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[[File:F.E.A.R._Box_Art Box Art.jpg|frame| Now you know [[Fun With Acronyms|the true meaning of FEAR]].]]
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''[[Fun with Acronyms|First Encounter Assault Recon]]'' (F.E.A.R) is a special operations unit working for the United States government. Their purpose: [[Who You Gonna Call?|to deal with paranormal threats to national security.]]
As the game starts, the player takes on the role of F.E.A.R.'s new [[No Name Given|Point Man]]. In his first briefing, F.E.A.R. learns of a secret military project, Perseus, being run by [[Mega Corp|Armacham Technology Corporation]] in the city of Fairport. The project, the development of a battalion of [[Psychic Powers|telepathically]] controlled "[[Cloning Blues|Replica]]" [[Super Soldier|Super Soldiers]]s, [[Gone Horribly Wrong|has gone haywire]]. The Replica battalion's telepathic commander, an unstable operative named Paxton Fettel, has led them in an uprising. It is now F.E.A.R.'s job to hunt down and kill Fettel, ending the uprising. [[It Got Worse|But things start to get complicated]] when Alma, a little girl in a red dress, shows up and starts annihilating F.E.A.R.'s 1st SFOD-D ("Delta Force," a real-life U.S. military special operations unit) escorts, then vanishes.
F.E.A.R. is a [[First-Person Shooter]] set up as a horror movie. The player must survive long enough to unravel the secrets of Project Perseus and it's parent, Project Origin, while battling the Replica forces, ATC security teams and experiencing increasingly disturbing visions. It is not a [[Survival Horror]] game, however, but a near-future sci-fi action game with strong horror elements.
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* [[Abandoned Hospital]]: Once the "tutorial level" is done with, ''Project Origin'' properly starts off this way. Until it becomes clear it's not "abandoned" so much as "hastily evacuated" and the guys they're running from are knocking on the door. {{spoiler|Plus, as a bonus, it gets subverted when it turns out the entire hospital is itself underground with a fake holographic skyline, presumably to fool all the patients into thinking they're in a normal hospital.}}
* [[Advancing Wall of Doom]]: One multiplayer mode of ''F.E.A.R. 3'' has this involved. [http://www.giantbomb.com/fear-3-multiplayer-modes/17-4023/ Believe it or not,] it's titled ''F**cking Run''.
* [[A Form You Are Comfortable With]]: Alma in ''Project Origin'' -- at—at least she deserves credit for trying.
* [[AKA-47]]: Any weapon resembling a real one, especially those which aren't at the quirky [[BFG]] level.
* [[All There in the Manual]]: The game developers released a great deal of background plot information for the canon game series (especially regarding Armacham, the various Projects and Alma), but only in a promotional pre-order booklet for ''F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin''.
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* [[Attempted Rape]]: {{spoiler|Any time Becket has to fight Alma hand-to-hand in ''F.E.A.R. 2''}}
** {{spoiler|The ending of ''F.E.A.R. 2'' makes it confirmed rape...}}
* [[Awesome but Impractical]]: Typically applies to the [[BFG|BFGs]]s, especially when you're talking about ammo abundance. As such, they generally suffer from [[Too Awesome to Use]]. ''F.E.A.R. 2'''s FL-3 Laser and Type-12 Pulse Weapon are notorious examples, the former for its ammo hunger, which is only worsened by its poor aiming system and the latter for its extreme rarity.
* [[Awesome Yet Practical]]: The HV [[Freud Was Right|Penetrator]] and Hammerhead both fire large metal spikes. Ammo is uncommon, but not rare, and they don't use much to start with. They're also extremely powerful and accurate enough to work as a sniper rifle, and in the case of the Penetrator, can be obtained early in game.
** In the later stages of the first game, ammo for the wonderfully overpowered Particle Beam becomes fairly easy to find.
* [[Babies Ever After]]: In {{spoiler|the Point Man's ending of F.E.A.R. 3}}, at least, this is implied, as {{spoiler|he is shown carrying off his baby sibling after Alma gives birth.}}
* [[Back Stab]]: In both games, shooting an unaware enemy typically results in an instant kill. This doesn't work on the [[Giant Mook|Giant Mooks]]s, though.
