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== Uses In Fiction: ==
=== [[Film]] ===
* The acting career of the main character in ''[[Hamlet 2]]'' is mostly limited to performing these roles in commercials.
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** One episode featured a series of ads for products combining mayo and mustard in a single jar, like Hellman's [http://www.hellmanns.us/products/dijonnaise_mustard.aspx Dijonnaise]. In the end, a guy is shown missing out on the important moments in his life because the process of spreading mustard then mayonnaise was simply too time consuming.
** An episode features Janeane Garofalo as a woman who simply can't organize the bags in her kitchen, shouting, "Help me!" at the camera. The solution is "bag hutch," a box to put bags in. The writers had to change the name of the product because "bag box" was already the name of a product that did the exact same thing.
* [[Picnic Face]] featured a segment called "Infomercial Plus" - an infomercial actor agency that offers people [[Too Incompetent to Operate a Blanket]] in real life to make your infomercial even better! Highlights included a literal blanket-operating failure, a man unable to comprehend fruit and another utterly incapable of cracking eggs.
* ''[[The Daily Show]]'' featured a segment on New Jersey planning to switch to self-service petrol stations by allowing its citizens to fill their own cars (up until that point having a station attendant do it for you was state-mandated). Ed Helms, in a move satirizing the interviewed labour union leader [[Insane Troll Logic|making some unfortunate statements as to why this switch was a bad thing]], attempted to fill his own petrol and ended up strangling himself with the hose.
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** This is actually stupid in a different way. Around the time that [[Modern Warfare]] was releases they added in the ability to install games onto the system which was extremely easy.
** There are, however, some customers who ''do'' use the service, as demonstrated by it actually continuing to be offered, although the odds are low that it's due to the incompetence featured by this trope.
** From a Geek Squad 'Sleeper Agent' (code name for former employees) who very much liked his job and still shops at Best Buy (college job), here's the scoop: Playstation firmware upgrades: Some people, remarkably, *don't* have broadband, or any, internet access, and such people will gladly pay $30 for such a service (some people even live in areas where only dial-up is available). As for the installations, it's quite simple: Some people actually ARE [[Too Incompetent to Operate a Blanket]], believe it or not.
*** Similarly, Best Buy's Geek Squad, or any electronic store that has a computer & electronic department, offers customers to do the most basic things like installing software, running virus checks, or just moving files from the hard drive to a flash drive for a pretty penny. Granted, there are people out there who really have no idea how computers work except the basics, but even then...
* There's a commercial for a set of kitchen containers in which you can use each container as a lid to hold more food. Of course, you have to show that you just DON'T HAVE ENOUGH ROOM in a regular flat-lid container. So they show a woman trying to put spaghetti into a normal container. She has, in complete knowledge that there is not enough room in the container, piled on about a quarter of the container's volume of spaghetti ON TOP of the completely full container, and then acts SURPRISED when it goes everywhere when she puts the flat lid on.
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* The ads for the "[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZsiOTVLKGI slob stopper]." It's apparently a bib for adults. The commercial opens with a smiling man in a parked car pouring coffee all over himself, while the voiceover says, "Has this ever happened to you?" The ad goes on the show him wearing the product, then doing it again, sitting in the same parked car, apparently ogling a passing runner. And he never stops smiling. If you have enough of a problem with drinking in a non-moving vehicle, you probably need more than a bib.
** If you're an adult and a ''cup'' is too complicated for you to use without a bib, then you shouldn't be allowed to go off unsupervised, much less drive a car.
** [[The Smoking Gun Presents: World's Dumbest]] showcases ''another'' driving bib called The Drib, in which the guy is apparently too incompetent to eat period. First, without the Drib, he tries to jam the hotdog into his mouth and fails, pretty much looking like an idiot. With the Drib, he's even worse, flipping it vertical and hitting his Drib-covered chest with the hotdog. There's [[Too Incompetent to Operate a Blanket]], and then there's lacking the basic hand-eye coordination of a ''newborn child''.
* The [[Billy Mays]] ad for the Jupiter Jack shows a lady struggling to talk on the phone while driving. She struggles to hold it up to her ear with the shoulder, and drops it so hard that slides all the way across the car.
** Yet another example of someone who shouldn't be driving, period.


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