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** With elements of [[Badass Bookworm]], [[Awesomeness By Analysis]], and [[Beware the Silly Ones]]. Yes. He has read your damn book. He knows what you've said. He also knows what you said three weeks ago. And what you said to the NRA in 2003. And where you worked when you said it. So answer the damn question.
*** Stephen Colbert noted in a Rolling Stone interview that he doesn't understand where Jon finds the time to do it, but yes, he reads EVERY book that people are there to promote on his show... every word. Colbert notes that obviously this gives Jon a formidable advantage in an interview, as most people do not expect the host to have gotten past the summary or "cliff notes" that a staffer gave them.
*** One of the rare exceptions was when Jon was interviewing Jeremy Scahill for his book ''Blackwater'' (about the [[Private Military Contractors|PMC]]), Jon clearly ''hadn't'' read the book and the interview came off confrontational, while failing to discuss the novel's main themes <ref> i.e. the limited government oversight on hired contractors in the Middle East.</ref>. Fast-forward a week, where Jon clearly ''had'' read it in the interim, owned up to his mistake and dedicated a segment showing just how badly he'd dropped the ball.
{{quote|'''Jon''': Sometimes I can be unexpectedly confrontational, and other times...it’s almost as though I don’t know what the f**k I’m talking about at all.}}
*** It also happened that all the terrible things surrounding ''Blackwater'' began to appear in the news which completely validated Scahill's argument.
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== E - F ==
* [[Eagle Land]]: Obviously. But when ever he [[Take That|makes a few jabs]] at the more... [[The Fundamentalist|extreme]] conservatives we see in news clips, he or one of the correspondents makes it [[Anvilicious|quite clear]] that said people fit in with "flavor 2" as they tend to "hate 50% of the country"."
* [[Election Night]]: Heavily spoofed whenever it rolls around.
* [["El Niño" Is Spanish for "The Nino"]]: This is a bit of a [[Running Gag]] regarding Arabic phrases with the article "Al". For example, in one episode featuring an interview with an Al Jazeera reporter, Jon helpfully informs us that "Al Jazeera" means "The Jazeera" and that hopefully their guest will explain what a "Jazeera" is (he doesn't).<ref>Al-Jazeera means "The Peninsula" in Arabic, in reference to the Arabian Peninsula.</ref>
* [[Even the Rats Won't Touch It]]: Behind the scenes of the''The Daily Show'', there are a lot of dogs that are in the building<ref>Because Jon, the manager of the building (Adriane Truex), and much of the staff, share a love of dogs.</ref>. After Jon was given Deep Dish Pizza, it was offered to the dog Kweli. Kweli, who Jon claims to have witnessed eat garbage, rejected the offer. [http://thedailyshow.cc.com/videos/zb44o8/strife-of-pie]
* [[Every Episode Ending]]: "Here it is, your moment of zen." During Kilbourne's run, the clip was usually a ridiculous or surreal nonsequitor, while during Jon Stewart's run it's usually a funny or ironic news clips that is related to something covered previously.
* [[Everyone Is Bi]]: ''Everybody'' on the show has either shown bisexual tendencies [http://www.thedailyshow.com/watch/wed-september-3-2008/the-best-f--king-news-team-ever---larry-craig-bathroom on screen], or simply [http://www.thedailyshow.com/video/index.jhtml?videoId=189151&title=Bus-Tour-of-the-Other-America hinted at] having had sex with both genders.
* [[Expy]]: Often a source of them, as Jon and the other correspondents will take other acting roles in quite a similar vein as their characters in the show. Jon himself played an [[Only Sane Man]] news anchor in ''[[Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back]]'' and Ed Helms showed up as the quite similar Andy Bernard on ''[[The Office]]'' (which, of course, stars former "reporter" Steve Carell.).
* [[Face Heel Turn]]: The show's treatment of Senator John McCain following his 2008 presidential campaign makes frequent allusions to his 'fall from grace' from his (now-abandoned) maverick position. Appropriately, 2008 was also the last year Senator McCain made a personal appearance on the show.
* [[Face Palm]]: A favorite reaction of Jon when confronted with the most [[All the Tropes Wiki Drinking Game|egregious]] [[You Fail Logic Forever|logical fallacies]].
* [[Fauxtastic Voyage]]: A gag using the [[Chroma Key]].
** In one memorable example, two correspondents are supposedly broadcasting from Iraq. The one who is actually in Iraq demonstrates that his (real) footage is being used as the fake background for the otherothers's shoot by waving his arms.
* [[Film At Eleven]]
* [[Flame War]]: The Even StephvensStephven debates which at one point attempted to prove which religion was the right one by holding a "Smite-off" (praying to either God or Mohammad to smite the other Ste(v/ph)en.).
* [[Flat What]]: In an interview with Barbara Walters, former GOP candidate Herman Cain said that, if offered a cabinet position, he would want to be Secretary of of Defense. Walters was so flabbergasted that she could only stammer out a '''''What?''''' This prompted Jon to show examples of people and comments that ''didn't'' faze her, including Syria's Bashar al-Assad saying that no government has ever killed non-deserving people.
* [[Follow the Leader]]: ''The Daily Show'' has spawned a number of similar shows in the Middle East, notably ''[http://parazit-parazit.blogspot.com/ Parazit]'' [http://www.theworld.org/2010/12/irans-daily-show/ in Iran] and ''[http://www.youtube.com/user/bassemyoussefshow The Bassem Youssef Show]'' [http://www.onthemedia.org/transcripts/2011/04/15/03 in post-revolution Egypt]. Both show's hosts and producers [[Sincerest Form of Flattery|openly admit that they are attempting to replicate]] ''The Daily Show''.
* [[Food Porn]]: Darn near literally in [http://www.thedailyshow.com/watch/tue-august-2-2011/parliament-slight one sketch].
* [[Foreshadowing]]:
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** In addition, despite the assumed viewpoint that he would go "easy" on the Obama administration, he is perhaps one of its most vocal critics. Yes, they are pulling for them to have success and find ideological similarities, but that merely colors his criticism, which is expressed more as disappointment when the administration fails to follow through on something they claimed. In other words, it bases its views not on party, but progress. Or in layman's terms:
{{quote|"C'mon, guys, we should be doing ''better'' than this!"}}
* [[Funny Foreigner]]: Both played straight and subverted with John Oliver. There are plenty of times where his British-ness is used for laughs, but it's also heavily implied that he ''wants'' to be taken seriously as a journalist, but is forced to play the [[Funny Foreigner]] role for Jon Stewart's personal amusement.
** He's also used in lieu of a calculator whenever a measurement is given in metric, as part of the segment "Is that a lot?".
** On the other hand, it's usually not brought up with Canadians Samantha Bee and Jason Jones, unless the subject turns to Canada.
** [http://www.thedailyshow.com/watch/thu-february-17-2011/la-douche-vita---italian-stereotypes The correspondent segment] on Silvio Berlusconi's trial for statutory rape was a grand mockery of the trope, what with Jon's attempt at playing the whole thing seriously.
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