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Game of Thrones/Trivia: Difference between revisions

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** In an odd coincidence, Jason Momoa, who plays Drogo {{spoiler|who also gets killed off in the first season}} was likewise violently attacked in a bar (albeit some time in the past). Drogo's [[Good Scars, Evil Scars|anti-hero scars]] are real ones, the result of Momoa being attacked with a broken bottle.
* [[Absentee Actor]]: With such a huge [[Ensemble Cast]], this is inevitable. Two actors did appear in every episode that aired before their characters were [[Killed Off for Real]]: {{spoiler|Mark Addy (Robert Baratheon) and Sean Bean (Ned Stark).}}
* [[The Cast Showoff]]: Though it never derails the show, musical theatre star Kerry Ingram (Shireen) and former British pop star Jerome Flynn (Bronn) are given a chance to show their skills.
* [[Dyeing for Your Art]]:
** Sophie Turner went from blonde to redhead for Sansa; Joe Dempsie, who plays Gendry, went from blond to black, while Peter Dinklage and Jack Gleeson went from brown/dark blond to light blond to better portray members of the extremely light-haired Lannister family. A lot of the other actors, like Emilia Clarke and Lena Headey, wear wigs. Meanwhile, Maisie Williams cut her hair to convincingly portray Arya trying to pass as a boy in Season 2.
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