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*** There's also the Nemesis Continuum. It's the [[Mad Scientist|scientific]] [[Cosmic Horror]] to the Prince's [[Mad Artist|perversion of the humanities]]. It's an altered set of the laws of physics. Bits of the material world it contaminates are [[Reality Is Out to Lunch|twisted]]; what if anything green was suddenly boiling hot, and the speed of light was slower than the speed of sound? [[It Got Worse|It gets worse.]] The Nemesis Continuum is summoned by intelligent scientists "accidentally" (the book says that most proofs are found through indirect interference by [[Eldritch Abomination|acamoth]]) finding a proof for it, which then becomes true. And they become obsessed with finding more proofs. The best part? The Nemesis Continuum is apparently [[Hyperspace Is a Scary Place|the physical laws of the Abyss itself]], so to fight it on its own level, ''you probably need to infect yourself with them''. By the way, [[The Virus|it's also easier for a scientist to explain and thus prove a proof once he understands it...]]
** The [[Sourcebook]] ''Summoners'' includes some other examples, such as the chthonians of the Underworld (known as the "neverborn" since they exist in the realm of the dead, but cannot be reliably said to have ever been alive) and certain Supernal beings. Said Supernal beings include the [[God in Human Form|Ochema]], avatars of the [[Big Bad|Exarchs]] in ''Seers Of The Throne''. [[Humanoid Abomination|Sure, they look]] [[Pride|(and act)]] [[Humanoid Abomination|like people]], [[Starfish Aliens|but look at them with Mage Sight]]... Unlike many examples, this is actually because they're ''less'' corrupted than everything else: [[Crapsack World|The Fallen World]] simply [[Divide by Zero|can't handle]] [[Heaven|Supernal]] beings like them... Although they stay significantly longer than and don't cause unintentional damage like Abyssal creatures, since they're ''supposed'' to be a part of the natural order of reality.
** In addition to mentioning the above Chthonians, ''[[Geist: The Sin Eaters]]'' features Kerberoi -- wholly alien in mindset, bizarre in appearance, and nearly unstoppable, they exist solely to enforce the Old Laws of the Dead Domains. Geists can also border on this -- they're universally completely or near-completely alien in mindset, and varying degrees of bizarre in appearance.<br /><br />The supplement ''Book of the Dead'' introduces the Leviathan, the Kerberos of the Ocean of Fragments, who pretty well embodies this trope. It's an [[Giant Swimmer|impossibly vast sea creature]] of some sort -- it's assumed to be a [[Everything's Squishier with Cephalopods|cephalopod]], but that's just because it has tentacles; it's too big for anyone to ever see enough of it to make out its true form. ''Every'' human in the world has had nightmares of it lurking beneath them in an endless ocean, even if they've forgotten them. It cannot be killed or placated, any more than the tide or any other force of nature, and stats are provided solely for the purposes of escaping it or inconveniencing it enough to drive it off temporarily. Fortunately, it's rarely seen -- to the point that most people think the Dead Dominion's only other notable inhabitant, the Admiral, is actually its Kerberos.
:The supplement ''Book of the Dead'' introduces the Leviathan, the Kerberos of the Ocean of Fragments, who pretty well embodies this trope. It's an [[Giant Swimmer|impossibly vast sea creature]] of some sort -- it's assumed to be a [[Everything's Squishier with Cephalopods|cephalopod]], but that's just because it has tentacles; it's too big for anyone to ever see enough of it to make out its true form. ''Every'' human in the world has had nightmares of it lurking beneath them in an endless ocean, even if they've forgotten them. It cannot be killed or placated, any more than the tide or any other force of nature, and stats are provided solely for the purposes of escaping it or inconveniencing it enough to drive it off temporarily. Fortunately, it's rarely seen -- to the point that most people think the Dead Dominion's only other notable inhabitant, the Admiral, is actually its Kerberos.
** The [[Fair Folk|True Fae]] of ''[[Changeling: The Lost]]'' deserve a mention. Now, they're more recognizable than their stablemates above, capable of great [[Pride]], vanity and twisted creativity, but they are ultimately alien, incredibly powerful and terrifying beings with [[Evil Cannot Comprehend Good|no concept of empathy, kindness or selflessness]], capable of rending souls and striking pacts with aspects of reality itself, and within their [[Reality Is Out to Lunch|home dimension]] they are capable of [[Reality Warper|just about anything]], and can twist their kidnapped human subjects to meet their needs. That they happen to have inspired [[Fairy Tales]] perhaps only makes them ''more'' frightening. And do you wanna know how they're born? {{spoiler|[[And Then John Was a Zombie|No. No, you don't.]]}}
** The sourcebook ''Second Sight'' has a pretty good chapter on building your own abomination, a [[Misanthrope Supreme]] or [[Fallen Hero]] to serve as their high priest, and a cult to worship them. The creation example is a being of dissonant sound. (Although one suggested weakness for this being -- music of unity -- seemed uncannily reminiscent of ''[[Ghostbusters]] 2''.)
