ronnie's head or find out anything new about him, instead we see Ronnie in action as a cop and watch the other characters react to him essentially showing up the other detectives in action.
* [[Alternate Character Interpretation]]: Those fans who see Ronnie as a good guy who fell in with the wrong crowd. Was partially Jossed with his reaction to the revelation that Vic murdered Terry Crowley, though season seven had the revelation that he had never killed anyone in cold blood until the season seven premeire.
* [[Ascended Extra]]: Started out as a background character, before his role grew slowly but surely and became a central character in season seven.
* [[Badass Moustache]]: His mustache in seasons one and two.
* [[Broken Base]]: Fan preference over his facial hair; some like the 'stache, some like the beard, some like Ronnie cleanshaven.
* [[A Day in the Limelight]]: "Back To One", which had Ronnie helping Dutch/Tina/Billings bust a pair of would-be meth dealers and the biker gang that they were selling to; however, the episode is something of a subversion in that we don't get into Ronnie's head or find out anything new about him, instead we see Ronnie in action as a cop and watch the other characters react to him essentially showing up the other detectives in action.
* [[Draco in Leather Pants]]: A popular character on the series, with fanboys who see him as a good guy who fell in with the wrong crowd. Even though he's basically a guy who's a dirty cop (not as bad as Shane or Vic, but still corrupt) who uses excessive force on a suspect who later tries to murder him in revenge, stalked a guy who (during a brawl at a funeral) hit him in the head with a giant wooden cross and, while Shane held the guy in question, beat him to an inch of his life and had to be pulled off the guy, who's reaction to finding out that Vic murdered Terry was to complain about not being involved in the plot, actively called for Shane to be murdered in retaliation for murdering {{spoiler|Lem}}, and in the finale, after tearfully revealing to Vic that {{spoiler|Shane had committed suicide after killing his family}}, proclaiming with a level of controlled glee, that they no longer had to worry about {{spoiler|Shane and his wife blackmailing them with their crimes}}.
** There is also the matter of him gleefully exploiting his nerd skills via misusing police resources to plant a hidden camera inside Dutch's car in order to catch humiliating footage of him for Vic and Shane's amusement.
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* [[Sliding Scale of Idealism Versus Cynicism]]
* [[The Smart Guy]]: Works bugs, electronics, computers, and stuff.
* [[The Woobie]]
* [[Villainous Breakdown]]: His speech at the end, as he is being arrested.
* [[The Woobie]]
==== Terry Crowley ====
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* [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]]: Taking a serial killer's armor piercing mocking to buy time to get a search warrant.
* [[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming]]: The show is rarely heartwarming but when Dutch was dating Corrine he read a book to her youngest daughter letting the audience see Corrine genuinely smiling for the first time in a long while.
* [[Defective Detective]]: Despite being a Brilliant Detective,His personal Life is often a mess
* [[Fanon Discontinuity]]: The infamous cat choking sequence.
* [[Earn Your Happy Ending]]: Although bittersweet as he has discovered Claudette is dying,His ending is probably the happiest.After seven years as a Butt Monkey,He finally takes down the Strike Team,is about to get another Killer to confess and has been given the number of an attractive Attorney
* [[Fanon Discontinuity]]: The infamous cat choking sequence.
* [[Jerkass]]: Not to the same degree of 'in-your-face' as Shane or Acevada's back-stabbing but because of his poor people skills he can occasionally come off as one.
* [[Kick the Dog]]: Choke the cat, actually, but close enough.
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Comic relief character, introduced in season four; a veteren cop who is five years away from retiring and dead set on doing as little as possible until then, in order to ensure he sees the day of his retirement.
* [[Berserk Button]]: Could rival even Vic's and Lem's love for kids. Doesn't like them harmed.
* [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]]: When he was a Captain, a baby was harmed, he become competent and milked the media for all they were worth to get info.
* [[Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass]]: Lazy and waiting for retirement but he will move heaven and Earth to get someone who hurt a kid.
* [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]]: When he was a Captain, a baby was harmed, he become competent and milked the media for all they were worth to get info.
* [[Cruel Mercy]]: Dutch gives this to Billings when he uncovers Billings' scheme with regards to the station's vending machines being his property, opting to instead hold it over his head as leverage.
* [[Dirty Coward]]
* [[Jerkass]]: Hates Dutch with a passion, going so far as to manipulate him into seeing the girl he had a crush on having sex with a fellow detective just for the lulz.
* [[Pointy-Haired Boss]]: Was promoted to captain essentially because the top brass wanted someone weak-willed that they could control; once placed in control of the Barn, he spends most of his time secretly scamming money out of the department via installing vending machines in the station (which he owns) and leaves Danny to actually do the paperwork to run the place.
* [[The Slacker]]
* [[Single-Target Sexuality]]: Has a major mancrush on Ronnie Gardocki, though given the way he utterly fails to intercept a blackmail letter sent against him, he doesn't seem to show it well.
* [[The Slacker]]
=== Captains And Administration ===
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* [[Limited Advancement Opportunities]]: Averted. During the course of the show Aceveda goes from being the Captain at the Barn, to City Council to (probably) Mayor all in about 3 years or so [[Comic Book Time|in the show's timeline.]]
* [[The Odd Couple]]
* [[Took a Level In Badass]]
* [[Out of Focus]]: To varying degrees in seasons 4, 5 and a lot of season 6.
* [[Rape as Drama]]
* [[Took a Level In Badass]]
==== Monica Rawling ====
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* [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]]: Making Antwon shed tears.
** Let alone bringing down Antwon Mitchell AND his plan to bring about the formation of an alliance of all of the major gangs on the west coast.
* [[Executive Meddling]]: The character was created (and cast with A-List actor Glenn Close) to silence executives at FX, after they started making noise towards possibly canceling the series with season four after season three underperformed.
* [[Jerkass]]: Her reaction to finding out that Claudette and Dutch were on the DA's shitlist, needless to say, was to blame Claudette and remind her of all of the guilty criminals that her actions ended up getting freed from jail.
* [[Mama Bear]]: Protective of her fellow officers, especially after two of them are murdered on orders of Antwon Mitchell. Even after finding out, for sure that Vic Mackey is corrupt and so are his fellow officers on the Strike Team, she cryptically tries to warn Vic "to be careful" during their final meeting.
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