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Techno Babble: Difference between revisions

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'''Aoba:''' Destrudo reaction in old area! Pattern sepia!
'''Hyuga:''' A change is confirmed on the core pulse too! + 0.3 confirmed!
'''Ritsuko:''' [[Status Quo Is God|Maintenance of the status quo is top priority]], prevent backflow!<br />
'''Maya:''' + 0.5... 0.8... It's odd, I can't stop it! }}
** Fuyutsuki and Gendo Ikari were experts in "metaphysical biology" (You got philosophy in my science! You got science in my philosophy!) before going military. In other words, the Eva universe had a field of science devoted to things like the Angels even ''before'' the Second Impact.
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* The writers at ''[[Orion's Arm]]'' put a lot of work into producing plausible technobabble, the effect of this is that determining what parts they made up is pretty hard.
* ''[[Sailor Moon Abridged]]'', episode 31:
{{quote|'''[[The Unfavorite|Amy]]''': These readings are all weird, because we seem to be stuck in the time-space Nerf Gun continuum, and the only way out is if we make a pyramid out of-<br />
'''Artemis''': I think this bitch is just making shit up now.<br />
'''Amy:''': You guys never listen to me anyway! }}
* ''[[Sci Fi Debris]]'' repeatedly calls these out in his ''[[Star Trek]]'' reviews. He goes one step further in his review of the ''[[Voyager]]'' episode "Prototype", where he explains the method by which Technobabble is created: take two unrelated, scientific-sounding terms, and stick them together. He proceeds to demonstrate it by creating some examples, with captions giving a possible explanation of what the complete term would mean, including:
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'''Zap Brannigan:''' Spare me your space-age techno-babble, Attila the Hun! }}
** Really, they use (and [[Parody]]) this all the time, in a variety of different ways.
{{quote|'''[[The Professor|Professor Farnsworth]]:''' [[As You Know|I'm sure I don't need to explain]] that all dark matter in the universe is linked in the form of a single non-local meta-particle.<br />
'''[[Genius Ditz|Amy]]:''' ''[[Future Slang|Guh]]!'' Stop patronizing us. }}
* ''[[Code Lyoko]]'' is also chock full of it. Suffice to say it's never a good idea to let Jérémie explain how his newest program works. Or let Aelita answer questions about simple mathematic concepts.
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