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* [[Acting for Two]]: This increases in frequency as the series goes on, and even includes several of the series' protagonists:
** Karen Bryson, who plays Avril Powell (seriesSeries 8-11), was in the first episode of seriesSeries 5 as an alleged doctor who tells Frank that he's got aortic stenosis as revenge for her telling her ill husband to 'walk towards the light'.
*** Amusingly enough, Avril herself ends up actually working at the hospital.
** Michael Taylor, aka Billy Tutton, originally played young chav Spider back in seriesSeries 4. The character is pretty much identical to Billy in all but name, and the ridiculous face tattoos he sports.
** Fans since the early series were rather perplexed when they saw Moya Brady, who plays temporary Jockey manager Cassie Western in seriesSeries 3, playing crazy Muslim convert Ramona in seriesSeries 11.
** A similar timeframe saw Robert Pugh, first appearing in seriesSeries 2 as scummy far-right politician Bernie Creme, returning in seriesSeries 10 as seedy magistrate Malcolm.
** Paul Oldham shows up as three different characters throughout the series; a bailiff, a Frank and a gangster, all three equally as horrible and unlikeable as each other.
** American Series: {{spoiler| William H. Macy plays ''both'' Frank and Jerry Gallagher, identical twins}}. It's greatly subverted when the character is never seen again after the first season, but is referred and talked about.
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