** ''F.E.A.R. 3'' lets you pull off an actual Back Stab, either with the Point Man's knife or Fettel's psychic attacks.
* [[Badass Normal]]: Delta Force leader Doug Holiday manages to do just fine against everything the supersoldier Replica battalion throws at him, despite not having the superhuman reflexes of the Pointman. {{spoiler|Alma pretty much curbstomps him, though.}} The nameless Delta operative from the [[PlayStation 3]] exclusive bonus mission also does pretty good until {{spoiler|he and his team get liquidated by Alma at the end}}.
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* [[Cosmic Deadline]]: Quite noticeable in ''F.E.A.R. 3''. The game has a clear beginning, middle, and finale. However, it literally jumps straight from the middle to the finale without any form of transition in between. It's especially jarring since the finale pretty much wraps up the storyline for the entire trilogy of games, so you'd think there'd be more of a build-up to it.
* [[Covers Always Lie]]: The covers for the expansion packs ''Extraction Point'' and ''Perseus Mandate'' prominently feature a soldier in the foreground with a large explosion in the background. The implication being that the soldier is the main character. However, they are not. The soldier on the cover of ''Extraction Point'' is a Delta operator, not the Point Man, and the soldier on the cover of ''Perseus Mandate'' is a Replica Tactical soldier (one of the bad guys!), not the Sergeant. They get away with this because at no point in the game do you get a clear view of your own character. ''Project Origin'' has a similar cover, but at least the character shown is actually the character you play as.
* [[Crate Expectations]]: Introduced in the two ''F.E.A.R.'' expansion packs, where they can contain anything from weapon caches to [[Heart Container|Heart Containers]]s.
* [[Creepy Child]]: The child version of Alma. Though growing up doesn't make her one iota less creepy.
* [[Critical Existence Failure]]: The Point Man seems to be instagibbed when his health hits zero. The Replica are pretty easy to turn into [[Ludicrous Gibs]], as well.
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* [[Letters 2 Numbers]]: Instead of ''F.E.A.R. 3'' (like ''F.E.A.R. 2'' before) they went with ''F.3.A.R''.
* [[Light Flicker Teleportation]]: Alma likes to move suddenly closer when the lights go out... more prevalent in the first game than the later ones.
* [[Ludicrous Gibs]]: Most [[Egregious|egregiouslyegregious]]ly with the shotgun, which sometimes tears enemies into several large pieces. Presumably it uses special high-explosive pellets. There is also the energy gun that vaporizes armor and flesh in a couple of seconds but leaves the skeleton charred but otherwise intact.
** Literally any weapon in the entire series is capable of doing this to enemies when you're using bullet time. Seems appropriate, given Monolith's earlier first-person shooters.
** The Elite Powered Armor from ''Project Origin'' and the Enhanced Power Armor from ''F.E.A.R. 3'' come with infinite-ammo gatling guns that are capable of ripping apart most enemies.
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* [[Marionette Motion]]: The undead soldiers under the control of the Remnants move this way.
* [[McNinja]]: The Replica Assassins, who having cloaking devices and move insanely fast, were apparently developed as a result of research into operating in zero gravity environments.
* [[Mega Corp]]: Armacham is ''ridiculously'' well-equipped and has ''massive'' resources. In the first game, it's almost reasonable, with only a few lightly-armored security troops and one [[Elaborate Underground Base]]. But by ''Project Origin'' {{spoiler|there are no fewer than ''five'' [[Elaborate Underground Base|Elaborate Underground Bases]]s,}} the ATC Black Ops units are pretty much a self-sufficient [[Private Army]] that could probably conquer most third-world countries, and there are several thousand Replica troops ''minimum'', with their own mixture of armored support and aircraft. And its implied they virtually ''own'' Fairport.
** By the timeframe of ''F.E.A.R. 3'', the only people ''left'' in Fairport are Armacham goons.
* [[Melee a Trois]]: Put together, the whole plot of ''F.E.A.R.'' from ''1'' to ''3'' is a fight between the U.S. Military (F.E.A.R. and 1st S.F.O.D.-D.), the Armacham Technology Corporation, the Replica battalion, Alma's apparitions and cultists, the Creep, and, if you count ''F.E.A.R.: Perseus Mandate'', Senator David Hoyle's hired Nightcrawlers. Owing to [[Artificial Stupidity]], any firefights between computer-controlled soldiers would be a simple exchange of bullets and nothing else.
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** [[Nail'Em]]: ''F.E.A.R.'''s 10mm HV Penetrator and its successor, the 14mm HV Hammerhead.
** [[Sniper Rifle]]: ''F.E.A.R.'''s ASP Rifle and ''F.E.A.R. 2'''s [[KM 50]] Sniper Rifle.
** And just the entire list mentioned in [[BFG|BFGs]]s above.
* [[Stringy-Haired Ghost Girl]]: Alma.