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*** To up the fun, PDF supplement ''The Broken-Winged Crane'' gives the Green Sun Princes another path to transcendence, the Heresy charms. Instead of turning yourself into a world, you gain the ability to create worlds within yourself.
*** Did we also mention that once the Exaltation shard becomes redundant, it is released to be implanted in another Infernal...?
* The Greater Titans of ''[[Scion]]'' are beyond mortal ken. They're beyond ''divine'' ken. They are so divorced from reality [[Logic Bomb|(despite being incarations of its primal concepts)]] that they had to divide their power among Avatars just to have a clue what they were doing. Each one is its own internal world.<br /><br />Worst of the lot, though, is Hundun, the Titan of Chaos. It alone of the Titans couldn't be bound, for doing so requires definition - and Hundun ''cannot be defined''. An easy way to enter Hundan is to have a God become the Void, the living embodiment of all things chaotic... and then jump in.
:Worst of the lot, though, is Hundun, the Titan of Chaos. It alone of the Titans couldn't be bound, for doing so requires definition - and Hundun ''cannot be defined''. An easy way to enter Hundan is to have a God become the Void, the living embodiment of all things chaotic... and then jump in.
* In the [[Tabletop Game]] ''[[Monsters and Other Childish Things]]'', one of the types of monsters used in its dark and twisted take on [[Mons]] are Eldritch Abominations. The non-statted sample monster Dewdrop is an Eldritch Abomination take on a unicorn, while one of the statted sample monsters is a Lovecraftian monstrosity merged with a teddy bear named [[Shout-Out|Yog-So`Soft]]. Both these and the more "normal" monsters tend to cause bouts of panic and madness in people who see them as well, further adding to it. There are also a few non-[[Mon]] antagonists that are also abominations.
* In ''[[The Whispering Vault]]'', the player characters are all minor Eldritch Abominations who act as a "police force" that apprehends and retrieves other abominations who have illicitly made their way to Earth. {{spoiler|Reality is also literally [[All Just a Dream]] cooked up by those abominations who haven't gone rogue.}}
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** For those who don't play MtG, a brief explanation: The deck, generally consisting of 60 cards, represents the player's spell reserve and memory remaining. So, effectively, everytime the Nemesis of Reason even ''looks'' at you funny, you ''lose one sixth of your mind''. No questions. And Marit Lage? She is 20 times as strong and resistant as one of the heroes who defeated the ''Empress of Fae'' in one of the more recent sets, gameplay wise.
*** To clarify further: The player's role is that of a Planeswalker, one of the most powerful kinds of beings in existence. The starting life total is sufficient to survive multiple attacks from [[Kraken and Leviathan|Leviathans, Kraken]] or [[Instant Awesome, Just Add Dragons|Ancient Dragons]]. Marit Lage will kill you in ''[[One-Hit Kill|one hit]]''.
*** The fluff for the ''Zendikar'' block strongly hints at the existence of an ''entire race'' of Cosmic Horrors called the Eldrazi, all of which got locked away inside planets by a coalition of aforementioned planeswalkers. The name of the final set in that block? [[Oh Crap|Rise of the Eldrazi]].<br />The (comparatively) good news is that this is probably localized for now to Zendikar, and (hopefully) will be stilled there by Jace and/or Chandra. Still, there's something very unsettling about them. In M:tG, everything except lands and artifacts have at least one out of the five colors of mana associated with them; those mana colors define what aspects of reality they are most attuned to. Lands, meanwhile, almost always supply mana, and when colorless mana is supplied, that usually means mana too raw to have a particular slant; think of "colorless" as actually meaning "no particular attunement to a specific aspect of existence". The Eldrazi in question? ''They don't '''have''' a color.'' And no, they're not artifacts (the only type of colorless spell card until then). They're alien to ''the structure of the known multiverse''. And if that Annihilator keyword is anything to go by, wherever they go, a bit of the multiverse there gets destroyed. And to think that they were once worshipped as the main gods of Zendikar...
**** Now that the whole set has been revealed and released, there are THREE Mythic Rare Legendary Eldrazi: Kozilek, Emrakul and Ulamog. These can't be killed permanently unless you exile them since as soon as they hit your graveyard from anywhere, you shuffle your entire graveyard into your deck. There are six more non-Legendary Eldrazi, the smallest of which is a 7/7 and is COMMON. Of these six, 2 are common, 2 are uncommon, and 2 are rare. All of them have the Annihilator ability. Plus there are several cards that create Eldrazi Spawn (small creatures that can be sacrificed for mana to help cast the big guys). And there are four non-creature colorless Eldrazi spells with considerable power. Notably, the mythic rare ''All is Dust'' [[Kill'Em All|destroys everything that has a color]] and the rare ''Eldrazi Conscription'' [[One-Winged Angel|turns any creature into an extremely powerful Eldrazi]].
** Of course, there was the original [http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=2093 Cosmic Horror] if you go WAAAAAY back to the ''Legends'' expansion. The art says it all.
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