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'''''[http://www.squadrafalchi.it La Squadra dei Falchi di Gradara]''''' is a long-running fantasy LARP set in the medieval town of Gradara, Italy. It has been playing officially since 2001 (and longer than that, unofficially) with an average of about one event per month, creating long, episodic story arcs every year.
The setting is a mix of standard medieval heroic fantasy, renaissance-styled high fantasy, steampunk, and "whatever the players want to bring as long as the staff is OK with that", giving it a distinctive [[Fantasy Kitchen Sink]] feel.
* [[Alchemy]]: Classic fantasy roleplaying alchemy with the creation of potions and such, but the Alchemist class also has other unique skills, like creating magical seals and barriers, interacting with supernatural creatures and acting as a battlefield surgeon.
* [[Artifact of Doom]]: Practically EVERYTHING left by the Ancients. The Machine of the Skies, a magitek contraption of [[Lost Technology]] whose intended purpose was WEATHER CONTROL, after being discovered, was used for anything but that, including attempting to remake the world in one's own image and ascending to godhood at least twice. A very old Driad, being asked by some PCs how they could fix the enormous amount of damage done, commented sarcastically "Considering what you've done with a weather control machine, I don't know, If they let you near the stuff the Ancients used to paint walls you'd probably manage to destroy a continent with them."
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* [[Big Bad]]: A lot of them. The rogue Ancient Ishaka, mad wizard Callisto Iseldi, the Triad...
* [[Black and Grey Morality]]: You'd probably be hard pressed to find a really, honestly good guy in this town who wouldn't put a knife in your back, metaphorically AND literally. The only difference would be the reason: some would do it only if they'd think they'd have something to gain, others they'd do it if they thought they could get away with it, and some are going to do it just for the heck of it.
* [[Cast Fromfrom Hit Points]]: The Dissonant Elementalist (the one that uses two opposing elements like Fire and Water) can BLOW UP HIS OWN ARMS AND LEGS in order to power up his spells.
* [[Chef of Iron]]: The Technician class can even be one of these. No, seriously.
* [[The City]] / [[City of Adventure]] / [[City of Weirdos]] / [[Wretched Hive]]: Gradara. What else?
* [[City of Spies]]: Gradara is a central location in Ethulia, situated in a strategic position (magically speaking) and is one of the few cities to have both a consistent freedom of trade and a high freedom of religion. Of course, it's gonna be plenty of spies everywhere.
* [[Combat Medic]]: Clerics, but also other character classes (like some Alchemists).
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* [[Dysfunction Junction]]: The city of Gradara sometimes feels like this. Well, imagine a whole medieval town inhabited almost exclusively by Player Characters.
* [[Earn Your Happy Ending]]: Despite all the crapsackiness of the world, sometimes good things come to those who work their ass off.
* [[Elemental Powers]]: The four variants of the Elementalist class all handle elemental magic:
** The path of Perfection, focusing on a single element (like fire).
** The Path of Harmony, using two nonconflicting elements (fire and air)
** The path of Dissonance, using two conflicting elements (fire and water)
** The Path of Understanding, using all four (fire, air, water and earth).
*** Also, Light and Darkness are considered as two extra, "special" elements, used not by the Elementalist class, but by the Wizard class.
* [[The Spanish Inquisition The|Ethulian Inquisition]]: Whose main job is to make sure no one deviates from the dogmas of the [[Fantasy Pantheon]] of the setting, neither lightly (splinter groups, diverging interpretations) nor heavily (demon cults, Gaia cults, etc).
* [[Fantastic Racism]]: To put it shortly: everyone hates everyone else, but some (especially hellspawns and drows) are hated so much more than others that it's inadvisable to even think about making a player character from one of those races.
* [[Fantasy Character Classes]]: The usual. All classes are grouped in four archetypes:
** Military (fighter, ranger, barbarian and knight)
** Divine (monk, priest, paladin, avenger)
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* [[Fantasy Gun Control]]: Averted: NERF guns are repurposed as hand-held repeating crossbows or other, more steampunkish weapons, and freely used. Black powder is implied to exist but be rare and not used much, but alchemical explosives are very common and sometimes even used as fuel for rudimental internal conbustion engine technologies and inventions.
* [[Fantasy Kitchen Sink]]: The setting has shades of this. It's [[Heroic Fantasy]], [[High Fantasy]], Medieval, Renaissance, Steampunk, Magipunk, a bit of everything.
* [[Fantasy Pantheon]]: There's a literal Pantheon, an alliance of five gods, which is the main (and the only accepted) faith in the setting:
** Kinich, god of fire and the sun, armies, commerce and bureaucracy.
** Chel, goddess of water and the moon, nature and purity.
** Kin, god of the wind, strength, death and revolutions.
** Atachel, goddess of the earth, secrets, dreams, and politics.
** And Itzamna, dual dragon god of light and darkness, balance and time.
*** Kinich and Chel are condiered the "light" gods, Kin and Atachel the "dark" gods, and Itzamna the one who stands between. In the past, this was very much a good/evil distinction, but in more recent times [[Light Is Not Good]] and [[Dark Is Not Evil]] are in full force.
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* [[Mutually Exclusive Magic]]: ...but most can't. Also, you can't have both divine and arcane magic no matter what.
* [[Nature Spirit]]: They are called Driads: the spirit of a specific place or concept, which might be natural (forests, rivers, rain) or artificial (a bridge, a road, a castle). They have firm rules that prevent them from acting on their own unless called (which is something the Druid class specializes in).
* [[Omnicidal Maniac]] / [[EndoftheThe End of the World Asas We Know It]]: Demons' modus operandi and final objective, respectively.
* [[Our Demons Are Different]]: Demons are quite literally non-existance made manifest, whose final objective is the total destruction of everything that exists, including time, space and the universe itself. They are ruled by the Triad, the three godlike Demon Lords of Abyss, Ecstasy and Nightmare.
* [[Our Dragons Are Different]]: Well... there really aren't any around. Stuff of legends and so on. The dragon motif is however used heavily by the church of Itzamna.
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