* [[Stripped to the Bone]]: Alma often does this to people she doesn't like.
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** Alma is also this, given her history.
* [[Twenty Minutes Into the Future]]: Most of the weapons are standard firearms, but there are man-portable particle beams, powered armour and clones.
** A document in ''F.E.A.R. 2'' claims that Alma was first sealed in the Vault in 1987 (two days before her eighth birthday), and she {{spoiler|gave birth to the Point Man}} when she was fifteen. Monolith has confirmed that {{spoiler|the Point Man}} is 31 years old during the events of the first game, which sets the story right around the year 2025. This is further supported by the dates on the cameras in ''FEAR 3'', which show both Paxton Fettel and the Point Man in November of 2005, making their younger versions that appear in the flashbacks 10 and 11 years old, respectively.
* [[Uncanny Valley]]: Alma and the Replica were deliberately designed to be this way in-universe. Even in her "healthy" adult form in ''FEAR 2'', Alma is just...''off'' enough to make it clear that she's not natural.
* [[The Unfavourite]]: For Harlan Wade, the {{spoiler|Point Man}} was this when compared with his brother.
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* [[Videogame Set Piece]]: A lot of the really creepy hallucinations the Point Man and Becket experience, and most of the [[Peek-a-Boo Corpse]] moments.
* [[The Virus]]: Alma gets upgraded to [[The Virus]] status in ''F.E.A.R. 2'', especially with regards to the members of your squad after they get subjected to the "Harbinger" treatment. And poor citizens of Fairport turned into ghosts or zombies.
* [[Visible Invisibility]]: Replica Assassins have a slight [[Predator]]-like distortion effect to the cloaking devices, but it's actually subtler and more difficult to spot compared to similar enemies in other games in the genre. In ''F.E.A.R. 2'' this was changed to a bright blue bloom effect that was ''very'' easy to spot if you knew what to look for, which combined with their reduced speed somewhat [[Nerf|Nerfed]]ed the threat posed by Assassins.
* [[Walk It Off]]: The Point Man and Becket can regenerate back up 25 health points, although since this is only enough to survive 1 or 2 bullets, [[Heal Thyself|picking up medkits and body armor]] is still the primary means of restoring lost health.
** Played completely straight in ''F.E.A.R. 3''.
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** {{spoiler|[[Word of God]] confirmed he's dead; the player was originally intended to find his body, but it was cut when it was realized it was much scarier without it.}}
** In ''Project Origin'', in the beginning of the second level an ATC Black Ops lieutenant named Samuels shows up briefly, and is mentioned in dialogue a couple of times later. He has his own unique character model (whereas all other non-plot-important characters are carbon-copies of each other), which makes you think he'll show up again later in the game. He's never seen again.
* [[What the Hell, Player?]]: At the beginning of the first level of Project Origin, Redd Jankowski (younger brother of Spen Jankowski from the first game) calls you out if you start acting bizarrely -- ibizarrely—i.e. swimming in the fountain, or blowing up a few cars.
** In the first game, during the part where you sue the elevator along with Alice Wade, leaving the elevator to fight the Replicas will result on getting comments from Alice like "You're going to get us killed!". And, after you've killed all the attacking Replicas, she says "You don't have to kill everyone!".
* [[Where the Hell Is Springfield?|Where The Hell Is Fairport?]]: The precise location of Fairport is unspecified, and the city itself is so generic that it could be anywhere in the United States. ''F.3.A.R.'' implies that it is located somewhere in the southern parts of the country, as {{spoiler|the Point Man is able to fly a helicopter from the prison in the unspecified Spanish-speaking country to Fairport.}}
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* [[With Great Power Comes Great Insanity]]: Alma, possibly Paxton Fettel.
* [[Wrench Whack]]: Yet another weapon of the cultists.
* [[:Category:Yandere|Yandere (disambiguation)]]: {{spoiler|In ''Project Origin'', Alma.}}
* [[Your Head Asplode]]: In ''F.E.A.R. 2'' scoring a headshot with a sniper rifle would blow an enemy's head clean off. In ''F.3.A.R. '', this can be done with any sufficiently powerful weapon.
** In the stinger of the third game for the Point Man ending, this is taken to hilarious extremes, as soldiers pour into the room with tranquilizer guns and repeatedly have their heads blown up by Fettel.


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