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* The rape scene(s) relies on [[Bad Writing Index|bad writing tropes]] such as [[Character Derailment]] (the [[Big Bad]] just forgets his usual ''modus operandi'' of killing quickly and efficiently and just rapes everything that has an orifice) or an [[Idiot Plot]] (the [[Mooks]] stop to rape a wounded hero as they are [[Too Dumb to Live|being shot at by the other heroes]]).
With all that said, works should not be listed here just for including rape. The reason this trope exists is because the topic is ''very'' easy to mishandle, and we at All The Tropes wish to send the message that there are far more tasteful ways of breaking a character than by resorting to this trope.
Note that this trope is NOT complaining about the use of rape in a work, just the unnecessary rape scenes ([[Tropes Are Tools|and we're not always complaining either]] in the case of parodies). Before posting an example, ask yourself if the scene was at all relevant to the plot, [[Fridge Logic]] would be fixed if it was replaced, or if it only exists due to lazy writing. As usual, [[Your Mileage May Vary]].
Contrast [[Coitus Ensues]], a pointless but consensual sex scene.
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