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The rest of the main cast consists primarily of Jordan's coworkers at the morgue and colleagues on the Boston PD, who get roped into helping with Jordan's investigations on a surprisingly regular basis:
* Dr. Garrett Macy, Jordan's crotchety superior (played by Miguel Ferrer).
* Dr. Mahesh "Bug" Vijayaraghavensatyanaryanamurthy, a fellow medical examiner (played by Ravi Kapoor).
* Nigel Townsend, the morgue's resident [[The Lab Rat|lab rat]] and hacker (played by Steve Valentine).
* Lily Lebowsky, a sweet but eccentric grief counselor (played by Kathryn Hahn).
* Woodrow "Woody" Hoyt, a detective for the Boston police and Jordan's on/off love interest (played by Jerry O'Connell).
* [[Ambiguously Gay]]: Nigel. An entire episode is devoted to this. It isn't until several seasons later that the question is finally answered. Ironically, he's not.
* [[And I Must Scream]]: More on the trope page.
* [[Ascended Extra]]: Steve Valentine's Nigel was just a background character for a handful of scenes in the first episodes, but the producers liked the way he demaneddemand your attention on just those scenes, and turned him into a regular.
* [[Belligerent Sexual Tension]]: Kate and Nigel.
* [[Berserk Button]]: Bug in an episode where a murder appeared to be racially motivated.
* [[Bunny Ears Lawyer]]: Pretty much everyone at the morgue.
{{quote|'''Lily''': [[Completely Missing the Point|He died because he had a big heart.]]}}
* [[Casting Gag]]: In [[Real Life]], Steve Valentine is a magician as well as an actor. Several times on the show, his character Nigel can be seen doing card tricks.
* [[Cliff Hanger]]: Several. Subverted in the final episode {{spoiler|which was originally written to be a [[Cliff Hanger]] but was then rewritten into a [[Happily Ever After]] when it became apparent that the series would be canceled}}.
* [[Cop Boyfriend]]: Lieutenant Woody Hoyt.
* [[The Coroner]]: Jordan, Garrett, Bug, numerous others
* [[Cowboy Cop]]: Jordan constantly, Woody on a couple occasions as well.
* [[Crossover]]: With ''[[Las Vegas]]''.
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]: Nigel and Bug.
* [[Enhance Button]]: Nigel, constantly.
* [[Epunymous Title]]
* [[Facial Recognition Software]]
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* [[Heel Face Turn]]: Subverted. An imprisoned serial killer genuinely wanted to make amends, and strived to become a better person, eventually becoming a model prisoner and devout Christian... ''too'' devout. When he caught a pair of guards getting frisky in the prison chapel, he was enraged that they would dare desecrate a house of God, so he murdered one of them, and tried to frame the other for it, completely convinced he was doing the right thing.
* [[Homage]]: An episode with ''[[Quincy]]'' star Jack Klugman as an aging medical examiner.
* [[Impersonating an Officer]]: Jordan, in almost every episode.
* [[In the Blood]]
* [[It's Personal]]: {{spoiler|Jordan's half-brother}}.
* [[Jerkass]]: Detective Matt Seely.
* [[The Lab Rat]]: Nigel, Bug.
* [[Locard's Theory]]: Mentioned by name in the episode "Locard's Exchange".
* [[Love Dodecahedron]]
* [[Magical Database]]: Nigel, constantly.
* [[Naive Newcomer]]: Woody in the first two seasons.
* [[Necro Cam]]: Pretty much every episode.
* [[No Social Skills]]: almostAlmost every female medical examiner on the show: Jordan, Dr. Devan Maguire, and Dr. Kate Switzer.
* [[Odd Friendship]]: Bug and Nigel.
* [[Omnidisciplinary Scientist]]: Nigel.
* [[Overly Long Name]]: Bug - that's "Dr. Vijayaraghavensatanaryanamurthy" to you.
** And on a side note, the guy who plays Trey Sanders -- Mahershalalhashbaz Ali.
* [[Perky Goth]]: Lily, especially in the first couple seasons. And Nigel, a rare male example.
* [[Poorly-Disguised Pilot]]: "Sunset Division", though it was never picked up.
* [[Put on a Bus]]: Max, several minor characters.
* [[Regularly-Scheduled Evil]]: The Blue Moon Killer.
* [[Temporary Love Interest]]: {{spoiler|J.D. Pollack, Jeffrey Brandau, numerous others}}.
* [[There Are No Therapists]]: Subverted -- morgue employees are required to go through a yearly psychiatric evaluation, which they all dread.
* [[There Is No Kill Like Overkill]]: One episode had a crooked FBI agent being hired to take down a high-profile witness, which he tries to do by shooting up the crowded diner she is in... he ends up killing everyone ''but'' her.
* [[Throwing Out the Script]]: In the first episode, Garrett is supposed to do a presentation about coroners at a career day. So he starts off with a fairly dry presentation with no enthusiasm, and then ends up in a rant practically driving people away with the lucid descriptions of his work.
* [[Tyrant Takes the Helm]]: Dr. Jack Slocum and Special Prosecutor William Ivers star in two such story arcs.
* [[UST]]: With pairings almost too numerous to list, but especially between Jordan and Woody.
* [[Western Terrorists]]: On at least two or three different occasions.
** Subverted in one episode, where it was just some kind of government sponsored test (which severely pissed Macy off).
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